– Convention Season is coming! Looks like I’ll be at Chibi Chibi Con next month, Emerald City and Sakuracon in March and Stumptown (with Emma Capps!) in April!
– So back before the end of the year I read a review of Modest Medusa. The review was pretty fair, but the guy really didn’t like my art and described it as lazy. Sigh… sometimes I can be lazy, especially if I’m in a hurry. Then, about two weeks ago while I was at Newcon I met someone after my panel who Β told me that I had no business being on a webcomics panel because IΒ clearlyΒ didn’t know how to draw at all, and my comic was one ofΒ theΒ worst out there. That hurt. Finally, last week I discovered a webcomics review site that had some negative things to say about my comic. Some of them were really pretty valid, like criticsim about the poor site design and the number of adds (and I’m working with a friend to change both of those things).And again, they didn’t like the art.
I thought I’d really push myself on this story arc and do the best pages I can do. Which is why they’ve been taking longer than normal. I’m really happy with the way they’ve turned out and I hope you like them as well. I’m not fishing forΒ complimentsΒ here. Instead, my plan for this year is to bring my ” A game” to every Modest Medusa page.
– TotallyΒ unrelated… I have some original art that I’d like to sell. I’ve tried offering it at conventions, but i never really hadΒ theΒ table space. Anyway, I thought I might try posting a fewΒ illustrationsΒ on ebay with a $10 starting bid. Β I’ve never tried anything like that before. Am I wasting my time/ would any of you be interested in that?
– Also unrelated… next Monday I’ll be giving away some Modest Medusa shirts. I have 3 or 4 old shirts that have been hanging around forever, and if you’re willing to pay the shipping you can have one! I’ll be posting the details next Monday, so please remember to check it out!
That’s really weird about all the criticism. Modest Medusa has been one of the best webcomics I’ve read, with some of the most consistent art. I guess haters are going to hate, but it sure would be nice if the supporters would be louder.
I mean, what the hell is their idea of “good” webcomic art anyway? Probably ones with lots of nudity…grrrr, people.
Well… Everyone has different tastes. And some criticism was fair. My website looks awful and is hard to use. That’s totally fair. Sometimes my art can be lazy, especially when I’m in a hurry. And because I’m often in a hurry the writing and jokes aren’t always so good. I know that, and I’ve been trying hard to improve over the last year.
On the other hand, this one site (I won’t post a link, but it’s a pretty new site/wiki where people talk about bad webcomics) is all about hate and negativity. That’s actually the tagline for the site, “Improving our media, with hatred”. If that sentence gives you heartburn, I know how you feel. Their discussion of Modest Medusa had some fair points, but most of the other reviews I read on the site weren’t criticism at all, just… complaining. Mindless, petty complaining of the “I don’t like this, so it must be bad/stupid/gay/retarded” variety. Really awful, mean spirited stuff.
When it comes to haters I remember a haiku (ahem):
You can give me love
I won’t appreciate hate
Shut the f*ck up
It works in many circumstances.
Personally I think that the art has improved a lot since the beginning as I’ve been here since strip 4! And seriously the comic is free and their computer has a back button so yeah they don’t like it they don’t got to be here.
That’s great!
Criticism is good if it makes you reflect, but too much is not good! you have to have constructive criticism and positive support too.
I’ve seen the site, on a search for an unrelated webcomic, and the ‘reviewers’ were talking rubbish about another webcomic, completely missing the point of most of it – assumably saying bad things about it to look cool on a website about comics they dislike…
Surely, if you don’t like a webcomic, you just don’t read it – no one forces you, and if it’s a good one like here with MM, then you miss out but it’s your choice…
For now, keep improving – the day you feel you are the best and can improve no more, then thats the day to stop but true artists never get to that stage π
Thanks! The review on that site that really struck me was the Dresden Codak one, where the reviewer condemns the comic for being about… what it’s about. That was it. He didn’t like the subject matter. He wanted the comic to be a gag strip. It was a really frustrating review!
That seems to be the apex of their ability…’oh my god, your comic strip is so bad because it’s what it’s supposed to be about’…
I’d take more notice of them if I could see some successful comics from them…and I bet he also reviewed a comic that WAS a gag strip…probably complaining about how it had no storyline…!!
But anyway, cool work with Medusa, great fun!
Your writing and artwork are fantastic. You are the only strip I’ve ordered physical copies of to add to my library so far, so I think you are doing great.
Thanks Eric.
