Now that is a cute pair of horns. She could just go home and then have them cropped off (along with a little teeth-filing, of course), but if she lets them grow right in, they’ll probably cover and protect her ears (always handy). And Marah, if you hear anyone talking crap about ram horns looking “weird,” “unsuitable” or “unfeminine” on a girl, just ignore them. There are plenty who would disagree. However I would advise you not to try using them in anger until you’re sure your spine and neck muscles are able to support it, and don’t rely on them for defence either. Also, delivering a combat-effective butt (or gore) attack usually takes practice, especially if you’ve never had horns before. Meanwhile, with reference to the recent Halloween Jam over at Doodling Around I’m imagining Chiqui reading this page and muttering “She’s had another design change?! Now they’re just rubbing it in!”. >:=)>
And on the subject of defence, I wonder if Marah’s armour will self-repair, given time?
Um, Marah, those can be explained as being implants. (check on Wikipedia for ‘horn implants’, never underestimate the weirdness of real life) And I imagine there are surgical methods of removing said implants, as well. You’re not a lost cause.
While some argued the previous teeth and small changes are made by the passed on power of the oathbreaker, the horns are new. Unless male oathbreakers are different then female ones in appereance…
Im guessing that maybe ones emotions got something to do with the changes in the world.
and so marags truth is reveaed to jake, much to hia shock and likely heartattack.
i can only imagine how things will continue now, and , it ,will, be, glorious!
Yeah, that’s especially weird since we haven’t seen any other outsiders change as quickly as Marah. I’d say maybe some people are just more vulnerable to Yeld’s(or Dragul’s) influence, but I feel like there’s more to it. I can’t see Urano having done something to bring this on without her consent.
I think it’s more likely experience-based than time-based. Jake’s been there for a good while, too, and nothing’s changed about him. But he was stuck in a jail cell for most of that time, so he had nothing to do.
Marah’s been all over the place doing stuff preparing for this, so I suspect that’s why she’s been so heavily affected.
Don’t know about you, but it seems like the Prince knew Marah had changed… Maybe it’s just the way he’s drawn with his back to her and the sword lowered, but it almost feels as though his whole duel thing was some convoluted way to show to Jake and Modest that Marah was changing…
Jake didn’t change because he is an adult. This is all based on Jake’s table top game, yeld usually doesn’t get adults (who are not from yeld). On top of this, Marah became a part of yeld when she took on the mantle of the oathbreaker – where Jake has not done that.
The SHEAR volume of puns you are RAMMING down our throat is bEWEtiful!
We better HOOF it tho, I don’t think we’ll be able to pull the WOOL over Jake’s eyes.
I must admit, I thought her transformation was only played as a joke, with only the teeth. I didn’t expect it would become so important. Quite the plot twist there, well done.
fanged ram?! na, i like the idea of female satyr better….btw, why the heck is jake not changing? is he imune to yeld or what? then again, after this, who knows what he´s hiding under that shirt….oh, and they should so take charles for a short trip to the other side of the toilet, i bet his arm would regrow in no time!….though maybe as a tentacle
Is there a technical reason as to why Marah transformed faster than Jake?
Or is it something as simply as the content of Marah’s heart was darker than Jake’s?
There’s a reason. Since we won’t go into in the story, the short of it is that Marah has been running around Yeld doing stuff, exposing herself to Yeld and slowly being changed. The changes happen at different rates for different people, but doing stuff like becoming a pirate or searching out dragon spears accelerates it. Jake has been stuck in a castle not doing anything, but eventually he’d change as well. The boy who became the chainsaw unicorn changed after several years. So it works differently for different people.
I’m kind of confused why she is showing so many changes and Jake isn’t despite him having been there longer. Is it because she has been messing around with magic artifacts and such?
Most can go home now.
The new heir has arrived.
well. That changes the dynamic.
Oh snap!
Didn’t see that coming.
Meanwhile codpiece-man is patiently standing their while they carry on with their conversation.
She came to this world with that hat…when did the horns develop?
did the fangs come before or after the horns? Horns would have been after the teeth :3
Yeah, the horns are recent.
Dang, man. That hat is some sort of magic. It hid those horns REALLY well.
It’s a Hat of Holding.
Unexpected horns are unexpected.
“Tell Charles I was the one who ate his last Hostess Fruit Pie!”
now I wonder whats under [double d or] Edd’s hat
Now that is a cute pair of horns. She could just go home and then have them cropped off (along with a little teeth-filing, of course), but if she lets them grow right in, they’ll probably cover and protect her ears (always handy). And Marah, if you hear anyone talking crap about ram horns looking “weird,” “unsuitable” or “unfeminine” on a girl, just ignore them. There are plenty who would disagree. However I would advise you not to try using them in anger until you’re sure your spine and neck muscles are able to support it, and don’t rely on them for defence either. Also, delivering a combat-effective butt (or gore) attack usually takes practice, especially if you’ve never had horns before. Meanwhile, with reference to the recent Halloween Jam over at Doodling Around I’m imagining Chiqui reading this page and muttering “She’s had another design change?! Now they’re just rubbing it in!”. >:=)>
And on the subject of defence, I wonder if Marah’s armour will self-repair, given time?
Being an anime freak, I can’t agree with ANYONE who says goat horns on girls is weird or unsuitable.
Has anyone even SEEN Fairy Tail? Aries is ADORABLE! Sheep girls are cute. Tis a fact (see: highly opinionated) of life.
Um, Marah, those can be explained as being implants. (check on Wikipedia for ‘horn implants’, never underestimate the weirdness of real life) And I imagine there are surgical methods of removing said implants, as well. You’re not a lost cause.
