Posted In: comic
– Over on DA someone asked if these recent pages are connected to the story at all or if I just started a new comic and didn’t tell anyone. They’re connected. This is all relevant. Stick with me. I think it will be worth it.
– Oh my god, I’m so excited about the new Pokemon games! Holy crap! I can’t wait till next season when we’re out of Yeld and back to Portland so I can do more Pokemon related strips!
i’m also looking forward to new pokemon, starters look good this time (B&W starters did not really do it for me)
is the bump on that dude’s head going to be a horn?
I really liked Tepig, but yeah.
Not a bump, although I guess it looks like one. That’s how I draw the crease in the forehead between the eyebrows. I often exaggerate it to make up for the lack of eyebrows on most of my characters.
Why not just add eyebrows?
When I started the series I decided to do simple faces to keep the drawings easy. No eyebrows, lips, lower teeth, nostrils (most of the time), cheek bones or eyelashes. It actually saves a lot of time.
While I am looking forward to the new Mystery Dungeon game, I’m not overly concerned about the main series. I haven’t played since Pokémon Yellow, so knowing what pokémon are what is clearly not important to me… though in the Rumble Blast game I really did try to catch them all, until I had to switch up games about 211 hours in.
Muahahaha! Trapped in Yeld you are.
Protip: Red eyes means bad.
Is this Modest’s Mom’s story?
I know what this is about and I am happy to see it in here. 😀
Is it just me or is the RSS feed broken?
Did ModestMedusa fall victim to that wordpress upgrade bug that hit a few ComicPress sites?
Did it? I have no idea how to even look into it, but… I’ll look into it.
Of course it’s relevant. It’s mommy. Great comic btw.
Sorry, but when I saw the second panel the only thing I could hear was, “HEY LISTEN!!!”
I made those fireflies extra glowy just for that reason!
Glad it wasn’t just me!!!
I gotta admit, and I probably won’t make friends with this comment, but I’ve come to REALLY hate pokemon. The lack of creativity in pokemon name and appearance (deerling and duckling, or whatever.. come to mind), the constant need for a conflict / organization bent on destroying the world/”freeing” the pokemon/stealing a legendary…. can’t we just go around and catch pokemon? Or HOW about how they just GIVE AWAY legendaries now? Legendaries aren’t legendaries anymore. I remember Mewtwo…. he was legendary because you had to WORK to get to him, or Ho-oh/Lugia. Nowadays they’ve dumbed it down FAR too much. It is saddening.
I really stopped caring about pokemon after Pokemon Crystal…. Gen 4 (diamond/pearl) was also alright, but Gen 3 blew, and I didn’t even wanna TOUCH gen 5. I’ll reserve hope for Gen 6 (tho I find it sad but amusing that they have possibly run out of colors for pokemon games and are now moving to letters. They couldn’t do Pokemon Mauve and Magenta or something? hahaha ^o^), but somehow I get the feeling I’ll be let down. Already saw the starters. I CERTAINLY hope the Fire starter isn’t ANOTHER Fire/Fighting. Maybe something interesting like Fire/Electric, or Fire/Psychic! Just something NEW! They’ve beat the dead ponyta far too much with the series.
[/Rant of the day]
I understand that. I thought I was burned out after Gen 1 and 2, and I skipped 3 and 4 entirely. Black and White has actually been a lot of fun for me though, and I think because I came back to it after so long a lot of the things that maybe seem stale to other people are fresh and fun to me.
I like the eyes hiding in the tree in panel 1.
Its “the trees have eyes”
The panel looks great Jake. Back stories are always a nice brake in a comic series.
Whoa…somebody just kicked his art up a couple of notches. Beautiful stuff, Jake. That last panel would make an awesome wallpaper (hint, hint).
Thanks. I’ll see about releasing some wallpapers when this story arc is done.
The art work of a comic is one of my big sticking points when choosing a title. Even stories I like, I don’t get if the art is bad, and there have been a number of them. Jake has done an amazing job with MM, the art work tells a big part of the story, it also says he likes what he does.
Again, thanks!
I almost dread where this is going. Jake, this is so not what I expected when this comic started. Which is good, really good! It’s always good to take your audience where they don’t expect, some place they’ve never been…
…though sometimes the girls and I are all, “awww, we miss Poke-eemons and XXX-boxes and cute!” (We will never not say poke-eemons now, ever.) That said, I’m still enjoying this immensely, and far more than I would have enjoyed endless 4-panel joke strips of cuteness. Kudos.
Thanks. I appreciate that. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that they miss the way the strip used to be, which was really only the first 70 strips. I miss that too sometimes, and I’m looking forward to changing stuff up after strip 300, but right now I’m really enjoying myself.
ANy pre-order bonus? I haven’t been keeping track.
None have been given so far i am afraid.
hmm well i am not sure how this is related to what is currently happening. Gorgon is another medusa not named modest or before she realized her name was modest?
I am not sure about playing another pokemon game it will be released a year and four months or about year after black 2 & White 2.
As for the starters Fennekin is another Fox pokemon. I just hope it doesn’t evolve into a nine tails knock off. Hopefully it has humanoid evolve that has fox ears and tail and can learn fly without wings like iron giant of pokemon know as Golurk.
Chespin= Grass Otter pokemon or a Headhog or both.
Froakie=It is is a another frog hopefully it doesn’t turn out like the other frog Pokemon.
For the Legendary.
Xerneas= Oh it is another Deer don’t we have enough Legendary deers or deer Pokemon for that matter.
Yveltal= Bird with Jazz hands x 3 or It is bird that is also works as a 3 sided boomerang.
As someone else mentioned, Gorgon is the name of Medusa’s mother.
I think both the starters and the legendary Pokemon look pretty okay. Not as cool as Tepig, but still pretty cool. I think Medusa will choose Fennekin.
Pretty bugs… *caught bug**squish* *gasp*
…*tears* I’m sorry little firefly!!!!!!! 🙁