– Here’s the cover for Season 4! I was going to start the season back earlier this month, but really I kind of needed to extend my break for another week or two. It was fun doing odds and ends comics in between the seasons, but now it’s time to get back to the story!

– The Kickstarter is going great! We’re only about $300 away from our next Stretch Goal, a bonus 3 page comic featuring Charles. We also have just one last Guest Appearance available, as well as other rewards like original art, lunch boxes, posters and more! So please check out the Kickstarter page!

–  Here’s a special thing I’d doing. My friends Ben and Elaine are running a Kickstarter for their comic Licensed Heroes. It’s a fantasy comedy and I dig it a lot. Elaine and I collaborated on a special Licensed Heroes/Modest Medusa print. She drew it and I colored it. We’ll be giving away the print to anyone who back both of our Kickstarters for at least $25. Here’s the art:

MM_LH_crossover small

 How does this work? If you’re already backing Modest Medusa for at least $25 all you’ll have to do is go to the Licensed Heroes Kickstarter and back Elaine and Ben for $25 or more! That’s it. When I ship out the Modest Medusa books I’ll include your print in the package!

Licensed Heroes is a great comic and totally worth your time, so please check it out!

– I bought a bunch of Legos. Holy crap, I love Legos! I picked up a few of the Lego Movie sets, a camper and tow truck from the town series and a bunch of mini figs. I also got a UniKitty! Eventually I’ll smash them all up and make a space ship or something!