– This one was a little late. I was trying to adjust my sleep schedule and ended up falling into a sleep trap. That’s where you have a dream that tells you that no matter what you have to keep sleeping, and if you wake up you HAVE to go back to sleep. It got me for about 15 hours before I figured it out.
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Sleep trap! I love it. I also know that feeling, though I don’t recall the last time I was able to sleep that long.
Chances are, you needed it.
I might have needed it. It’s still frustrating.
“She’s not a cop.” Love that.
15 hours? Yiminy. 13 is my record, and that’s with a normal night’s sleep of 10-11.. 12 when sleep deprived. I’ve never had a sleep trap dream, instead what I tend to get is dreams about trying but failing to sleep.. That, and dreams about missing my alarm and waking up late, then trying in vain to go about my day and figure out how late I am when the clocks keep changing.. But no matter what, I can’t help but wake up every few hours.
“I think that’s part of the plan”. My wife, a retired educator of 33 years verifies it is part of the plan! That kid is smart!!
We also snagged some chocodiles – need more!!!!!!
Unfortunately, this can also teach kids that adults will ignore them for no apparent reason, so why kill your arm trying to tell/ask them something?
Modest DID raise her hand! She just didn’t know about the “wait until the teacher asks” part…
You’re raising your hands too!
These kids are smart.
Whenever I put my hand up and the teacher doesnt ask me…..
I check my hand if its gone white from the lack of blood (white like the back wall!)
Speaking from the perspective of a chronically sleep deprived sleep binger, yes. The trap is real. Welcome to the Trap. We’ve missed you….
Only 15 hours? Let’s see. WAY back in university, I pulled a 3-day all-nighter, from Tuesday to Friday, trying to get a computer programming project done on time. Well, Thursday night I think I dozed off a little during compiles. Friday morning, I managed to hand in my assignment, went to breakfast, my 9:30 class (I know it was Calculus because of my schedule; apparently I snoozed through the class.) As I was living on-campus, I decided that I had a couple of hours before my 12:30 class, so I finally went to my room and lay down in my bed. I woke up about 2 pm on Saturday. Apparently, I had slept through the floor party on the floor above Friday night, too. So 10 AM Friday to 2 PM Saturday is a very solid 28 hours. Do realize that my memory of that week is still a little fuzzy from lack of sleep, but I think I have it correct.
Fifteen hours of “figuring out” could mean much more hours of sleep. 🙂 But honestly, i laughed at sleep trap. Grandma is often having dreams about cooking her favorite food (you all know the dreams where you repeatedly working), it must be very disappointing to wake up after such dreams. Your brain is telling you there must be heaps of great food ready, and it is not.
I wonder how often Modest is going to raise a snake instead of a hand to get the teacher’s attention.
I don’t think Modest can control her snakes.
Unless it’s the snakes that have something to say… but then again, they don’t seem to be able to speak yet.
I’m wondering why the kids aren’t racist about modest – the green girl with snake hair. I feel like nowadays she’d be pointed at, poked fun at, and have tons of photos taken to be posted on social media.
There’s a reason. We’ll get to it soon.
The children are all secretly aliens wearing human disguises!
Maybe everyone’s a different kind of creature, but they’re just much better at disguising it.
Back when Marah started growing horns, she wasn’t turning into a monster, she was actually starting to turn back…
It’s also worth pointing out this is NOT a public school, so it really is possible that the students here could have some special yet-unmentioned qualities…
I, for one, NEVER got tired of asking questions. Still don’t. I’m in college and if I’m confused I will continue to pester the professor, even after class is over if need be.
what if her snakes need to ask a question?
A hand, a plan, a canal, padnaha.
Modest didn’t know about raising her hand? But she raised it when she “asked” for a do-over…
bad writing.
Oh okay.
Clearly, she was just gesticulating wildly; its just that the picture was taken when only one hand was up.
Also, she didn’t wait to be called on. Raising your hand is only half the expected etiquette.
Back when I was in school, I got into the habit of raising a ruler instead.
For one thing I didn’t need to lift my hand up as high… and for another, if I DID lift my hand up as high, the ruler was even higher.
Once I upgraded to a metre-rule though, I started getting systematically ignored more… probably because I was intentionally trying to subvert the system.