
Hi everyone. I collapsed from a pulmonary embolism on Saturday afternoon. In the street. I very likely would have died except that a neighbor found me and my friends were able to help me and call an ambulance in time. I’m recovering in the hospital, and will probably be here for the rest of the week. Once I’m home it’ll probably be a few days before I’ll be able to do any real work, so unfortunately Modest Medusa will be on hiatus for the next week or so. This is absolutely the worst time for a break, both because I know you’re all waiting for the next chapter and because we’re so close to wrapping this story line up.

I originally thought Season 3 would be finished early this year, but it kept stretching on and on. At this point I’ve been working on Season 3 longer than I worked on Seasons 1 and 2. All year it’s seemed like I was so close to finishing the story, so to have this happen right at the end if frustrating.

Anyway, once I’m home I’ll be posting some updates and guest strips. So you’ll have some cool stuff to look at. Hopefully Β we’ll be back in time for Christmas.

Jaymz did this drawing the day before I collapsed because I said I was feeling sick. She offered to take me to the hospital too.I should have listened.

– Jake