Posted In: comic
A lot of you had questions about the Princess. She hasn’t been mentioned much in the comic. Urano told her story we back in season 2, and we’ve seen her ghost twice before. She appeared to Jenny in season 7 and Marah (in a dream) in season 8. I’ve written much more about her in the Yeld TTRPG. If you’re interested you can read this short story about the Princess on my Patreon.
So no magical healing after all, huh. Marah’s pretty impressive to have survived that.
I am pretty sure she didn’t. If I remember right, it might not be healing magic, but it is “don’t die” magic.
Loving the new artwork
My old coach would tell me to walk it off
Dayum, Marah, way to pull off the impossible!
I’m thinking there was a little bit of magical healing. She was carried off by a valkyrie, after all. Wouldn’t be a stretch to say she was revived after being stitched back together, likely the only thing that was holding her torso together after the Prince’s attack was her spine.
That could be the case. We’ll see.
It’s Saturday at 1700 and you’re not at your panel at Orycon. Tsk tsk!
OK, is she actually awake this time? Or still dreaming?
She’s awake this time.