I agree!!!!!!!!!
Some people just have problems with both Americans drawing in a Japanese style and/or Japanese styled cartooning in general. So i wouldn’t take too much of it to heart.
Thanks. And yeah, that was exactly what the person at Newcon was on about.
They may politley go and suck a _ _ _ _. You can fill in the blanks. π Seriously though if that’s all thier problem is then they have no right to be a critic of art.
Personaly though this is one of the few comics I do follow. Your artwork stays clean the story is easy to follow and you update on a regular basis and I love that. π I personaly have no problem with the site, I’ve been on a few web comics that where…. well pretty darn bad. XD They were to simple to where you couldn’t find the arcives or you couldn’t comment and blah blah blah. XP
Anyway keep up the good work sir! *salutes* ^-^
Someone once told me my writing was junk food, and it was not meant as a compliment. The first review of my first book that Goodreads shows you–one of the few two-stars–says I obviously don’t have an editor (I do) and she should have known better than to buy an indie book. Thanks, Goodreads.
As Mike says, haters gonna hate. Anyone who’d tell you to your face you can’t draw has issues. Plus also? Not true. In strips where you’ve drawn real people, I’ve always seen who they are, for instance, without being told (since I know/have met many of those people IRL–may have even given birth to one of ’em). You rarely see that in comics.
Ganbatte, Jake-senpai.
Thanks. Criticism is criticism, but yeah… some people just wanna hate.
Um okay, I’ve always found your art, even on an off day, to be better than 99% of the stuff I see out there. So I have no idea what people are bitching about. And today’s page is off the hook.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Hey, no fair! She has the prototype of the Medusa plushie on her bed!
I can remember (yes, showing my age here) when Garfield first came out. Horrible artwork but funny stuff and evryone liked it. Now it’s been traded for better artwork and not as funny jokes.
Modest Medusa has better artwork than a lot of web comics out there and good plot. It’s not always funny, but it’s not always meant to be funny. My biggest complaint about MM so far is that you just cut from Charles crashing into a light pole to the current story arc with no closure.
Sorry about that. I’ll be coming back to Charles soon, but because there’s only 3 (or 2) strips a week it seems like it’s taking forever. Hopefuly this season will read really well once it’s done and it can be read all in one go.
Criticism or not, you definitely aren’t the WORST webcomic out there, I’m sure we’ve all seen worse…
My biggest criticisms of webcomics is the schedule, There are some webcomics that I’d love to see update more often, then again I’m not paying for the product so I’m content to wait for the good stuff. If it wasn’t good I wouldn’t wait (or be too frustrated…), and I wait for yours so…
Yours updates fairly frequently (even with the occasional slip) and the art and writing are evocative. That said, I’ve noticed that the art in the new (I guess prequel) arc seems to be improved.
I think most critics of webcomic art are looking for perfect realism. I’d much rather have a art style in a webcomic that evokes some of the main themes. This is a fantasy comic, in a simpler cell-shaded style, where it’s OK not to be 100% real.
I don’t think anyone criticises OOTS or Erfworld or SMBC as being “not a webcomic” because the “art sucks”. Sorry for pimping, but I like those comics too and some of them have a simpler art style than you do.
I’m glad you took their negative and made something good with it. I’m looking forward to see what’s happening back in the present (if it is the present and not the future or something)…
OOTS and SMBC are two of my favorites, and I have seen people criticize both for their art. I saw someone do the same for Dinosaur Comics once, and all I could think was “Dude, you’re missing the point”!
I always figured your art was good, but then again, my own drawing is so abysmal that it probably lowers my standards.
Still, if you want to focus on improving your art, and that is what you’re doing with this arc, and that’s making you update less often, it sounds like fewer update days would be in order, but then again this arc has been made of bigger comics than usual SO maybe not.
oh gourd a medusa doll
The delay is partially because of the bigger pages but also because I’m trying to draw the hell out of them.
I have to add my voice to those telling you to ignore the negatives.
Modest Medusa is great. The art is simple, effective and easy on the eye. It strikes an excellent balance between the exigencies of regular comic production and quality of artwork. Above all, it does the most important thing: it tells the story.
I like it as it is. I would prefer it stays the same, and I hope you will be able to carry on without looking over your shoulder at people who have different tastes or demand that you spend ridiculous amounts of time on each panel, to the detriment of updates and storytelling.
The only time to listen to harsh criticism is when the critic is someone you admire and respect *for their artwork* who you aspire to follow. Only then can you be certain that they speak out of knowledge and are capable of true criticism.
