So that’s a question answered finally. Anyway, I know this story arc has been rough. Thanks for sticking around. I’ll make it worth your while.


The Kickstarter is going great! We’re funded, past our first stretch goal and only $700 from our second. Remember, the deal is that for every $1000 extra we raise I’ll be doing an extra 3 page comic strip for the book!

– I’ve also decided to add a new Kickstarter reward! This is designed for those of you who really wanted a guest appearance. I had limited guest appearances this time becasue they were a lot of work and I knew I just couldn’t fit many of them in this season. One of you suggested this sulotion though, and I think it’s a good idea:

Appear in a filler illustration! For $175 or more you’ll appear in a black and white filler illustration during Season 3. This illustration will feature you along side Medusa, Jake or other characters, along with some kind of gag (something like the illustration below). These filler illustrations will appear on the Modest Medusa site in between normal strips, when Jake is running late or whenever Jake needs to put up some extra content. You’ll receive the original illustration after Season 3 is over! (You’ll also get the book, the mini print set, stickers, Modest Avengers print, the Key chain set and the poster and shirt set)

Important: This reward is available to anyone who pledges (or has already pledged) $175 or more. So if you pledge for the $200 or $500 or whatever you’ll also get this. The only exception is for people who selected the $250 Guest Appearance Reward. I have something else special planned for you!

– The art contest is over, and everything looks great! I haven’t had a chance to respond to each of you and say thank you, so… well, let me say so now! Thank you all! Your work looks great! In fact, I think we’ll have enough room to put all of your work in the book! I think. I don’t want to promise that, but I’ll be doing layout with the goal of squeezing everything in (including your names and sites). I’ll still be choosing my favorite three, and my favorite will get a free book. If you DON’T want your art to appear in the book, let me know. I’ll be announcing the winners on Friday.

– I wanted to mention a few friends and Kickstarters. Simon Underwood is posting new pages of Sorrel and Artichoke once or twice a week. I just saw the art for the new pages and it’s looking great. If you like adventure comics I’d recommend sticking with this for a few weeks. It’ll be worth it. On Kickstarter Thomas Lakey needs a digital printer to make cools stuff. His goal is pretty modest, and maybe after he gets one we can have him print some MM stuff. Ross Cowman’s role playing game Serpent’s Tooth is already funded, but Ross could probably do cool stuff with the extra money, and once you read about the game you’ll want to check it out as much as I do!

– Conventions! Nothing too soon, but I’ll be at Geek Girl Con, Gencon, Kumoricon and probably PAX later this summer.