Posted In: comic
– Computer problems and a weird sleep schedule kept me from getting this strip colored today. I’ll post a finished version later tonight or tomorrow, but I wanted to at least get a readable version up before the end of the day.
Wow, I really like fierce Jake in this.
Modest and Jen need to work on their stealth gaming skills.
When I try to come here from the Top Web Comics link I get a blank page but when I type in the URL it all works out.
Top Web Comics still has the old link, I guess. I should do something about that.
Fixed! Nothing perks up your ears like “Don’t let (your name) know!” lolz!
Uh oh! Even if she had some left, it’s not looking like her mermaid magic’s gonna help her any.
Saw the beginning of this comic in Bang! by the way.
Oh, cool! Welcome to the rest of the comic!
Wish you had an archives list of episodes with thumbnails, or the URLs were simply numbered. I want to revisit the strip that pertains to these guys and the mermaid
I need to sort out my archives. But fo rthe moment, here’s teh strips you’ll want to read…
This one (and the following 4 strips)
This one (and the following 10 strips)
There’s also some extra Mermaid stories in the Modest Medusa books that are turning out to be fairly important to the comic.
Thanks. Your art’s come a long way. Hope this is panning out for you in terms of prestige and money, because I’m sure it’s a lot of work. And, well, who wants to wash dishes at the Montage, right?
Thanks. I wish I could say I was doing great, but at least I’m doing okay. I’ve been very lucky and very fortunate to have such generous patrons, readers and fans. My Patreon is going a long way to pay my monthly bills and book sales (which can be sparse) help out a lot. I’d probably be making more money working at… pretty much anywhere, but I feel lucky to be able to do a job I actually care about.
Give her time. A year here and she’ll be complaining about the cold the next time it comes around.
Small problem your www redirect doesn’t work anymore
Can you explain that. I’m not sure what you mean.
Ah, that was why I couldn’t get to the site anymore.
@Jake the doesn’t work. but does
I wish I understood all of this better (or any of it at all). I made the change at the recommendation of my site host, but now I’m not sure what exactly is wrong or how to , make sure everyone can see the site.
Quick, give Jake the whole I’ve reformed and stopped smoking speech.
first rule of dont let jake see you is:
Y’know, Jake hasn’t really met Jen. While it’s a HUGE mistake to invite her over to stay, seeing as she attempted to kidnap Modest, attempted to kill Marah, and Modest (accidentally) killed Jen’s friend, Jake wouldn’t know any of that had happened.
Thats true. But Jake has met Jen and had a bad experience with her (which Modest doesn’t know about). It happened in the extra stories in the Season 1 book.
And if the internet has taught me anything, we must begin shipping Jake and the mermaid now.
is it just me or does Jake look bigger than usual?
Jake is really big. It’s easy to forget (or not know at all) since I often have to compress his size so he and Modest can both fit in a panel. Jake is about 6’2. Remember though, everyone else in this scene is pretty short.
No color yet? Bitchy Mermaid’s boobs should be in Technicolor®!
Isn’t that ® cool? I ♥ alt codes, though Linux is better when it comes to the range of keyboard-shortcut extended Latin ASCII characters you can conveniently enter.
Don’t get Windows 10, by the way. Cortana just isn’t worth it.
Staying away from Windows 10, at least for now.
Color is coming as soon as I can manage.
i see that