Posted In: comic
Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay getting this strip up. The site was doing some weird stuff this week. Anyway, here’s something I drew for my Patreon backers. Every month or two (usually two) I do a high res wallpaper pack for backers. This month I decided to do a Medusa reunion, with all 7 Medusa sisters (Not counting Tunnel Lord and Meanest)! If you’d like to support Modest Medusa and help me keep making comic please check out my Patreon. I really appreciate your support!
Modest should’ve said; “Late again?!”
Never mind.
So far, they all look the same. I guess we’ll see soon if RT looks the same or not. My bet is on not.
I like RB! He’s really friendly! It’s rare that you meet a friendly artist!
Ain’t that right, Jake?
He and he are definitely “he,” right?
All the snakes are male, yes.
I wonder what’ll happen when we meet Sneaky…
Will they even be able to find Sneaky Snake?
Okay, so let me get this straight… it was LT in part 77 of this arc, right?
Also, the snake whispering in part 180 of this arc looks like left top, but acts more like left bottom… or did they just get a bit tangled up there?
Yes, in page 77 the snake that gets slapped is LT. The snake on page 180 that whispers is also LT. It would have been clever if it had been LB, but I wasn’t thinking that far ahead yet. I just new that each snake would represent a different part of her personality or interests.
Wonder how ominous the Prince snake’s door is gonna look?
So the less developed the snakes are the less stuff the own. The two guys with the least stuff seem super nice and actually somewhat intelligent (despite how they behave in the real world)—just not that ambitious perhaps because they are content. I wonder if Sneaky is going to live in a McMansion and have a politician personality… I’m a little scared to see what he turns out like.