– Sorry again for the delay. I wasn’t feeling great last week, so I took my time with what was supposed to be the Friday page. I’m working on the next page today, so hopefully it will be up on Weds. The truth of it is (and I’ve said this before) that these full pages just take a lot longer than the normal 4 panel strips. I’ve got 5-7 more pages in this story arc so what I’ve decided to do is take my time and do them right. I’ll still be trying to get three pages a week up, but I think two is more likely. So… for the next 2-3 weeks expect only two updates a week, and be surprised if there’s a third. I hope you guys won’t mind too much. I think the finished story will be worth the delay!
– Last week I said some stuff about my art and some recent criticism. I wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I do really, really appreciate all of the posts you guys have made since than. Really. I’m a little embarrassed even. Thank you all for you support.
– I’m giving away some t-shirts! You can see them below. Here’s how it works. Just post and say which one you want. It’s first come, first serve. If you live outside the US I’ll ask you to send me a few buck for shipping, otherwise it’s all free. How can I tell who posts first? I Β have to approve all comments, so it’s pretty easy for m
e to see what order people post in. If you miss out on shirts this time please don’t worry. I’ll do another one of these in a few months. Here’sΒ theΒ shirts:
This is a Large brown Medusa shirt. I have just 1.
Large purple Mermaid shirt. Only 1.
XL black Mermaid shirt. Just 1.
WhiteΒ Panty Explosion shirt. I have 3. One Xl, one M and one S.
That’s it!
I’ve been following you comic since just before your first Kickstarter. I’ve been enjoying both the story and the artwork! I’ve really dug this new story line and I’m wondering where it is leading too. Today I think gave a cool hint…
AHH! Forgot to mention if you have the brown MM shirt left…
It’s yours. Email me your address.
Thank you very much! I just sent you an email! GLEEE!
Is the XL black mermaid taken yet?
All yours!
Awesome! Also, the delay so far with the strips have been worth it, the art is fantastic.
Thanks. I’m enjoying myself quite a bit.
I’m guessing this is a flashback and gorgon is the mom?
Yes. I guess a lot of people missed it, but Medusa’s Mom was named way back before the end of Season 2.
I suppose this is just me being lazy, but where exactly is it mentioned that the Mother Medusa’s names was Gorgon. I vaguely rember one of the guys referring to “the Gorgon”, but I did not acknowledge it as being her name as most people (or horrible snake monsters) aren’t referred to as “the anything”.
Also I assumed Gorgon was the name of the species since in Greek mythology the Gorgons were a groups of three sisters, all with snake hair and people-to-stone-turning abilities (some people may dispute me on this, but as with most ancient mythology, things change depending on which source you read because of the fact that the stories were transferred orally), and Medusa was the only mortal sister and thus the only one able to be killed by Perseus. But now that we’ve concluded that the species is Medusa not Gorgon I suppose calling her a Gorgon wouldn’t make since unless the two terms were used interchangeably.
I’ll see if someone else can answer this.
Oops. I see from looking at the pages of the shirts in the store that the purple shirt is a woman’s shirt. So changed my mind–am sure some other deserving fan will ask for it.
As for my comment requesting the shirt, could you please delete if for me? Thanks.
Oh, I guess it is. Sorry!
I’ll take the medium Panty Explosion shirt!!
All yours. I’ll bring it to you on Saturday.
Oh, do you need a ride on saturday, by the by?
I think I’ll be coming with Ben. Or maybe Addam and Huynh.
Has the Large Purple Mermaid shirt been taken?
Yours if you want it. Just email me your address.
Alright, sent an email to your atarashigames.com address. I’m hoping the shirt isn’t too big for my GF, lol.
Anyway, love the comic, and the latest pages. Keep up the good work!
The artwork on your new pages is really impressive. It’s certainly worth the wait.
Thanks Adrian!
Is the XL Panty Explosion shirt still available?
It’s yours. Email me your address.
those shirts are awesome! and the selling price is ok too….unfortunately, in my country you have to pay a VERY hefty fee when receiving an international package – together with shipping cost this would mean nearly 100$(!) for one shirt. WAY beyond my means…so no shirt for me ;-(
Gah, that sucks!
And Gorgon is suddenly wearing clothes.
I wonder if she knew she was naked before?? Then they had a fight, and he refused to let her accompany him to the Yeld release of Pokemon Red and Blue, but then they made up, and then…
That snake hair looks heavy.
Yes, I noticed that too. Her hair snakes seem to be growing considerably.
is the small panty explosion shirt still available?
It is. Send me an email with your address.
Do the shirts cost anything? If not can I have the Medusa shirt?
Free, but they’re all gone now. They went fast. Don’t worry though, I’ll do this again in a few months.
Or any of the mermaid shirts?
Hello, I’ve reviewed your comic here: http://www.evilink.ca/Drupal7/CreativeJournal/Review-Modest-Medusa
I love what you’re doing.
