Still in the hospital, and probably will be for another day or so. I’m doing better and feel pretty good. Guys, I really, really appreciate all the comments, all the support, all the offers of help. Really. I don’t know what to say. Thank you all so much.
Okay, so I was looking around for something to post today. I have a lot of great guest strips that I was saving for after the end of the season, but I found something in my Dropbox and decided to share it. This is a superhero comic I did earlier this year. This isn’t the finished version, I want to go back and re-draw some panels and fix some lettering and dialog, but I hope you dig it.
Oooo, I like ghost kiss, super hero web comics have an interesting difference from big name printed comics. have you read spinnerete? if not it might be a great read while you recover. best of luck to you and get well soon.
Yeah, I’m a big Spinnerete fan!
More please.
Awesome comic, and great that you’re felling better.
Has a Pulmonary Embolism and nearly dies.
Still manages consistent posting.
Jake Richmond =Ultimate Badass.
I am glad you are doing better. Stay better, please.
I also enjoyed Ghost Kiss. It amuses me.
Stay tough.
DUDE. Get better soon. Modest Medusa is totally lovable, and this Ghost Kiss is something I need more of!!
That… is actually a really interesting comic. You take a person with only two real powers, have her be realistic (working out, being responsible with her powers to protect others), and even though that giant robot could have crushed her into Mya soup, she still jumps into battle, anyway, when she’s needed.
I think this would be a good “full time” comic, if you ever had the mind to do so. And if the “pilot” issue is anything to go on, you might have managed to make a unique hero that people would like.
But only think about making another comic, AFTER you recover.
I hope to do more Ghost Kiss next year. We’ll see.
I’ll look forward to it, then!
This is an amazing comic!
Cool, I really like it!
That was awesome! 😀
*Sigh.* Makes me want to start writing the idea I have for a comic book.
I’m not an artist, so I’ll never be able to pen it out, but I think it would have its charm.
If I could ever find an artist who has no story… Yeah. I seriously doubt that person exists.
Ditto. I’ve had dozens of ideas, and they’re all just stagnating in my brain.
D: I didn’t manage to catch that message on monday!
Get well soon Jake!
I have to concur with everyone else – Thanks for Ghost Kiss! I too love MM, but I’d really like to see some more of this too – Hope everything is going better with your health and you’re out by next week! Staying in hospitals sucks 😛
Ha, I like it! =)
Maybe sometime you should continue the story.
I’ll have another filler done soon!
Get better, Jake, before I have to Curaga you or something.
And while we all relax and wait for our favorite medusa-toting parental figure, …. any Nintendo fans wanna fangasm with me about Super Smash Bros. 4’s newest character addition? My personal favorite Mario-verse character and God-like allegory: Rosalina! 😀 She’s so damn adorable! *squees so hard and embarressingly he’s taken away*
Ghost Kiss is awesome!
Hey! This was really great. I love Medusa, but I’d love to see more of this, too! Glad you’re on the mend.
Great superhero comic!
This would be an interesting comic. I like the idea for her superpower.
I really enjoy your story telling – MM and now this one 🙂 If it doesn’t take too much out of you to do two comics I would *LOVE* to see more on GK 🙂 Thank you for sharing!!! 🙂
I’m gonna share Ghost Kiss with some folks who would love it.
Very entertaining.
Hang in there buddy! Don’t rush to get back (although you did totally leave us in the middle of a pretty epic moment….jerk. 🙂 )
All the best man, I hope everything’s okay!
Glad you’re still with us, Jake!
And this is a VERY cool comic. And dare I say I see a little love for Mat Howarth in the style here. For influences, you could so a lot worse. Love Matt, esp the Post Bros. If I am off base and you don’t know his work, give a search, probably make you smile.
Carry on!
I didn’t think Mat Howarth sounded familiar, but Bugtown! Of course!
Not bad, but I’d rather you stuck with Modest Medusa until it reaches its end.
On the other hand, what do I know? Try both when you’re up to it…
Ghost Kiss was meant to just be a one off project for a friend’s anthology. I may do more, but not at the expense of Modest Medusa.
Has she *tried* neuralyzing a robot, especially one with lips?
Good speed to you in your recovery. Don’t rush to produce more of her yet, though she is really cute… yet I still don’t grasp how she’d get loverboy all the way to bed without any kissing. (Mebbe I don’ wanna know.)
Lips, tongue, facial expressions.
Are we really sure it’s a robot, or was the robot sick, and a giant had to stand-in for it?
Bad day to be a substitute robot, if you ask me.
This is more than filler. Filler is page of something that’s usually simple and ultimately irrelevant. This isn’t filler, this is awesome.
Wow, this looks like it would be fun to read. If MM has an expiration date, you should totally persue making a webcomic out of Ghost Kiss. Or even if MM doesn’t have an expiration date. But you should definitely wait until you’re better.
I loved it.
Cool. You planning on making this permanently?
No, but you will see more of it this coming year.
Ghost kiss was good loved story.
Fridge horror: The probability of a young girl, growing up and just having come into her powers kissing or sharing a glass with every single person she’s ever been emotionally intimate with (that’s all family and friends) is near 100%.
At age 14 she was completely forgotten and perhaps violently rejected by everyone she had ever known. Laser-guided amnesia which focused entirely on her. Somehow she’s only a superhero (a form of insanity) instead of a drug-addicted sociopath (a form of greater insanity).
Or am I overthinking this?
That sounds about right.
What a lonely, lonely existence. I feel for her so much.
I came up with a concept like this recently. A man who is so unnoticeable that he’s almost invisible. It’s like being Clark Kent all the time, but times a hundred. He’s so unnoticeable and so forgettable that even death has forgotten about him. His powers also work on himself, so he doesn’t even know what he looks like.