So that’s a question answered finally. Anyway, I know this story arc has been rough. Thanks for sticking around. I’ll make it worth your while.
– The Kickstarter is going great! We’re funded, past our first stretch goal and only $700 from our second. Remember, the deal is that for every $1000 extra we raise I’ll be doing an extra 3 page comic strip for the book!
– I’ve also decided to add a new Kickstarter reward! This is designed for those of you who really wanted a guest appearance. I had limited guest appearances this time becasue they were a lot of work and I knew I just couldn’t fit many of them in this season. One of you suggested this sulotion though, and I think it’s a good idea:
Appear in a filler illustration! For $175 or more you’ll appear in a black and white filler illustration during Season 3. This illustration will feature you along side Medusa, Jake or other characters, along with some kind of gag (something like the illustration below). These filler illustrations will appear on the Modest Medusa site in between normal strips, when Jake is running late or whenever Jake needs to put up some extra content. You’ll receive the original illustration after Season 3 is over! (You’ll also get the book, the mini print set, stickers, Modest Avengers print, the Key chain set and the poster and shirt set)
Important: This reward is available to anyone who pledges (or has already pledged) $175 or more. So if you pledge for the $200 or $500 or whatever you’ll also get this. The only exception is for people who selected the $250 Guest Appearance Reward. I have something else special planned for you!
– The art contest is over, and everything looks great! I haven’t had a chance to respond to each of you and say thank you, so… well, let me say so now! Thank you all! Your work looks great! In fact, I think we’ll have enough room to put all of your work in the book! I think. I don’t want to promise that, but I’ll be doing layout with the goal of squeezing everything in (including your names and sites). I’ll still be choosing my favorite three, and my favorite will get a free book. If you DON’T want your art to appear in the book, let me know. I’ll be announcing the winners on Friday.
– I wanted to mention a few friends and Kickstarters. Simon Underwood is posting new pages of Sorrel and Artichoke once or twice a week. I just saw the art for the new pages and it’s looking great. If you like adventure comics I’d recommend sticking with this for a few weeks. It’ll be worth it. On Kickstarter Thomas Lakey needs a digital printer to make cools stuff. His goal is pretty modest, and maybe after he gets one we can have him print some MM stuff. Ross Cowman’s role playing game Serpent’s Tooth is already funded, but Ross could probably do cool stuff with the extra money, and once you read about the game you’ll want to check it out as much as I do!
– Conventions! Nothing too soon, but I’ll be at Geek Girl Con, Gencon, Kumoricon and probably PAX later this summer.
That was…
AWSOME and sweet in a creepy evil snake mom way! 😉
I am almost done with my drawing I just have to do the pen outline and color!!!! 🙂
I hope you like it!!! 🙂
Get it in quick! You’re running late!
Just give me one more hour!!!!!!
There are two Version of it .
How do I give it to you again!?!?!?!?!?
Here is the web URL… Wait what is the web URL for??????
HELP ME!!!!!!
Okay!!! I just sent the picture/drawings through email. If it doesn’t come through let me know. 🙂
(It took me about three hours to draw these, I know I suck at drawing. Unlike you who make awsome ones)
I got them!
YEAH!!!!! 🙂
Are they okay, good, great, bad, or puke inducing?!?!!?!!?
They’re good! I dig them.
🙁 WAHHHHH *crying * NOOOO!!!! 🙁
Wait I’m almost done!!!!!!!!!
Modest is special to Momdusa?
I bet it’s the shirt. Momdusa really likes that shirt.
and then Momdusa’s head pops back up “It’s also why I didn’t name the others Just so you know”
Oh my god I just had a scary thought. What if Momdusa is just a hair???
Well, at least Panel 6 lets us know that Momdusa isn’t attached to a crazy huge medusa unless she’s bisected or something.
you can see momdusas hair right above the pit in the last 2 panels
Got that idea too but in last pic its pretty much blown. Unless Momdusa is a shapeshifter.
So Modest Medusa IS the princess after all. That’s why she’s so special.
Umm, that would me Momdusa’s hair would have to have hair. In case you haven’t notice, Momdusa has smaller snakes on her, sort of like Modest and the other medusa’s hair, only not exactly on her head. Also I don’t think the hair snakes are sentient. Plus it shows Momdusa’s tail meaning she can’t be connected to a head…
I wonder who made it through dinner time
Favoritism just makes it so much creepier. I had a jerk wad professor once who was really unfair to his students but favored me. It just made him that much worse in my book.
How come I had had to come home? Typo or just the cute medusa stammering as her sisters (odd that they’re all female, but then again there are those snakes. Damn you tentacle anime!) are eaten?
Crap. I could have swore I fixed that before I saved.
Once I get my printer & modeling software up and running I may make some 3d characters
That would be awesome!
Well, of course she’s special. There isn’t another snake girl in all of Yeld with that many Pokemon.
Sure, it answers one question… but it *begs* a ton more!
Like, why does she just arbitrarily *eat* her own offspring? why has she not released Jake now that Modest is “home”? Why does she not seem to care? And why does she not tell the whole truth? Why? What? Why? Why?
