Marah is going to have to fight that thing, what ever it is, isn’t she?
Was there ever any question? Only thing I have to ask is if her fighting skills have gotten rusty.
She had fighting skills? I thought her skill was all in the magical armor.
I mean, she was a pretty okay fighter for a kid before that. She used to fight her uncles all the time.
I’m pretty sure that achieving first blood against the Prince was at least a little bit her, and not just the armor doing all the work.
Maybe 95% of the work.
I thought she achieved first blood by cutting herself? That was definitely a crafty strategy, but not so much a fighting skill.
No, she cut the Prince.
I though that magical armor is part of her now …
The armor was starting to form when she met the wolves, so yes.
Ye gods, that’s terrifying.
Ye gods, the lore is amazing.
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Marah is going to have to fight that thing, what ever it is, isn’t she?
Was there ever any question? Only thing I have to ask is if her fighting skills have gotten rusty.
She had fighting skills? I thought her skill was all in the magical armor.
I mean, she was a pretty okay fighter for a kid before that. She used to fight her uncles all the time.
I’m pretty sure that achieving first blood against the Prince was at least a little bit her, and not just the armor doing all the work.
Maybe 95% of the work.
I thought she achieved first blood by cutting herself? That was definitely a crafty strategy, but not so much a fighting skill.
No, she cut the Prince.
I though that magical armor is part of her now …
The armor was starting to form when she met the wolves, so yes.
Ye gods, that’s terrifying.
Ye gods, the lore is amazing.