Posted In: comic
– A Twilight joke! After all this time!
– Here’s this months special sticker for Patreon backers, Girl Genius Modest Medusa! Girl Genius is a long running web comic that I’ve loved for years and years (and I know many of you have too). I don’t know how many times I’ve told someone that I make webcomics, only to have them say “Webcomics? Oh, I love Girl Genius!”.
Jake must not be a good stepdad, letting her read that tripe. Putting aside how bad I personally think it is… that would strike me as something Modest would be into in like.. I dunno… 6 years?
Its a reference to a joke in season 2, where Marah and Modest ask Urano if he sparkles. Marah was really into Twilight at the time, and it seemed like the kind of thing Modest wouldn’t understand at all but also be into because her older friend liked it.
If Modest likes Twilight, I’ll not actively dislike it
You’ve got My Little Pony and Batgirl on the same fandom list. That’s as close to sparkly vampires as is allowed.
Well, now we know the root of the evil in Modest’s one hair-snake.
Difference between boys and girls.
Finally, one of them shows some sense!
Well, of COURSE, Modest.
You’ve got Boy hair. Boy hairs usually don’t like books whose target demographics is preteen girls.
So does this mean LB is a brony?
I am equal parts surprised and unsurprised that Modest likes Twilight.
I’m not entirely sure why.
Batgirl is a franchise? Okay.
I didn’t use the word franchise, but Batgirl certainly has her own fan base (that is distinct from both Batman fandom and general DC fandom). And has for decades.
Ever since she first appeared on the 60’s Batman TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward in it’s third and final season.
Yvonne Craig ws a knockout and she really sold the character, it’s no wonder DC kept the character for the comics and she developed an amazing fanbase all her own. Rowr.
The same actress was also the infamously attractive Green Skinned Orion Slave Girl on the original Star Trek series.
Look it up!
Oh, I didn’t know she was the Orion Slave Girl too. Neat.
Why is this the first I’m hearing of this…
Fanbases can kind of be hidden, right? Like, you’re a fan of something and you think you’re the only one, then one day you stumble onto a whole community of people that loves what you love in the exact same way you do, but you never would have found them except for luck.
Why wouldn’t she be? BatGirl is smart, courageous, resourceful, mature, and compassionate. She KOed Bizarro Superman in a closed cage match, without her utility belt. She has one of the highest villain reformation rate, second only to Wonder Woman herself. She founded the Birds of Prey. After her injury, she pooled her existing skillset (Cataloging, Computer Science, & Psychology) into the Oracle identity and adapted her MO. She trained herself to stop white collar crime, something no other superhero bothers to do. Between the 90s and New52, she was the functioning COO of the Justice League. Yvonne Craig’s version also had a cool bike.
…I may be a bit of a fanboy.
Twilight, ew.
The girlgenius Modest makes me smile. I too been reading that comic for years. Actually it was a comic linked from there that I began reading that used Modest ina guest comic that got me reading yours. Gotta love how small and awesomely connected the webcomic world is.
Which comic was that? Do you remember?
I lost the title of it due to my previous phone frying its own motherboard. But I remember that it took place in a sort of magic academy and one of the main villians was this sorceress who was body jacked by some sort of being from another plane, from which she was trying to summon more from.
Oh, right! I’m blanking on the name of that comic as well, but I liked it. We ran our first Kickstarters right around the same time.