Self-appointed, non-productive critics are unreliable. They may have true critical faculty, but too many of them confuse taste with criticism: it isn’t to their taste, therefore they don’t like it, therefore it is “bad”. Also, they are capable of making inappropriate comparisons. For instance, you can’t compete with Airship Entertainment who have two full-time writers, a pencil artist, an inker and a colourist. If they fail you because you can’t match that quality of art then that is THEIR problem, not yours!
Finally: Haters will be Haters. I know that this is all too often used as an excuse by loudmouths, knee-jerk critics and, indeed, haters who have suffered a backlash, but in this instance I feel that it is valid: you can bend over backwards to satisfy them and never get any reward for it.
Stick to your game plan. By all means experiment with bonus art to see if you can produce a more polished product in reasonable time, but don’t be panicked into trying something that will bog you down or damage your storytelling.
Many thanks for Modest Medusa. I enjoy it for what it is!
Thanks! ” it isnβt to their taste, therefore they donβt like it, therefore it is βbadβ.” is something I see (we all see) so much. It can be really aggravating, even when it’s not directed toward your own work.
I’ve seen that wiki before, and it’s pretty much a troll. They love creators getting upset over it so they can pretend to be superior and stuff. Go figure.
Basically, there will always be a butthurt minority who will do their best to troll the hell out of anyone who does something on the internet, especially if it starts getting popular (and Modest Medusa managed to get a decent number of readers very quickly indeed). Ignore ’em, and just keep doing what you’re doing.
(Plus quite frankly, anyone criticising a fairly new webcomic for less-than-perfect art doesn’t know webcomics. Most ones that last more than a year or so have an art improvement as they go along. There’s exceptions obviously, but generally they do. And I actively follow about 50-70, with another hundred or so “blargh this is awful/stopped updating and went on “hiatus” in 2006/isn’t really my thing” ones as well… so I’ve got a decent sample to work with on that statement)
I tried to sign up for the site so I could answer some of the criticism about my site’s design, layout and adds. A lot of those complaints were valid and i wanted to say something about how I was aware of the problem and working on a new site design (or have a friend who is anyway). But the site required admin approval for sign up, and you had to write a description of why you wnated to join. I did, but so far I haven’t been approved to post.
I’ll add my voice to the pro-Jake chorus. I dig the comic and love the art style. And while I hope having people enjoy the comic helps you keep doing it, as long as YOU enjoy it you should keep doing it!
Thanks! that’s my plan!
You’ll never please everybody, and people are more likely to try to change something they dont like than praise something that seems to be ticking along nicely regardless. Case in point: this is the comic I most enjoy reading, but now is the first time I’ve made that known. I agree with CFsoftie about listening to criticism only where it’s constructive; if you heed the inevitable authorityless nay-sayers, you’re aiming to please an audience to whose tastes you’ll probably never conform anyway (you have to wonder where the benefit for either party is in calling someone’s work the worst of its kind).
Sorry to end on a technical question, but how do I get the Gravatar I just created to appear here??
Thanks. As for the Gracatar, I have no idea. Maybe someone else who has figured it out can tell us?
Seems it did it by itself π
OH! Well, never mind.
Same thing happened when I first got mine. Just gotta wait for their server to update the live index with the new data, for your Gravatar to work. Sometimes you get lucky and a push goes right after you create/change it – worst case, you JUST missed an update, for some reason the next update gets skipped, and you end up waiting a little bit.
With Gravatar, never worry unless you go a whole day and it doesn’t show up – then you might wanna email their support.
This is either going to end very sweet or very horrible.
… Father of Modest and the others, maybe?
I love your art!! This comic is in my top two currently publishing comics! Have an air hug and forget about the jerks.
I’ll take an air hug. Thanks.
Sorry to hear that, but once you start getting negative feedback, you know you’ve got something good. I know it sounds silly, but when are invisible to the hateful people, they don’t bother with you. So, this means you’re in the big time now! ^_^;; Sorry that it’s bumming you out tho. Some people can’t get through life without putting other people down, it just means they’re insecure in their own life. valid criticism is always nice, if it helps. but I think most people never learn to give valid criticism. Or they point out things you already know, like you said (it’s why I don’t usually ask for feedback on Peter Pan, I know and hate all my issues that I make there ^_^;;
Just take the info that’s useful, and ignore the people who can’t get a life and have to sit around complaining about how other people suck. The best way to deal with bullies is to ignore them.
