Today’s strip is by Darrin Stephens, who does a pretty great comic called Space Slugs and a 2nd also great comic called Savage Slug! Thanks Darrin!

The Kickstarter is going great, by the way! We’re past our original goal of $2100, which means the project is fully funded. Of course, the more money we raise the more books we can print. I had promised that for every $400 we generated over the initial goal I’d do a special 3 page comic for the book featuring one of the Modest Medusa supporting characters. So far we have enough money for two of these comics (one featuring the Mermaids, the other with Charles) and we’re only about $300 away from unlocking a Chainsaw Unicorn story! I’m also hoping we’ll get enough money to do a fourth story about Medusa’s snakes! Check out the details of the Kickstarter, including all the cool stuff you can get, here!