Posted In: comic
– Here’s Wed’s comic, a day early! I’ll be out of town for a few days, so I wanted to make sure I got this posted before I left.
– There’s a new page of Asami Loves Korra up for those of you who are interested. Warning! May be NSFW. I don’t know?
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa or my other comics please consider becoming a patron through Patreon. Your patronage is what’s paying my bills and allowing me to spend time making comics. Check out my Patreon here.
I never understood the grading system in letters either. Where is the E for instance?
Dropped in the 1990s because it could be confused for a drugs reference? Or could be confused for a higher grade as a result of the ’90s rave culture related hit Ebenezer Goode by the Shamen? (‘E’s ‘r good, ‘E’s ‘r good, ‘e’s Ebenezer Goode!) A lot of people in the ’90s thought that letter was RUINED FOREVER because of its association with MDMA/ecstasy.
Google-Fu, activate!
There are two types of grading: Pass and Fail. Pass is broken into Four Categories: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, or A-B-C-D. While nowadays D is seen as a horrid score it does, actually, mean you passed… you just passed in the lowest category, the Delta or D category.
Originally one would see an A, B, C, D, or Fail on their tests but eventually this evolved, with Fail being replaced to F and the introduction of + and – to further divide the categories. The letter E has been used by some schools to represent a failing grade that could be brought up to a D but this is very rare.
My high school gave Es instead of Fs. I have no idea why.
Some schoos do use E. It’s generally for 60-65%, and is still a failure.
Exactly Even… it’s for when you score 50.00%
E is for “you put in Effort, whoo-hoo” according to wikipedia, the E is in Asia. Indonesia, Iran, Japan, and Malaysia all use E, some in place of a D- others in place of the F. Denmark also has an E in its grading system. There are also countries that only use the E in certain years of education, whether that means early schooling or university level.
I had heard about people receiving a grade of E, but had no recollection where it was. So I looked it up. It was kinda interesting.
E is not for instance; E is for effort.
My college gives out “E”s I got several in my math classes. 🙁 If there had been a “Z” grade I would have gotten that instead.
I don’t know about schools (I’m from Russia, we have a different grading system), but some of the games I’ve played use E and no F.
My elementary school did give out As, but Es represented what it stood for. We Had E, A, S, B and F.
Presumably Excellent, Above Average, Satisfactory, Below Average, and Fail.
This was, of course, in the 80s. I imagine if one had come from a school with the traditional A 90.1%+, B 80.1% – 90%, C 70.1%-80%, D60.1%-70% and F below that it might be confusing.
To me, going to a high school giving out As and Bs for work instead really confused me – the Bs especially. I thought I had done just fine, but was given below average marks? How much smarter was everyone than me in this high school?
The only school I was ever in that actually used letter-grades was my Jr. high… and I found out later in life they weren’t assigning the letters to the same values as some other schools were (which came up later when I was wanting to become and exchange student and the program wanted a minimum C average… which I THOUGHT I had).
Every other school I went to used percentiles.
Modest just keeps getting more and more adorable and I can barely take it. ^_^
@Arkon: Some places use E instead of F. My school did.
I didn’t know kids were even supposed to get grades until 2nd or 3rd grade. In our state most schools give K-1: Os (outstanding), Ss (successful) or Ns (needs improvement). Are some states/schools different?
Yeah. I’ve worked at a few different schools here in Portland over the years, and while not all of them use the letter grade system, it isn’t uncommon even as young as 1st grade.
Jenny is definitly vain enough to make “M” for mermaid the best grade.
W would be the best grade. Good things begin with W.
The E grade stands for eliminated, and is only given if someone dies of stress doing the test 😉
Letter grading is weird. My cousin attended a Catholic school which used E (Excellent), A (Above Passing), P (Passing), B (Below Passing) and N (Needs Improvement) instead of the usual A, B, C, D, F scale. They meant the exact same thing.
Mine too, and almost the exact same lettering, only it was a public elementary school in the 80s, not Catholic.
We had E, A, S, B and F, with S being Satisfactory, and F being (of course) failing.
High school, with the A through F grades, confused me, especially when I earned Bs.
@ Arkon: In the one school system that I went to that gave an “E” grade (Shaker Heights, OH), it stood for “Excellence in Independent studies.” It was given to kids who did special projects; or were members of a structured, independent club. (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) I’m not sure if they still give it.
I got S on papers before. I think I broke the rating scale. Not sure if good or bad.
Some of the games I’ve played use S as “better than A”, so…
If it was Catholic school like @Mrs. The Snoot mentioned, it might stand for Saint. 🙂
Big mess anyway, i prefer numbers like we have here (1-5 ).
Well of course it does! FM! Radio! 🙂