Perhaps we should give a panel on how to give criticism. or post a blog entry ^_^ back in college, I had a LOT of practice, even correcting creative writing stories SO BAD that the only nice things I could say were “I’m glad that you used Times New Roman and had black letters on white paper”. I think it’d be a good lesson for the internet ^_^
Thanks. I was actually thinking about doing a short comic about offering criticism without being a jerk.
I follow a lot of webcomics and yours is amazing. Webcomics are not all about jokes, and I like comics with a storyline. The art is consistent and thats all that matters. After all Peanuts wouldn’t be the same if the characters were drawn differently, and neither would MM.
Thanks Laura!
I like you webcomic. I find interesting and funny. I like the art and as always you can improve, just dont lost the great feel that this comic has
Quite admirable. One of the toughest things about creating is how to accept criticism, and being that it’s impossible to appeal to everyone one has to learn which criticism to accept. I think you took the best road of all of your options, that is to just keep improving. Many of the good webcomics I read started with bad art but kept improving, like the Wotch and Yosh!. Not to say your art was ever bad, just simple. I am really liking this new approach though and want to say that I’m cheering you on! There will be people who will hate your work solely due to art and story direction, so it’s always a good idea to learn who they are and filter them out haha. The goal is to like what your making as well as seek approval, so definitely follow what makes you happy.
Thanks. That’s always been my goal, to do what makes me happy and hope that other people also like it.
Bad art …? I’d say, your art strikes me as uncomplicated(which I see as a stylistic thing), rather than bad. And I like it!
Gorgon seems to be a little more mature than most other medusas in the 3rd panel. (Medusa? Medusai? Was “Medusa” ever supposed to have a plural form?) She seems taller and more elegant to me, for some reason. Also, her “hair” seems longer, but I think it’s just because her snakes are still lying more flat across her back as she comes out of the water.
Also, look at that book! It’s Huuuuuuge! And she has a library! Does she use it?
She’s probably a little older than the other medusa we’ve met (I think “medusa” is the correct plural, but I’m not sure). Part of it though is that every time I draw her (or Modest’s) full body they look a lot bigger/taller.
Actually, it’s “medusae.” Yay, Latin. Sorry, grammar and spelling nazi…
I did notice that Medusa looks taller, I like that though. It seems more realistic, if that word isn’t completely meaningless in a fantasy comic. And regardless of my opinion, one of the nice things about a comic of any sort is that the fandom understands that art changes over time, so no one will generally mind if the medusae look different.
Anyway, great artwork and love the story, I check this thing every day or two (even if I know it’s not update day). You and Modest roxorz our soxorz!
Actually, its Medusa, which is the name of one of the 3 Gorgons.
But… your artwork ranges from good to awesome…
If they simply don’t like the style that’s their problem, but the worst of Modest Medusa is no worse than ye average newspaper comic.
And when you go all out, like with the Team Rocket Splash page (which i’ve faved on my DA) and these recent pages.
It’s so awesome!
To offer some reverse criticism (pointing out good things to do something with instead of bad things to do something with):
In general, your artwork gets better the more background, detailed or not. You have. The simple but visually stunning “Medusa and Mara swims down through the portal” page is an excelent example of the artwork’s highs. And these recent pages are wonders with their details, and (my second point of your strength) the moving characters. The more the characters (and people) you draw, move, the better the effectiveness of the style shows, and the more visual power you get.
Inversely, any real criticism of the comic’s artwork would be the early, pre-cerberus syndrome, static talking with little to no background, which aren’t that much to look at….
But even they are good, at least good enough that you can’t complain on the skill for it. And that any calling it bad is because you don’t like the style.
Another thing, that you excel at, as others have pointed out, is drawing real people into your style, it’s a very good style because it’s flexible like that. I know of many “better” (as in more realistic) webcomics where inserting something from the outside in that fashion would be harder, simply because the style isn’t adaptable enough, or because it’s too detail oriented or any number of other reasons.
Bottom line is: Your art is GOOD, unless it’s REALLY GOOD.
anyone who says otherwise is complaining about artstyles they don’t like.
Thanks! I also feel like the comic is at it’s best when there’s a lot of movement. And scenery. When I first started out I wanted to keep everything super simple (which I think is the reason it’s easy to include real people in the comic), but I think I tried to be too simple. Once I stated including regular backgrounds and more movement (both action and transitions from location to location) I think teh comic got a lot better. The improvement point for me is the story where Jake takes Medusa to the Pokemon midnight launch.
