So in case you missed the news on Friday, the Modest Medusa Season 1 book is in stock and available for order for $17! There’s also a special signed version with a  sketch for just a bit more. Click here to visit the store! Also, I made a comic:

For those of you who contributed to the Kickstarter, I’m busy sketching in your books and packing them into envelopes. I expect to start sending them out later this week!

Something cool! If you’re looking for a Kickstarter to give a few bucks to, can I suggest Language Hunters? My friend Willem has been developing Language Hunters for a few years now. It’s a intuitive gaming approach for learning languages. I’ll testify that I used it to learn quite a bit of sign language over a single evening, and it’s stuck with me for almost 3 years. It was also a lot of fun!  Anyway, Willem and the rest of the Language Hunters crew could use your help with their Kickstarter. Please check it out.