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I can go a little further, but I wonder why pi is important here?
without looking anything up.
Because they’re PiRats?
Oh no. They’re math rats. Gonna wager something OCDish with regard to numbers, like how classic vampire myths had them obsessed with counting.
As Jamato below said:
PIe attack?
Or maybe this specific Rat has a Sheldonian compulsion* to finish any math problem that somebody else started?
*derived from Sheldon, of Big Bang Theory.
Well, this is a magic world. I am going to guess they are going with that one vampire style rule of OCD, only for…fairy whatevers?
General point- I think the other guy is supposed to get distracted, figuring out the next number. Up until the point that his insides are made into outsides with that knife.
That’s too many decimal places. She’s a PIrate, which is why she only listed eight digits of PI. PIrates love their PIeces of eight.
Oh no! When she reaches the final number we’re doomed!
Think that’s the problem Pi doesn’t have a final number but the rats will be busy running out the remainder.
Pie attack?
Math attack. Wait till she pulls out the fractions. It’ll all be over, then.
Frog Fractions 2 confirmed
Well she is already trying to divide Carlos.
Fractions?! *pffttt* Wait ’til she breaks out the differential calculus!
That’s a slippery slope for sure!
Now tell me about Mission Report December 16, 1991.
No one said there’d be math!
Now I want pie…
Now that’s just downright irrational.
I see what you did there. 🙂
Crap! She’s whipping out pi! Quick! Someone divide by zero! It’s the only way!
And the captain is a mathrat too – she is really outmatched 🙂
Mathrats… -_-
She wanna be a first mate
Captain Jaspar doesn’t have a first mate
Peaceful solution?
Everyone knows, 3.14% of sailors are Pi-Rates.
Isn’t that the same number that Anthony Hopkins used to distract Emilio Estevez in the movie Freejack so that his mercs could get into position?
Heh! I liek Pi!
Bum ba da dun da
Pirates of the Caribbean music
She must have took lessons from Sho Minamimoto