Kickstarter packages have started going out again. I got just a few in the mail last week, but I spent the weekend preparing a big batch, and those will all be going in the mail today and tomorrow. Looks like I’ll have about 2/3 of everything shipped by the end of the week, and most of the rest over the next week. I’m still waiting on the hats and plush keychains, as well as a few printing quotes for the big Avengers prints, but those can be sent separately if needed. Right now my bottleneck is doing books sketches, which is taking a little longer than I thought it would. It’s not a huge problem though, and I finally have the free time to get them done. Oh, here’s some of the book sketches. These take about 5-10 minutes each, and there’s like 450 of them. Well, way less than that now!
Most of them look like this…
Or this…
After doing 5 or 6 of those I get a little bored, so I do something like this…
And sometimes stuff gets a little weird…
And sometimes I go a little over board for people I know well…
GAh! the Jake/Modest is off putting to say the least.
I was hoping it was cute.
It’s still cute, but just kinda weird seeing a hydra with facial hair. It would be like seeing a furry snake. Though, is this the kind of monster you’ll turn into if you get trapped in Yeld? Time will tell I guess.
“Furry snake”
… I’ll show myself out.
Darn it, I had to google what meant by scalies.
Pew, pew and Jakedusa are my favs. Glucifer take one long look at Jakedusa and imagine a shill, yet masculine voice and tell me don’t chuckle. As for the story I wonder how he figured out Chainsaw plus enchanted man-horse equals awesome? But still I do wonder what Marah and the gang are doing now? Lastly Yay! Just because she is a snake she still has feelings for CSU. This page is evoking all kinds of feels plus the little skecthes are just icing..and I’ll shut up now :3
I can imagine what the Jakedusa would sound like and it does make me chuckle.
And I can’t help but wonder what the story would be like if both Jake was the Jakedusa and Modest had the uzi, very different story indeed.
What a nice guy… Also a total jerk… Nice to see some… ‘humanity?” in Momdusa even after what she did to her children.
I think what she did to her offspring may have been the Prince’s fault.
That ******… Not looking forward to what’s coming next, even if it is good to see Gorgon retains at least some of the warmth from her youth.
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Yes, an old horse that’s probably weary and hasn’t had much fighting experience who also wants to kill me. Clearly this should be part of my wife’s (I think) defense. (And I know about the chainsaw but…. you get my point)
Her lighter side is still there!
Sort of… o,o
Not for long, I fear.
Now I wish I’d have had money for the kickstarter. Those drawings are adorable, especially Jakedusa. In other Modest Medusa news, my sister has been converted to a MM fan when she made me a Medusa Birthday Cake. This should be the link to her album on facebook: so that you can see it. (And she’d really like it if you shared the pics!)
Oh, it’s very cute! I will share!
Hahaha, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who sometimes gives a BIT MORE LOVE to drawings for friends who’ve bought a book.
I try not to give preference, but sometimes when you know who you’re drawing for you just can’t help it.
Awwwwwww :3
…. No… we all knew it, haha! 😀
Also, your well-drawn doodles are amusing. Also, the little colored stickers that are on those pages are amusing. I particularly thought Modest Mario was pretty damn adorable. Do her snakes spit out the fireballs if she were Fire Modest Mario? As a powerful gamer, I think it’d be downright adorable to do a series of those, one for each of Mario’s powers. (=.=)b
That’s not a bad idea.
Don’t play with a maiden’s heart like that, please make that series happen!
Thought I think that if you do that it could work as a voting initiative, yeah, that would be cool!
Well see.
Here it comes 321 chainsaw unicorn!
I really, really didn’t expect mamadusa to save him.
So, the prince doesn’t consider a knight to be a servant. That’s got the making of a revolution about it.
Oh no…he’s got the evil grin!!!!
Run horse!!!!!
*crying* I HATE YOU PRINCE, GO AWAY!!!!!!