Posted In: comic
– I think I will be finally doing a Kickstarter for the next Modest Medusa book soon. Probably at the beginning of next month. So please look for that!
– My brother will is doing a bike thing to raise money for fighting cancer. If you also don’t like cancer you can check it out here. Our dad died from cancer, so Will and I are pretty firmly against it.
FPS on a controller? HERETIC!!!
Ehh. Consoles are fun. Controllers work just fine. PC is for work and taxes and boring stuff.
Shun the unbeliever. Shuuuuunnnnn!
And here I was thinking PCs were just for watching Aggretsuko and trolling Willamette Week comments! lol
I mean…
Or you could use one device for everything…
I suppose so.
For me, I need to put a very clear line between spaces and resources I use for work and what I use for relaxation. I have separate living and work spaces, and I need to leave and travel to get from one to the other. This helps me focus on work without distraction, or allows me to relax without worrying about work. Gaming on my computer breaks down that wall in a really destructive way for me. I know its not juts for me either. I know lots of people who are like “I need to get a lot of work done today” and then 7 hours of Steam games later they’re wiped out and ready to go to bed.
Work discipline is important.
I know quite a few people who could use your work ethics when it comes to pcs lol
I personally use both consoles and PC, both are good.
there great for movement keyboard messes up my flow……aiming not so much but thats why you use ether shotgun or any gun that relies more on quantity of bullets over precision.
I realy wonder How Can LB use a controller
Is this Sneaky? He seems to be a very nice guy—just very frustrated since he’s being left out.
Nope. Sneaky is Top Right. We’ll get there.
Sure you can use thumbs if you want to make it easy.
Wait this is a very valid point – you DON’T need thumbs to play PC FPS games!!! (I vote for LB to get to play some Overwatch later in the comic)
no-thumbs is the new game plus
you do know all the kids in class are asleep now….anything past a couple of mins for a report would never keep their attention.
Ecksbox probably has absolutely no idea about what Modest and LB are talking about. Ironic given her name.
Ha. Yeah.
Ohhhhs… Boy… *hair*. >@.@<