maybe its meant to be that modest has to find it within herself to be or not to be the ruler.
we do know that she did a little mind walk as part of this where we found the echo of the prince inside her mind.
the princess could be “adult” modest in her mind perhaps. and the child modest has to come to terms with the seriousness of her place in yeld from that part of her mind.
Did the “princesse” is an entity that us un modeste . Or did the Big snake mean modeste by princesse . AND WHAT WAS DHAT GHOST ?! I don’t recognize who is the Ghost.
It’s “niece.”
I love that first panel, it’s like something from dark souls or Zelda.
But Modest is the princess!
And the way things have been going for her, Yeld sort of revolves around her as it is, which is almost as good as ruling it.
maybe its meant to be that modest has to find it within herself to be or not to be the ruler.
we do know that she did a little mind walk as part of this where we found the echo of the prince inside her mind.
the princess could be “adult” modest in her mind perhaps. and the child modest has to come to terms with the seriousness of her place in yeld from that part of her mind.
Modest is the prince.
Maybe that’s the ghost of the original princess. From before the vampires.
It is in fact the ghost of the original princess.
Did the “princesse” is an entity that us un modeste . Or did the Big snake mean modeste by princesse . AND WHAT WAS DHAT GHOST ?! I don’t recognize who is the Ghost.
For those who don’t remember the tale of the princess, here’s the link to the page about her.
The next page mentions that she passed away as she lived a long time ago, so this is her ghost that we’re seeing.
In the tale , the princess is sealed , not Killed ! So that’s not a Ghost , but it Can ne the princess .
Well, Urano at least believed that the Princess was dead. But he didn’t go into any details, and he might be wrong.