(I have just referenced an AVGN episode. Epic win!)
well Jake did kidnap her favourite kid, so i think she kidnapped him more to execute him then as bait
and maybe eating her kids is the only way for her to survive and modest is the only one who can grow to be a true medusa so shes forcing her to live in the cave so shell be ready to do the same in X years
Yeah, unfortunately, those are just good guesses. The only one who knows the answers is Jake, and he’s not talkin’.
Are the mini snakes attached or just hanging around on Medusa’s mother?
Oh god! It’s a hydra!
I laughed so hard at this!
Lol, I love how she was sooo sad/disappointed that she wasn’t getting any attention by being eaten XD While all the others are running for their lives XD
Sooo mummz finally spoke up and yay, we find out “Modest” is special 😀 !
I’d say it’s more confusion and guilt rather than being disappointed.
I’m so glad this is over. Sometimes being a mom can really harsh your enjoyment of things…
And off she runs, ready to devour anything smaller than her someplace else. Let’s hope it doesn’t all go to her hips (or whatever snakes have instead of hips).
I think I like this character. Are we going to see any more of her anytime soon? That arc was pretty sweet and it’s a pity that it’s over already.
Yeah, she’ll be back fairly soon.
Some snakes have hips. In fact, constrictors, the most primitive breed of snake, have residual legs and even easily visible claws, knows as spurs. They are known as spurs because snakes are from the wild west, where they work all day until the cows come home and all they want is respect and someone to ease the loneliness on cold desert nights.
The more you know.
And then she spits out all the little medusas, who laugh and giggle and say how much they love playing “pretend mommy’s going to eat you.”
our heroine is such a modest medusa
So Jake quick question what is the proper penalty fee for having to pay early next month rather then in the kickstarter? Since i just found out tommorow i have to use the money saved on the card for cat litter and bug spray.
No fee. I’m sure we can work something out.
Modest? Huh. How about that. What are the others’ names?
Oath? (would be a cool name)
Sorry I’m just being silly now… but still I got more!
well at least we know her name, and now we have to figure out why she so special then the other Medusa’s
It’s simple really. You’re special because you’re wearing a t-shirt.
I’m not sure why you’re finding this hard to grasp.
nice reason to spare her but did she really ahve to eat the 200 sisters to tell her?
She only ate two or three of them.
So her name was in the strip’s title in all this time? Her sister’s names are probably breakfast, lunch, & dinner. 😉
What sets Modest apart from the rest? I suspect hints have been dropped throughout the series.
I dunno if I am going to be able to call her “Modest”, I mean 2.1 seasons in and we finally learn her name? We all have really established calling her “Medusa”.
I’m curious to see just how many are going to be able to resist calling her “medusa” now.
Further, in the right light, it makes sense that her name would have been in the title. She certainly hasn’t been very modest over the course of the time we’ve known her. She doesn’t act very modest. Tho that in-and-of itself makes me curious to know why she was named Modest to begin with, if she doesn’t act such. Hmm |:/ I’m probably overthinking this.
I’ve been calling her modest other people call her modest. You can either call her Medusa which is her race {If your Racist!!! jk} or you can call her Modest which is her name and her personality archetype.
Medusa isn’t a race, It is a name. It is the name of a mythological person/creature who turned people into stone when they looked at her, a half snake, half human.
I addressed this point in the last comic. According to Jake, the race are known as Medusas in this world, not Gorgons.
Need I remind you of the lamia? Also half-snake, but no stone ability. Also of greek mythos, if I’m not mistaken. Gotta specify!
I always thought she was called modest on the fact that she got upset when she realized she was naked and wanted to cover herself
That’s where it started.
I think that the fact that she ran away in the first place proved to be of special interest.
Modest Medusa season 2 kickstarter is an Awesome webcomic Help me spread the word to raise money for it’s season 2 book before the 30th …. Wait a minute Why am I advertising here…
hey Jake was just rereading the season 2 comments and i noticed it
panel 3
I plan stuff out ahead.
Look what else i found
December 18, 2011 at 4:18 am
I thought Her name was Modest?
yeah, see? Good call.
I’m going to pledge because my card seems to think i have the money if i dont have it ill paypal it next month
Eff Yeah we got charles bonus now 1000 till gamestop employees
I wonder if the mother had the other children after Modest left in an attempt to recreate her original daughter? This would explain why she eats the others, they simply were not as good as her first, “Modest Medusa”. Maybe they are failures in the mother’s eyes.
It would also explain the fact that she didn’t know she had sisters, and that they are all female. (She ate the guys right off the bat)
*How come i had had to come home?* sorry the second had was annoying me.
Dang…. I hope my maybe-future-boss in my next job interview sees “I need the job, I must help kickstart so much!!!” as much a valid argument as I do…
Oh hooray! That explains the modest and gets rid of the small sadness i had when i thought she wasnt individual. Two llamas with one basket!
I can’t help but call momdusa “nomdusa” now.
I love the look of the other little medusas, they have the “Oh, moms not going to eat us?” look. 🙂
Her name ,,,IS,,,Modest Medusa! It was there all along!
Mom’s a real royal cloaca.
Did… did she eat the one in her mouth? 🙁