– Modest Medusa Patreon Month continues!  This month I’m trying hard to get my Patreon campaign to the next Milestone Goal, which is $800. Right now we’re at about $540, which isn’t close, but also isn’t that far. Your Patreon contributions help me make a living doing Modest Medusa and allow me to focus on making comics instead of having to spend most of my time doing other work to pay the bills. I really, really appreciate the support! You can check out my Patreon page here.

And here’s a handy graphic to help track our progress! See, we’re already $41 closer than before!

MM Patreon chart 7-5

– It’s Adventure Time Medusa! Here’s the art for July’s Medusa sticker of the month! Each month Medusa Patron’s who pledge $25 or more receive a pack of stickers in the mail. I’ve been running a little behind (a lot, actually) mailing these out, but backers should expect to get a package with all their late stickers this month! Thanks so much everyone!

Adventure Time Medusa

– The last Patreon milestone goal (which we unlocked at $500) was a monthly live drawing session. the first one will be happening this weekend (probably Sunday), and everyone is welcome to check it out. Come ask questions and watch me draw some Medusa stuff. I’ll post the time and url on Friday, and the session will be recorded and posted for anyone who missed it!