– Ben and Elaine of Dubious Company are having their book release part this Saturday at Cosmic Monkey in Portland. You can get more info on the party here, and if you can’t make it you can buy the book here!
– Still playing Ocarina of time on the 3DS. Just beat the Forest Temple, and now I’m touring future Hyrule looking for ledges to hookshot, leafs to ride and holes to bomb. Fun!
– Saw Chronicle this weekend with Will and Ben. Pretty good. I’ve been disapointed by news of an American remake of Akira for years, but if this had been that… it actually would have been pretty awesome.
– Still selling Modest Medusa Season 1. Mosey on over to my shop and buy a copy!
Yeah! The moment I’ve been waiting for when things get all piratey up here.
Awesome strip is Awesome.
I thought they were otters! Anyway, they are thoroughly enthusiastic pirates. They seem way better at it than the last enthusiastic pirates I saw, captain Boney Boone’s scurvy crew in the French BD “De Cape et de Crocs”.
I’ve totally never seen that.
Captain Boone and his crew are impossibly dumb.
Historically speaking, pirates were perhaps the least racist people around, anyone could join the crew. So, ferrets, weasels, raccoons, rats – all are welcome. (Yes, 2 c’s in raccoon.)
Besides, the ferret frigate would just sound wierd.
Crap. My spell check didn’t flag that.
Pirates didn’t tend to ships as large as frigates. A sloop or brig was quite big enough for most piratical purposes.
And then, a ferret sloop sounds better than a ferret frigate.
(also: panel 2: the Ferret’s doesn’t need the apostrophe. They don’t belong to the Ferret, but the point he’s making is that they are not ferrets!
Actually,that would depend on which pirates you are talking about… while the Caribbean pirates tended to have smaller boats, others most certainly did have big ships- such as the Barbary coast pirates (on their infamous lanteen-rigged ‘xebecs’) or Cheng I Sao’s Chinese pirates (she commanded a fleet that rivaled the British Navy in size).
Raccoons? Come on, Marah. Yarr, there ain’t no raccoons on the Flamin’ Gerbil.
What about stoats?
i was going for stoats, too, but Teguki beat me to it.
Shouldn’t someone have a hook for a hand and a pirate on the shoulder? And don’t forget September 19, annual Talk Like A Pirate Day. Shivver me timbers, ye lubbers.
Everyone knows real pirates have pirates on their shoulders!
Well, I did once read a comic featuring a peg-legged parrot (human sized), who had a tiny human pirate sitting on his shoulder.
If they’re really pirates, then wheres the rum? hmm?
Cool pirates drink Grog, mate.
Yarrrrgh! We be pirates, ye lubber!
Taking other people’s stuff knows not the bounds of religion, nationality or species!
I’m tellin’ you guys, they’re Marmosets! Nautical Marmosets!
Species: Pirate.
Well that was quite a faux pas
Maybe they’re Ferrecooneasats.
Pirate Ferrecooneasats.
Gotta’ say, otters are pun-tastic. Otter-pilot, Otter-guns, the possibilities are staggering.
Well of course they’re pirates! Didn’t they make that clear from the get go? Seriously Marah, you need to listen better.
By the way does anyone remember how in Animaniacs the Warners always avoided saying what kind of animals they were?
So if they’re pie rats, where’s the pie?
No, they’re big enough that I say they’re capybara.
But it doesn’t matter. They’re pirates!
Well that makes perfect sense.
That is the most awesome response i have read in a long long time
I was feeling depressed because of mass effect 3’s ending but you cheered me up
Thank you
they are obviously Pie Rats: a sub-species of rat that subsides exclusively on Pie.
You people are still trying to work out what they are? They said it themselves, they’re pirates! (Which, for them, obviously applies as species/race too)
Pffft, they’re obviously Dittos.
Seriously, just at least one Ninja/Pirate fight!
the captain seems so execited to show off the ship. then Marah insaults them because everyone should know a big ferrert shaped boat is not sea worthy. now i wonder if they will sing. what is name of ship all ships pirate or other wise should have a name?
I don’t have a name yet. I’ll take suggestions via twitter.
But the boat ISN”T shaped like a big ferret…so it is sea worthy.
So, are any of these nutria as awesome as Bartholomew Roberts? The most successful pirate of the golden age of piracy, and a rather strange pirate captain at that.He allowed no gambling aboard his ships, and killed men for drinking on Sundays. I liked that 7th grade report I did on him.