– For those of you who somehow don’t know, Eevee and Ekans are the names of Pokemon. Ekans is a snake Pokemon, where Eevee is a fox or something. Originally the joke for this strip was going to be something like “I already have 4 Ekans… well, 5 if you count Ekans!” But it’s been too long since we saw Modest’s friend Ekans (real name Meg) and I was afraid the joke would be too confusing. My second try was “I know you’re kind of like an Ekans, but who wants 4 Ekans? Thats not even a good team!” But that seemed too mean for Modest.
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa please consider supporting the comic by checking out my Patreon, Ko-fi or store! The links are right above this post. I really, really appreciate your support!
– I’m doing a special pre-order for a set of Modest Medusa Black Panther stickers. The set is $5 (plus shipping) and includes three 3 inch die-cut vinyl stickers. The set is available for pre-order from my store till April 10th, and will ship around the end of the month! If this set sells well I’ll be doing more sticker sets in the future.
TypoAlert: last panel “sPomething”
Also, I have no idea how an ekans or an eevee looks like
Thanks. I’ll fix that.

Okay, so here’s a picture of Ekans eating Sushi that I drew waaaaaaaay back before MM started.
And here’s a kind of weird looking Eevee from around the same time.

So it’s not only that snake that has a mind of it’s own? Also I thought this would involve her trying to concentrate again and then catch the sneaky snake with her hand when he tries to bonk her, and then he hisses urgently and defiantly while she just holds him inplace and keeps concentrating with a stern look on her face.
I mean, that still might happen.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I thought it wouldn’t happen because I thought of it.
Bulbasaur us still the best.
Just because Gina said she was Ekans’ BFF does Modest suddenly not like them? What about her Arboc costume? You can’t get an Arboc without an Ekans.
Does an sushi eating Ekans still eat the eel based dishes or does it find that a little disturbing?
I think for Modest Ekans the person and Ekans the Pokemon are totally different. In her mind she’s probably forgotten that they even have the same name. But the point here is that Ekans the Pokemon is kind of lame. You wouldn’t want 4 of them. Even Jesse only had one.
I assume Ekans eats anything it wants. Snakes eat other snakes, after all. But of course this is Pokemon, so who knows?
Yeah, I mean, even if you like Ekans, you wouldn’t have an entire party composed of them. That’s the sort of nonsense that NPC trainers do. And NPC trainers such, because they have no flexibility.
There’s a song about NPC trainers.
as cute as this is, the fact that the snakes have a mind of their own, and can interact with their host/main body, makes the fact that aunty ate hers even more creepy
That probably isn’t a common thing among them. Everyone seems pretty surprised that she does it. It may even be unique to Modest. What it means for her is still mysterious.
Yeah, I’m getting the feeling that “Oracle” hydra’s snakes might behave differently because they don’t eventually merge into one mind like other hydra. So even though they’re still part of Modest, they still remain partly independent.
And if Oracle hydra are as rare as the story seems to imply, it’s possible that Auntie doesn’t realize they don’t have exactly the same connection the others have with their snakes.
Let’s see what her proposed solution is before we decide how much she does or doesn’t know about the situation.
Panel 3: shouldn’t that read “whismur whismur”?
It should have. Missed opportunity.
4 Ekans vs. a mermaid is super effective.
Mermaids are weak against… Stone type? Poison type? Hair type?
Well, Mermaids are a Water/Smokes type and as far as I remember, the Smokes type is weak to Hair.
I thought it was the other way around?
I mean, there are mutual weaknesses, too. For example, dragons are mutually weak to dragons.
Mermaids seem to be Water/Fairy type.
Ekans are Poison type.
Ergo, Poison > Fairy, so it’s not really that farfetched to think they would have a type advantage in that dynamic.
I guess that does make sense.
There is a little, white dot, hanging over the word, “your,” in that second panel, that is driving me up the wall.
You did this on purpose… didn’t you.
I may have. No way to tell.
Typo alert: First panel, “I’l” instead of “I’d”
Oh, thanks!
Shouldn’t it be I’d not I’l in the first panel?
It should
Black Panther Modest is surprisingly badass looking.