– Not really a strip today, but an announcement instead. Modest Medusa is now available on Tapastic. Over the last several months one of the number one requests I’ve received was to make my comics available on this platform. I especially heard this from people who like reading Modest Medusa on their mobile devices (where this site does not perform super well). Right now the first 11 Modest Medusa and Ghost Kiss strips are available on Tapastic. I’ll be updating both series a dozen or so pages at a time over the next few weeks until they catch up to the regular schedule. After that, you’ll be able to read new MM and GK on Tapastic as they’re released. Since Tapastic has a subscribe feature, it’s super easy to keep up with both comics through their site or app.
Honestly, my preference is that you read MM here on my site, but I know that’s not always practical. Some of you enjoy reading teh comic on your phone, while others like to read it on tumblr, Deviant Art or Drunk Duck, or prefer to get your notifications from Patreon, facebook, Google+ or twitter. I think it’s important to accommodate your preferences as much as possible, so I’m happy to add Tapastic to my update rotation. I also hope Tapastic will introduce new readers to Modest Medusa and Ghost Kiss!
You can check Modest Medusa and Ghost Kiss on Tapastic right now.
I regularly read your comic on my cell phone. I haven’t experienced any problems or difficulties, myself. ^_^
Nonetheless, I’m sure this will be helpful to others, so kudos.
What sort of issues are people experiencing on their phones? I’m on my phone right meow, and the site is working fine for me.
But I suppose putting Modest on as many sites as possible will help circulate it more.
I guess for a lot of people the site is really unresponsive on their phone?
I haven’t really had a problem reading your comic on my Galaxy S4. Sure, I’d prefer to read on my computer since I can appreciate the art of comics more on a bigger screen, but if I’m away form the computer then the phone will suffice. I just might have to scroll a little bit to read the whole thing. 🙂
I’ve looked at the Patreon stuff on my phone, but it is tiny! Much easier to read on my computer!
Yeah, I just want my phone to be a phone. There’s something distressingly Morlock about the idea of being Always On. Does anyone even spend more than the time it takes to wait for the bus to enjoy quiet contemplation or to enjoy scenery for an interval longer than it takes to snap off some photos? I like computers and the Internet, but I deliberately limit my online access and presence to my desktop at home. When you’re constantly beleaguered by gadgets, you become either a moronic fidgeter or productivity-minded to the point of being no longer human.
I don’t disagree.
Mobile devices have proved…unsatisfactory…to me. I mean, I have a cell phone, but have never advanced past something to make phone calls on once in a while. I’ve got a Nook Color, but I use it more for quick Internet access rather than reading much…unless looking at a couple comics counts.
“Embrace the technology you want to use…reject the rest!”
wen I first found the site I would read it on my phone none stop I was working a 12 hour job at the time with no days off worst job ever but thank god I found MM these comics are what kept me going four awhile and half the fun of reading the comic is reading the commets ever since the site update I can’t do that on my phone any more while I no longer work at that job any more it’s still nice to pull out my phone and see what’s happening but since I cant read the comment any more on my phone I just read the ones on the Deviant art page
I’m trying to figure out why the comments and title don’t appear automatically any more. I haven’t found a solution or cause, but I’m working on it.
Funny thing, I prefer to read most comics on web browsers. I find the apps often to be icky.
And if you let Piperka, Comic Rocket to scan your site, I can come here and boost whatever revenue you generate here.
Firefox and Chrome run on Android quite well.
Yeah, I’m the same way. And as I said myself, I vastly prefer people to read my comics here (And you may have noticed that I’ve recently reintroduced an ad to me site. Although thats still in it’s testing phase). But as I said, I really believe that giving people the option to read in different places is important, and I know that different venues can often bring in brand new readers.
Reading MM here from my phone, all works well
Because I can’t always bring my full-size laptop computer into a public restroom, that’s why, Jake.
(Although to be honest, I’m more likely to be reading fanfiction on the phone. Font sizes are easier to adjust than image files.)
Yeah, I recognize this is mostly a me thing. I’, guessing a majority of readers use their phone. I wish Tapastic or Webtoon had worked out for Modest Medusa. The readers on both sites were great, but the platforms themselves were too problematic.
Cue me, reading this on the normal site on my phone’s mobile browser since forever. It’s a good format for mobile, though. I usually zoom in so that I end up scrolling like I’m on webtoons.
Addendum: I think my only problem with this format is that I have no idea where I left off, and everything being described by title and no numbers makes it a little confusing. And the titles aren’t on the page, only in the URL So I don’t even know where I am in the drop-down list. I would love it if you had a proper archive.
So… Currently (and back when I read this before) when I take a many-month reading hiatus, I am always lost and have to reread large stretches.
I hear you. I have plans for a site revamp, including a real archive and chapter navigation. Hopefully that will happen by the end of the year.