Hi Jake, I would say, based on my many years of comic collecting, your are is far better then a good number of artists employed by Marvel and DC. I have dumped many titles where the are sucked. MM has some of the best art I have come across is some time. Like others have said, some people are just picky and turn into snobs and should be ignored. Over the years I have talked with a number of artist, both big time and just starting, when asked why it is they do what they do, they all say the same thing, I like what I do. As in my wood turning, there is always room for improvement, but never let some idiot cramp your style. From what we have seen from day one to now, its been great. So I say keep up the great work, always work to improve and never stop doing what you like. As we like what you do!
Thanks Brian!
I’ve been looking at more webcomics than usual this week, and your art is above average in my opinion. It’s “simple” and highly stylized, yes. But it’s readable and clear. There are a lot of webcomics out there that I would not even bother to check back on.
You are a good comic artist. You are a good comic writer. You have very good design sense and a gifted sense of humor. You don’t overwork your panels. Your scripts are clean, clear and to the point.
You are really very good at this, in the way of the great comic strip artists.
That is why people like me keep reading this strip.
And I don’t think your ads are overly intrusive. You have…three house ads, five ad spaces for sale? That’s not out of the ordinary at all.
Actually… I have 3 hours ads (2 for my book, 1 for shirts), 1 free ad for my rpg (Panty Explosion Perfect), 2 ads for sale (the Project Wonderful ad boxes on the right side), 2 free ads for friends (Wanderlost and Dubious Company) and 1 free ad for Inkoutbreak. It is a lot f ads though, but only two of them are for sale. I plan on reducing the house ads to 1 and making the Panty Explosion ad smaller (as well as rotating my other games through that spot). I’m keeping my friend ads though!
Aww, thanks!
I just decided to go through and look at how far back I have been reading Modest Medusa, and the first evidence I have is August 10th, 2011. Clearly something has been drawing me back (could it be the DS? Yeah, it must be the DS).
While going through I have noticed an improvement in the artwork, but even the stuff at the very beginning is far better than anything I can produce.
All I can say is that I like it, and those to whom I’ve shown it also enjoy the comic. I enjoy it enough to have bought a couple of books and a couple of coloring books, as well as a shirt in a color that I have no business wearing.
…and I have worn that shirt. In public.
It seems as though you’ve taken some of that criticism, analyzed it, and learned what you could from it. If your artwork is ‘lazy’ I hadn’t noticed. (To be fair, I’d failed to realize the lack of eyebrows until pointed out, after that it’s hard to miss).
I dunno. I guess that’s why there’s a difference between a critic and an enthusiast.
Me, I’m going to enjoy Modest Medusa, even if all the ‘cool’ kids say I shouldn’t for whatever reason. (Okay, maybe if you were blatantly endorsing Nazi-ism or something, I might then stop enjoying it.) But wait, does that make me a hipster, enjoying Modest Medusa before it was cool to enjoy it? Or does the fact that I have shared with others who enjoy it then make it cool?
I am so confused now. Someone please tell me if I’m a hipster or not, so I know whether or not to get flannel shirts and Pabst Blue Ribbon…
There’s no shame in enjoying a PBR. Well, not a lot of shame. Anyway, thanks a bunch!
I can’t stand people who are being so arrogant, sure i can understand the ads and all that, but i don’t understand how they can’t like the art. Sure telling you what could be better is important, but you don’t have to be an arse about it, right? (Sorry for saying arse… Did it again)
Thanks. I do think there are to many ads on the site, but… there seems to be a very real group of people that get very upset over the idea that someone would try to make money off their webcomic. I’ve run into people like this quite often. They just get super upset that an artist might want to sell some books or t-shirts. It seems like some of these people just assume all webcomics are done by hobbyists, and you shouldn’t try to make money off your hobbies. Others feel like webcomics, no matter how much they might like them, are amateur work and shouldn’t bring their creators any money. I’ve also met a lot of people that think webcomics should just have donation buttons and rely solely on that, and trying to sell anything else is greedy. I’m sure there’s a lot of other opinions as well, but none of them make any sense to me.
Weird. I find the art charming and part of why I like Modest Medusa. I get excited when we get these huge pages and all, but the rest of the comic *is* Modest Medusa. Maybe they don’t like it because it is read vertically instead of horizontally? The comic wouldn’t work horizontally I don’t think. But, that’s just me~
Keep up the awesome work! (I know you aren’t fishing for compliments I’m giving mine willingly!)
