Now I’m wondering if “Clam Jam” is like… the filthiest strip joint I can barely imagine… in a world with a lot of talking animals and demi-humans.
…Nope. My brain is fleeing from the concept with its hands over its ears going “LALALALALAcan’thearyou!”
(I’d make a terrible Furry).
My writing process is usually pretty loose, but this season I ended up writing most of the comic in advance. But in some cases what I wrote is just a description of what happens. For example:
strip 98: Marah returns to find teh Pirates waiting for her.
That was it. Except in the margin I wrote (in pencil) “Clam Jam”. IDK what that was in reference too. No idea at all.
So when I was fleshing out the strip and trying to figure out a gag I decided that Clam Jam was a bar or club or something that Carlos likes to go to. A Deepfolk strip club? Maybe. we wont dwell on it.
Well, between “Gonna buy you drink if we go to Clam Jam” and “We ain’t never goin’ back ta Clam Jam”… Respect for keeping the promise and breaking it in the same time, clever Scarlos.
Not bad for someone who’s profession is to murder steal and kidnap, eh?
Oooh Captain giving Marah the sigh aye.
I’ll show myself out.
dang it, that was genius.
I might steal that
I wish to go to Clam Jam
Captain: Decided to give ya four hours, Marah, but was hopin’ ya wouldn’t come back. No offense.
Marah: None taken.
She truly inspires a lot of loyalty in her friends, doesn’t she? That was a pretty open-ended request.
Now I’m wondering if “Clam Jam” is like… the filthiest strip joint I can barely imagine… in a world with a lot of talking animals and demi-humans.
…Nope. My brain is fleeing from the concept with its hands over its ears going “LALALALALAcan’thearyou!”
(I’d make a terrible Furry).
My writing process is usually pretty loose, but this season I ended up writing most of the comic in advance. But in some cases what I wrote is just a description of what happens. For example:
strip 98: Marah returns to find teh Pirates waiting for her.
That was it. Except in the margin I wrote (in pencil) “Clam Jam”. IDK what that was in reference too. No idea at all.
So when I was fleshing out the strip and trying to figure out a gag I decided that Clam Jam was a bar or club or something that Carlos likes to go to. A Deepfolk strip club? Maybe. we wont dwell on it.
I’m just excited. Everything boils down into a squee that would not be out of place at a before-times convention
Well, between “Gonna buy you drink if we go to Clam Jam” and “We ain’t never goin’ back ta Clam Jam”… Respect for keeping the promise and breaking it in the same time, clever Scarlos.
“Well…there was that one thing we did that one time with that one guy.”
-The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything