– Here’s the cover for Season 4! I was going to start the season back earlier this month, but really I kind of needed to extend my break for another week or two. It was fun doing odds and ends comics in between the seasons, but now it’s time to get back to the story!
– The Kickstarter is going great! We’re only about $300 away from our next Stretch Goal, a bonus 3 page comic featuring Charles. We also have just one last Guest Appearance available, as well as other rewards like original art, lunch boxes, posters and more! So please check out the Kickstarter page!
– Here’s a special thing I’d doing. My friends Ben and Elaine are running a Kickstarter for their comic Licensed Heroes. It’s a fantasy comedy and I dig it a lot. Elaine and I collaborated on a special Licensed Heroes/Modest Medusa print. She drew it and I colored it. We’ll be giving away the print to anyone who back both of our Kickstarters for at least $25. Here’s the art:
How does this work? If you’re already backing Modest Medusa for at least $25 all you’ll have to do is go to the Licensed Heroes Kickstarter and back Elaine and Ben for $25 or more! That’s it. When I ship out the Modest Medusa books I’ll include your print in the package!
Licensed Heroes is a great comic and totally worth your time, so please check it out!
– I bought a bunch of Legos. Holy crap, I love Legos! I picked up a few of the Lego Movie sets, a camper and tow truck from the town series and a bunch of mini figs. I also got a UniKitty! Eventually I’ll smash them all up and make a space ship or something!
I’ve been avoiding buying a bunch of legos until I’ve internalized that they will not, in fact, talk.
So, how are the filler comics actually any easier than regular comics? They’re still pictures you have to draw. Is there some subtle detail in the regular work that takes a lot of time?
Story planning takes time, and I spend a lot of time thinking about the “in continuity” comics. The filler comics are much easier and more stress free to write.
I find this makes especially good sense; I like hard things, and the world building material is the whole reason I come back here.
… Seriously?
Coming up with ideas… versus actualising them in graphical form…
I’ve tried webcomicing before… and found that writing a strip takes about 5 minutes. For me to try and convey anything in graphical form takes at least 5 hours and looks awful.
That is why I don’t even try any more.
Works different for different people. I’ll tell you one thing, writing a comic when you have to keep over 600 pages of continuity in mind is a lot harder then just whipping out a few fast gag strips.
The snowman needs snake hair.
My god. It’s full of cute! *squee!*
Modest is at her best when being cute.
Here’s the caption that ran through my mind when I saw that print:
“Wait, come back, I smell chocolate!!!”
“Why is there stupid form about unexpected on the job hazards?!?!”
“Keep running, she’s gaining!!”
“Either fill out the form somewhere out of my way or run faster!”
I can’t tell if her tail is getting bigger. It kinda looks like it in the first panel, and it really looks like it in the second. It is also possible that we just don’t see the tail too often.
Why does the hat in the third panel make me think she should be in some French or Poland kid’s show, though?
Her til is pretty big and we just don’t see it that often.
Are you going to yell “spaceship” a million times while pwning all the other ships? 😛
You should totally do Modest as UniKitty… and just for the heck of it, ChainKitty.
Also, I am so buying all your books in about six months (cause I’m just starting to get monays from my job). Would there be any way to buy some of these prints later?
P.S. My boyfriend and I saw the Lego Movie on Valentines Day. Because he’s awesome. He also bought a giant tub of used Legos right afterward, which happened to have wheels, those translucent things you can use as lasers, and a ton of other weird, cool pieces. No peoples though 🙁 Maybe I can get him the movie expansion with people for his birthday. I wish they had Lego Batman with the rest, though, he was so hilariously jerky-cool in the movie.
I may do some Unikitty fan art, just because!
I often have extra prints left over, so when you order the books ask me what I have in stock.
The Lego Movie was a pretty great Valentines Day movie, huh? And not surprisingly, every store in town sold out of interesting Legos over the weekend. If you want a Lego Batman it looks like he’s being packaged with one of teh upcoming movie sets. There are also several sets from the Lego DC Universe series that are currently in stores, so you can get a Batman for $20-30 (and it comes with your choice of Mister Freeze or Man Bat)!
I physically can’t take this much cute in one strip Jake you’re killing me here.
Jake quick question. Do 35 dollar contributors get to choose between a poster or bag or is it the custom sketch instead?
The $35 reward is the custom sketch. You can choose a lesser reward instead if you want, like the poster or bag. If you want two of those (the custom sketch and bag, for example) you can choose the “Pick 2” reward for $42.
Ok sounds good. I’d probably misplace the bag and I still have posters from the con I went I haven’t put up. I’ll stick with the C.S. Now back I go to promoting the kickstarter.
I appreciate the help!
IT’S TOO MUCH! This cuteness is going to kill me!!!!!
My love for Legos is eternal. 🙂
I am pretty sure snakes are cold blooded. They hibernate in the winter. Having Modest wiggling around in the snow, especially with the winter we have been having here in North America, would not work well, as she would not have enough heat to keep moving. Even if she is warm blooded, she would end up dumping too much heat being in direct contact with the snow.
I thought about that too, then realized she takes frequent cocoa breaks.
awww, modest and her snakes cuddling a teddy bear!….now i need an urgent apointment with my dentist, but it was so worth it!!
Now there is a contented eight year old.