Not a vampire. She is becomming a female Satyr. That part was kinda unexpected.
I didn’t think there were female Satyr, rather the Satyr spent their time playing with Dryads?
Okay, I did not see that twist coming! When did she start growing ram’s horns?
While some argued the previous teeth and small changes are made by the passed on power of the oathbreaker, the horns are new. Unless male oathbreakers are different then female ones in appereance…
Im guessing that maybe ones emotions got something to do with the changes in the world.
How did she hide those horns under the hat…
Oop… Didn’t see that coming! Uh… Chainsaw Unicorn to the rescue?
Oh boy. that’s not good.
It’s either go home or use the toilets in Yeld and she already said she wasn’t going to do that.
I had a poop joke I really wanted to do about 7 strips ago, but now I’ll never have a chance.
Aww. You can tell us here if you want to get it out of your system (no joke intended *there*, honest).
I may.
Why do you do this Jake?
Whoa. Look on the bright side – that could be the next fashion trend.
and so marags truth is reveaed to jake, much to hia shock and likely heartattack.
i can only imagine how things will continue now, and , it ,will, be, glorious!
I hadn’t released she was in yeld that long
Yeah, that’s especially weird since we haven’t seen any other outsiders change as quickly as Marah. I’d say maybe some people are just more vulnerable to Yeld’s(or Dragul’s) influence, but I feel like there’s more to it. I can’t see Urano having done something to bring this on without her consent.
I think it’s more likely experience-based than time-based. Jake’s been there for a good while, too, and nothing’s changed about him. But he was stuck in a jail cell for most of that time, so he had nothing to do.
Marah’s been all over the place doing stuff preparing for this, so I suspect that’s why she’s been so heavily affected.
Don’t know about you, but it seems like the Prince knew Marah had changed… Maybe it’s just the way he’s drawn with his back to her and the sword lowered, but it almost feels as though his whole duel thing was some convoluted way to show to Jake and Modest that Marah was changing…
Jake didn’t change because he is an adult. This is all based on Jake’s table top game, yeld usually doesn’t get adults (who are not from yeld). On top of this, Marah became a part of yeld when she took on the mantle of the oathbreaker – where Jake has not done that.
That’s actually totally true.
Badass. Pure badass-ism. And those horns look pretty awesome as well.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit well I kinda expected something like that but not that advanced.
So not vampire…daemon or dragon maybe?
Wow… looks like Dragul has really gotten Marah’s goat. I have a feeling this will end baaaaah-dly.
I don’t know why she hid her horns this whole time… I guess she was feeling bashful.
…okay, I’m done.
Marry me.
The SHEAR volume of puns you are RAMMING down our throat is bEWEtiful!
We better HOOF it tho, I don’t think we’ll be able to pull the WOOL over Jake’s eyes.
You guys.
i wonder how satyr-ical dragul is going to be in the next few chapters.
(sorry couldnt help myself, i had to)
I must admit, I thought her transformation was only played as a joke, with only the teeth. I didn’t expect it would become so important. Quite the plot twist there, well done.
Whooaahhhhh. O_O
Noooo, marah!!!
Bah! kids these days, with their vampire fangs and goat horns… back in my day we respected our elders! NOW GIT OFFA MAH LAWN!
Haha. Nice! 🙂
Marah Richmond the first Qunari
and dem horns had me like DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!
Oh shit, She has horns!!! O.O
…But I thought she was turning into a vampire? :/
Go home, Marah. If you can’t take it, come back.
Marah, this is not what they mean when they say, “You can never go home again.”
It is a bit of a shock, though.
I wonder how real Marah feels about this attention from comic-strip Marah?
Dramatic reveal.
*hums Majora’s Mask theme*
fanged ram?! na, i like the idea of female satyr better….btw, why the heck is jake not changing? is he imune to yeld or what? then again, after this, who knows what he´s hiding under that shirt….oh, and they should so take charles for a short trip to the other side of the toilet, i bet his arm would regrow in no time!….though maybe as a tentacle
Miss … Miss Megido? Is that you?
Jake…are you M. Night Shyamalan?
Jake Richmond is an anagram for Shyamalan.
Wait, so is Mara a “she”? Thought that wasn’t clarified but everyone’s saying so..
Marah is a she. She was introduced as Jake’s niece back in season 1. Marah is also a girls name.
Cartoon Jake’s turning into a bitchy mermaid, isn’t he?
Is there a technical reason as to why Marah transformed faster than Jake?
Or is it something as simply as the content of Marah’s heart was darker than Jake’s?
There’s a reason. Since we won’t go into in the story, the short of it is that Marah has been running around Yeld doing stuff, exposing herself to Yeld and slowly being changed. The changes happen at different rates for different people, but doing stuff like becoming a pirate or searching out dragon spears accelerates it. Jake has been stuck in a castle not doing anything, but eventually he’d change as well. The boy who became the chainsaw unicorn changed after several years. So it works differently for different people.
Waitaminnit … in one flashback the Knight of Chains reverted to his humanoid form upon returning to Earth. Shouldn’t Marah be able to revert?
But wait, no, the NEXT time he went back he didn’t change back. You can only come back … once.
Dunh dunh dunh.
I’m kind of confused why she is showing so many changes and Jake isn’t despite him having been there longer. Is it because she has been messing around with magic artifacts and such?
A satyr normally doesn’t have fangs. So what fantasy creature could have horns like that as well as fangs?
The answer: a dragon.
She can’t go home, huh? But a medusa can? The horns are not the only thing influencing this.
Im still imagining a twist ending. Like in the next strip its discovered that the price has a bleeding splinter in his left ass cheek.