It makes me wonder what those people might consider “good” comics. I’m assuming that they’d only read the “cream of the crop”, so to speak, which would mean they really weren’t reading many comics… while there are a few out there that just about make you weep with joy at the beauty of the art, there are a LOT of comics that are much more about story/intelligent writing than art. Would they complain about XKCD? Maybe Something Positive doesn’t have enough in-depth backgrounds for them? Does Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal not meet their high standards for quality?
In the end, you tell a story with your comic. It’s an interesting story, and more importantly it’s YOUR story. You’re free to tell it however you want. It doesn’t have to look like Dresden Codak to be good.
This is one of the happiest storylines to date (except for the very first one).
I hope it lasts–and has Chainsaw Unicorn! X-D
The effort shows, the recent pages have been a lot better.
Next (optional) step: Spend some time in your sketchbook ditching EVERY SINGLE ONE of the stylizations you’ve borrowed. Work ’em out from first principles if you love ’em, figure out what’s really going on. It will be worth it.
You know, I just bought a sketchbook the other day. I haven’t had one in years. I just never have time. But I’m really excited about using it and doing some drawing just for the sake of drawing.
Part of the value of art styles is how it connects to the story and theme. Your art is a great choice for the story you are telling.
There will always be people that disagree with how good things are. The best way to deal with them is ignore them. But I also feel that if you feel the need or drive to improve they can be a “good” resource. They think they know what needs to be better, and if you agree then that gives you a stepping stone to better and greater things.
Also I LOVE Gorgan’s Home. It is amazingly detailed and a place I wish I could live. Pictures of a cozy home are among my favorite things to look at. You did Good.
Glad you like it! I wanted her to have a cozy little cave that still had room for visitors.
I enjoy the story and the art. It’s unique and that’s what makes it special. Wanting to improve is great one should always challenge oneself to do better. But don’t let it go to far or change what u have already done. I love the plot story and artwork. So dont let the foolishness of others bring u down. :3
The first thing that comes to mind after reading this comic: BOW-CHIKA-WOW-WOW!
Oh boy.
I’m a first time poster, and I know you said you weren’t fishing for compliments, but whatever. I read your comic, because I think it’s adorable. I love the expressive art, and the jokes. And I have a chainsaw unicorn tee-shirt that I show off to all my friends. Or, used to. Before I spilled hot chocolate on it. Anyway, keep up the good work! Your last few pages have been breathtaking!
Thanks! And thanks for posting.
If I read webcomics *only* for the art, my bookmark list would be about 1/8 — or less — of what it is now. I read a few webcomics because I was first attracted by the artwork, but I read the vast majority of them because of their excellent story or great writing or great characters and characterizations — all of which Modest Medusa has in spades! You just keep doing what you do and never mind the nay-sayers and trolls, and I’ll keep reading your awesome webcomic.
Sure, the site’s a little cluttered. It has a bunch of ads. But how do they expect you to get revenue from something you otherwise do for free? It’s not unnavigable.
Also, criticizing the art? I read and enjoy a wide variety of webcomics, and there are very successful ones out there with far worse artwork. (I don’t mean to say yours is bad, I actually like it a lot.)
I could name a few successful webcomics with inferior art who’ve been around for *years*. I can also name a couple with very poorly designed sites. But that comes too close to doing what that troll site is doing, so I’ll keep my opinions to myself.
Keep doing what you’re doing. So-called webcomic critics feel like they have some sort of authority to dictate what should and shouldn’t be done, just because someone validated their opinion and their blog got a few hits. Just ignore them.
I will just ignore them from now on. Good advice.
Well, your comic is in colour, and gets frequent updates (even if they’re late sometime).
Most webcomics that I like are updated once a week, or less.
So even if some are going to criticise the art (which I find have an appealing simplicity), at the least you make up for with actual progress in the story.
Far too many comics you can leave for a year, come back and read all new content in half an hour.
Besides, I like the storylines. Just a shame you don’t have the time to flesh them out even more.
“Good, Fast, Cheap -pick 2. ”
This e-mail tag line has stuck with me for years. Long after I’ve lost track of him the guy it belonged to. One can rarely get all three when doing things.
That is a good line.
Some people hate on others because their work is better then theirs or because of other reasons plus it is easier for people to hate something over the Internet rather then walking up to someone and saying they like it and others have a Tsundere complex.
