– Sorry again for the delay. I wasn’t feeling great last week, so I took my time with what was supposed to be the Friday page. I’m working on the next page today, so hopefully it will be up on Weds. The truth of it is (and I’ve said this before) that these full pages just take a lot longer than the normal 4 panel strips. I’ve got 5-7 more pages in this story arc so what I’ve decided to do is take my time and do them right. I’ll still be trying to get three pages a week up, but I think two is more likely. So… for the next 2-3 weeks expect only two updates a week, and be surprised if there’s a third. I hope you guys won’t mind too much. I think the finished story will be worth the delay!

– Last week I said some stuff about my art and some recent criticism. I wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I do really, really appreciate all of the posts you guys have made since than. Really. I’m a little embarrassed even. Thank you all for you support.

– I’m giving away some t-shirts! You can see them below. Here’s how it works. Just post and say which one you want. It’s first come, first serve. If you live outside the US I’ll ask you to send me a few buck for shipping, otherwise it’s all free. How can I tell who posts first? I Β have to approve all comments, so it’s pretty easy for m

e to see what order people post in. If you miss out on shirts this time please don’t worry. I’ll do another one of these in a few months. Here’sΒ theΒ shirts:


This is a Large brown Medusa shirt. I have just 1.

Mer LLarge purple Mermaid shirt. Only 1.

Mer xlXL black Mermaid shirt. Just 1.

PEWhiteΒ Panty Explosion shirt. I have 3. One Xl, one M and one S.

That’s it!