It might seem a little odd if you looked happy while talking about those bad things. If it had been some time since and you were clearly using humor to defuse the stress of recalling something terrible that would make sense. She just seems oddly cheerful for someone recalling a very recent trauma.
To be fair to them, they’ve only known her while she’s been healing from nearly being cut in half. She’s not been in any condition to fight until recently, so to them she’s just a weak girl.
That girl looks way to happy given the sight she saw.
Sustained tone attentiveness. Everyone else around her is like “Aw jeez my cousin works there I hope he skipped today”
I have seen some things, some really bad things. Does that mean I can’t be happy in public again.
It might seem a little odd if you looked happy while talking about those bad things. If it had been some time since and you were clearly using humor to defuse the stress of recalling something terrible that would make sense. She just seems oddly cheerful for someone recalling a very recent trauma.
It was horrible, but hey- free beer!
To be fair, sometimes people laugh when everything is horrible.
I thought so too at first but she’s already drunk quite a bit, maybe it’s the alcohol.
That is not a helpful comment, sir.
Nope. The stranger girl is the monster.
Hah, called it! Steve and gang were good people.
I’m just over here like, they don’t know Mara very well do they? 😉 she’s a sweet girl, but she can fight.
To be fair to them, they’ve only known her while she’s been healing from nearly being cut in half. She’s not been in any condition to fight until recently, so to them she’s just a weak girl.
Uh huh. They might not have even noticed her ears. She just talks with a weird accent.
All the King’s People have pointed ears. Marah doesn’t.
Avoid the hell out of it?
I’d say Marah has a right to respond to that with something along the lines of “I got my scar fighting the Prince, you know”.
“Go full Drudge Angel”
She hasn’t told any of them what all she’s done in Yeld, yet, has she?
Crowd: “You fought the PRINCE?!”
Marah: “And I think I won…technically…”
Yeah, they don’t know anything about her at all.
I have a hunch that that is about to change soon…