As for critics they don’t matter anymore they have lost their touch and importance because of 3 things. 1 Being Biased, 2 being Bribe-able, 3 It is not there field or specialty but they review it anyway.
It is rare to find a webcomic now a days that doesn’t have some sort of ads. The website looks fine and it functions properly and works just fine. Not all websites are designed with all media outlets in mind plus i think it cost extra too specialize a website for each internet media outlet. Computers, Phones,Game Systems, Pads, and etc.
If people are blue Color blind i could see people having trouble or if they have bad case of Farsightedness especially the smaller click-ables like First Previous Next Latest and Reply or even the Copyright thing at the bottom.
Thanks. The Navigation buttons are everyone’s #1 complaint, and I’ve been trying to get them fixed for awhile. As I said, I’ve just never been satisfied with the site, but I got to the point where I just didn’t have time to mess around with it any more.
First as required in this thread π The art work is one of the things that drew me to the comic.
Also if you’re taking suggestions could large navigation buttons be added to the top of the comic? If there is a poll of what to add link that I’ll go vote there. hint hint
That’s a good idea. That’s something about the Drunk Duck layout that I really miss.
Your art isn’t bad.
90% of the reason I read webcomics is to learn from the art, and the different styles and quality of different webcomic’s illustrations. I have as much respect for Modest Medusa as I have for something insanely beautiful, like Next Town Over.
There’s something to be learned from every style in the spectrum, and I’m trying to find my place in it: you’ve shown me how not-completely realistic art can tell a great story, and that’s most of the reason why I even thought about making my own webcomic. (if you want to glance over it, it’s the link in my name)
In short, thank you. You showed me that I didn’t have to be the best artist ever to tell a story worth reading.
Thanks! Nice looking comic, by the way. I’ve added it to my read list!
… you have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you!
(it updates sundays btw, usually at night)
Well hey, thank you!
It is cool to hate on the internet and many people carry that into real life. Have these judges of our culture ever seen XKCD? Stick figures. Not even colored like OOTS.
Crazy how someone might think they can tell you what does and does not deserve to be a webcomic. I wonder what their creative output looks like.
If you don’t like it, sometimes it just isn’t for you. For example; all of the people outside of Just Beiber’s demographic that generate mountains of hate. Unless you are a pre-teen girl, YOU WERE NEVER INTENDED TO LIKE IT.
Anyway, my rant is done. Your comic is good and you should feel good.
Thanks. I was listening to Nikki Minaj the other day without realizing it. My Pandora feed just started including her. When I noticed what I was listening to I all the sudden wondered what all the hate was about. It wasn’t really my kind of jam, but I enjoyed it. But.. the whole internet is telling me that I’m supposed to hate her music. What the hell?
I’ll make sure to drop by at Emerald City, I’d love to shake your hand. (And buy stuff of course)
Comments on your number of adds are way off base. I count 5 add locations, 4 of which are filled, NO banner ad (that’s huge) and the rest are links to Your products. Linking to featured items in you store isn’t adds! Sounds like you’re running into “purity of art” critics. Don’t let it get you down.
These double wide pages are gorgeous. Good job channeling that negativity into something positive.
In the interest of not sounding like a fan boy, your site isn’t perfect but it’s a lot better then a lot of them out there.
Thanks! I’m really looking forward to Emerald City.
I think I will be there this year as well, I help out my friends comic shop every year, they like to make me do the load in and out π I think I will have to stop by and say hi, been meaning to get a book anyway.
Please do!
Dude, I love your comic..its one of only two I read anymore (the other being Shortpacked, which I barely enjoy).
Critics have a way or reflecting their own insecurities onto others…that’s why they’re critics. What matters is the fans! And we’re here to stay!
I appreciate it!
Also, is that Moo Milk over in the corner? Awesome!
It’s supposed to be the milk from Ocarina of Time.
That’s hilarious π
*looking for more easter eggs*
A sack overflowing with deku seeds? What is she doing requiring that much slingshot ammo?
Well, it’s dangerous to just go wandering around the woods.
I DO like your art, and over time you’ve gotten better (I think so anyways), but what I really love are the backgrounds you do. And there were certain pages that stuck out to me. Like the Angel of Death.
Keep your chin up and make me proud.