Thanks for the nice review. This is a great example of criticism that I can do something with!
I hope so. I really like your work. And thank you for giving it a read.
It’s Mom and the Prince. That’s just my wild fan theory anyway.
I probably would’ve gone for an XL MM shirt, but…. no money. So I’ll just give you the honor of my constant visits to your webcomic… and my admirations, if you wants it.
And as I said last page, “This is either going to end very sweet or very horrible.”
So far, it is leading to very sweet.
In those last two big panels, is Momdusa older?
Wonder how long it takes a medusa to age….
They’re both older, although not too much.
So do humans not age in the land of Yeld, or do medusas (Medusae?) age really fast? Or is time all wibbly wobbly?
he’s aging as well, but I guess it isn’t as obvious?
Well looking back, his hair does seem longer now. But while I have your attention, I love the comic, always a great read, can’t wait for more!
Waiting for the horrible twist or the revelation that he is Modest’s father.
That… that’s impossible!
I don’t think that’s a horrible twist… a horrible twist would be to find out that her mother is really these two merged into one being by the evil overlord that runs this place just so he can have an army of gorgons at his beck and call.
What a gorgeous page!
Those are cute-looking dino-critters in panel 4 π
Also, the hair-snakes have grown a lot longer and stronger.
BTW, did we get the name of our “Prince-guy” here ?
Uh, those aren’t dino-critters, those are her “hair”. π
Nevermind, apparently I can’t count to 4 properly and was looking at the wrong panel – I see what you mean now. XD
I’m thinking that’s Momdusa. I’m trying to figure out who the guy grows up to be assuming he’s a character who is still alive in the current arc.
And Modest isn’t the only medusa to wear clothing.
I know who the best friend is! He’s the unicorn with the Chainsaw! I am not sure how he gets turned INTO said unicorn, but it’s the hair as the dead giveaway. π At least, this is my theory.
This is the assumption I’ve been working under as well. Only time will tell π
Wow, Gorgon is starting to look kinda hot now that’s she’s grown.
Wow this page is awesome!
That so… CUTE!!!!! π
Good Job!!!! π
I like happy stories about friends and gorgons. I have the feeling this will turn bad really fast though.
Heh. I love the panel where Gorgon is wearing a turtle neck. So, the medusa breasts do enlarge when they mature. I’m thinking this is the key reason why she’s dressed.
Oddly enough, I didn’t notice the size of the snakes until someone else pointed it out.
Gorgon continues to look elegant, and even more mature than earlier.
She probably doesn’t have breasts at all. I was just trying to make her look a little older by giving her a more obvious female shape. I wasn’t really thinking about it though, and it doesn’t really make much sense. oh well. The sweater is probably just because it’s cold (although since she swam in it, it would probably be soaked).
I honestly don’t see why she wouldn’t have breasts, unless she was just naturally flat. Some get ’em, some don’t.
My usual mantra on non-humes is that if they have a human torso, they have human torso parts. *shrug*
Could be because she’s more snake than human.
Aaaaaannddd, as I am wont to do, I read the whole post after realizing there is a space there. This occurs AFTER I make my post…
Anyway, I’m a little embarrassed that I basically repeated what you just said.
It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if these two comments got modded away to oblivion.
Ehh. I try not to mod unless someone goes nuts.
Gimme time, Jake.
Gimme time.
Insanity will strike again eventually.
Anyone else here thinking of that line from The Fugitive?
“Is he crazy?”
“No, but he’s a carrier.”
modest is gonna be quite the looker when she grows up.
Maybe she stores some clothes somewhere on land for such situations?
I think that this page is one of my favorites, it is beautifully done.
Also I am pretty sure I am too late but if the brown shirt is still available I would like it
It’s gone. Sorry. I’ll be going away more shirts in a few months though.
I can wait π
This friendship seems doomed. mostly because it’s so happy right now only way to go is downer.
I’m loving this story arc. And whether you were fishing for compliments or not, your art is praiseworthy. But more then the art, it’s the STORY that keeps me coming back. I’ve been reading since day one (found you on Drunkduck) and I’ll admit, it was more a morbid curiosity that kept me reading during the first chapter. But your art and story telling skills have improved vastly since the comic’s creation. It’s always great to see an artist push him/herself and experiment to find what works.
Also: is the XL Panty Explosion shirt taken already?
Thanks. And sorry, but all the shirts are gone now.
i donΒ΄t think/hope that she is momdusa – i canΒ΄t imagine that sweet+cute girl turn into a monster-snake eating her kids….besides, that would mean that our medusa turns into a giant (evil?) snake one day too ;-(
on second thought, that snakehair was getting REALLY huge – maybe one of those took over and ate the girl? *shiver*
I think somehow Modest is different. That would explain why she was separated and given a name.