I agree with all the compliments on here, I have seen a lot worst webcomics out there, I can’t believe someone is saying that you shouldn’t have or talk about webcomics just because they hate your art style. First off you are doing this mostly for free and though a few people are hating on you and your comic we all love you. I suggest that next time you are reading those reviews and feeling down you should go back through your comics comments and read all of are supportive comments and count how many people out there really appreciate you. Who was there when you were sick to encourage you to get better and to let you know we cared: WE WERE! Who was there when you were having publisher problems to tell you it was okay and that we would patiently await your books: WE WERE! Who will always be there when you have a problem and will help carry you through: WE WILL! So don’t let a few jerks get you down, in fact give us the name of this site and we will flood it with good reviews if we can, I mean come on this comic is currently number 83 on topwebcomics.com! It may not sound good until you think about how many thousand webcomics are on that site and the fact that you do it with out using incentives or even reminding us. So hang in thwew and let us your fans help you out π
Thanks. I really do appreciate you guys. I’m always amazed… shocked really… over how many people there are taht read and really go out of their way to support this comic.
You shouldn’t be, we all enjoy the hard work you do and the thought you put into this project which you put up here for us to read for free
Let me try and put this simply. I check for updates for your site every single day. On days when I think there’ll be an update, I check in the morning, at noon, evening, and before I got to bed. Your art is some of the most original I’ve ever seen, and I love it. There are people who might disagree with it, and their opinions are valid I suppose. But those shortcuts that you take in making your art (like with the lips, nostrils, etc) simply make your character designs incredibly unique. Some of your pages are better than others, but that’s no secret. People have off days, are in a hurry, and so on. These latest pages prove pretty irrefutably that you’re a fantastic artist, and everything you’ve done so far shows that you’ve got a lot of great humor and ideas.
Well, I guess that really wasn’t putting it simply. However, this is one of the best web comics I’ve seen. I help to run a modest-sized anime convention (~4500-5500 attendees), and I’m trying to include more web comic artists as guests. Your name is on the list of guests I’d like to have in the future. Keep it up, you’ve got a great thing going here.
I’d love to buy some of your art! What’s your ebay account?
Thanks. Where is your con? If it’s something I ca make it to I’d love to come.
Sixsexyzombies is my ebay account name. Weird name? What are you talking about?
Our con’s in Grand Rapids, MI, and it’s called JAFAX. It’s a free con, which is why it’s a little on the small side, but if my numbers are still accurate, we’re the 2nd biggest free con in the country. The guest list for this year is pretty much set in stone, but I’m already working on 2014. If you think you’ll still be doing web comics by then and would like an expenses paid weekend, let me know.
The only thing weird about it is that there are only six of them.
Yeah, I’d come in 2014 if I can afford it. What time of year is it?
It’s always the weekends after Father’s Day, so the third weekend in June, Saturday and Sunday.
Oh, that’s a good weekend for me!
I started reading MM shortly after you started the strip. I’ve kept following through hosting changes, the occasional delay, and switching to a new computer (and failing to transfer my bookmarks). Since I’m still reading, I obviously think the strip is worth a little of my time. I follow quite a few different comics, with artwork in many different styles and widely varying quality. Your artwork has a distinct look, and I think it works well for the stories you’re telling. Since I also enjoy those stories (and the characters), I plan to keep on reading.
Oh, and for what it’s worth, the last few pages have been very pretty.
Thanks, and thanks for sticking around.
I wandered over to see what the fuss is all about. Most of those folks have never created anything in all their sorry little lives but man, can they take! And it better be good, Jack, and it better be free. Sheesh.
Blow it off, Jake. Good criticism is as hard to find as good art (and sometimes as expensive). Taking the bad kind will only eat you up.
It’s great to watch an artist grow. Urano’s Ascension was jaw-dropping. The new stuff is great (love Gorgon’s crib). Hell, I even like yer new haircut.
π Tim
Thanks! The haircut has been especially harrowing. It’s really cold in Portland this month!
I feel pretty confident in saying that that person’s statement was complete bull.
The entire reason why I started reading this comic in the first place was because I like the art. It’s clean, detailed without being cluttered, and overall just well done. I’ve read almost 200 webcomics, and this still has some of the most enjoyable art I’ve seen.
After looking at a few pages, I went to the beginning and started reading, and the art that initially caught my eye lead to a story and characters that I have since look forward to seeing with every update.
So, if anyone says that they don’t like your art, that is their opinion. But if they say that your art sucks, they are lying their sorry asses off.
(also, congrats. This is the first time I’ve ever gotten up my courage to post a comment on the internet, ever. XP)
Hey, thanks for posting! And thanks!