I want to apologize for skipping the Weds update. I’ve been working over time to get the books in the mail, and the exhaustion finally caught up to me on Tuesday when I fell asleep at my desk while doinga book sketch! I’m feeling better though, and since I hope to the last of the books packed by Saturday and in the mail by Monday I think I’ll finally be relaxing a bit this weekend! Speaking of books…
There are still plenty of copies of the Modest Medusa Season 1 book for sale. You can buy it here.
For those of you waiting for yours to arrive…
See all that? This was the 2nd big load of books. These all went in thhe mail yesterday. One more load to go!
Here’s the boxes for the top contripbutors, oncluding a book, a Medusa hat, a print, a panel and some stickers! These wills hip on Monday!
Here’s a look at a few of the hand colored panels that haven’t been packed up yet.
What’s this? New plush key chains by Lina (lilineko), the creator of the medusa hats. These are prototypes for the the upcoming Season 2 kickstarter!
Here’s a better look at Medusa.
And a better look at Jake!
Finally, here’s a neat little hand made toy robot. The other night at about 2am this guy knocks on the studio door. I open the door to see what he wants and he hands me this thing and says “I made this for you”. Before I could say anything he walked away! It’s pretty cool.
What? Marah and Medusa are going to storm the Prince’s castle with cannons now?
Pretty awesome for MS paint.
Didn’t you have this problem once before?
This is actually the left over strip from them which I sometimes use as filler. The scanner is actually fine right now, I;m just running about a day behind.
I dunno, Jake, that’s still pretty doggone good.
You have a crappy Canon scanner too?
We have one, it’s so old it’s only compatible with one computer-something about, needing drivers when we tried to run it on the other one (so I have to scan, save to flash drive and transfer to laptop) and went and uninstalled itself on me, so I had to hunt the disc down to re-install it so I could use it.
As I said in another comment, this strip is from back when mt canon scanner died last year. I’m just using it for filler today. I upgraded to a nice Epson and i’m very happy with it. But yeah, I was having to do that kind of stuff too. Stupid old scanners!
I had one scanner that outlived multiple computers. I finally had to give up on it when I could no longer find drivers for the newer OS. My current Canon, OTOH, just stopped working at some point for no obvious reason. Since I haven’t really needed to scan anything for a while, I haven’t bothered to replace it.
Couldn’t you just have taken a photo of the strip and put that up instead? 🙂
But yeah, a cannon would be useful right now – to fire that scanner of yours properly… 😉
By the way, you really should fix that wanderlost link – clicking a tad below the “Post Comment” button will take you to their site instead of posting the painstakingly crafted comment…
I would, but Kevin says he likes the extra traffic.
It seems more like the “post comment” form redirects to Wanderlost after posting.
wait no that isn’t it okay whatever
I’ll be finally fixing itthis weekend, if i hav ethe time. Same for the nav buttons.
I know you’re not actually having scanner issues (cf the comments you’ve posted), but the best scanner I’ve ever had is an Epson Perfection 2450 Photo that I bought like 10 years ago and still works like a champ. The only problem with it is that it only supports USB 1.1 (which is slow) and FireWire (which is fast, but a lot less common unless you have a Mac). Fortunately I have a Mac with FireWire so it still works great for me.
Given my experience with this one I imagine that current Epsons are either just as good or are complete crap, because that is how computer stuff tends to go.
I’m really enjoying my current Epson. It’s a new model, but so far it’s teh best scanner I’ve ever had. It was recommened to me by Kalina Wilson and Mike Sugarbaker, who loaned me theirs after my last scanner went poop.
that is hi-larious. “oh no!” heh…
Is there a reason that Cannon is spelled differently both times? Did anyone else notice this?
I did the strip very quickly at the end of a long, frustrating day. After I noticed the mistake I decided not to fix it.
Well logically, a cannon would indeed make a very bad scanner. You try to scan something in it, and it blows the scan 4 or 5 time zones away.
Shame on you Jake, you should know this sort of thing. Cannons are not scanners.
I see what you did there, you replaced the silly non-“CANNON” comic with the original, now my previous post looks silly and makes no sense.
Clever Jake, but I will not be outdone.
Everyone will think you is craaaaazy!
They wouldn’t be not wrong.
They didn’t send you a new one for free when you first posted it? Bad publicity, Canon! Bad publicity!
I keep checking my mail every day I hope my neighbors dont steal it off my porch if the mail leaves it there. guess ity depends how big is the shipping package
It’s pretty small.
so it should be in my mailbox or the shipping box
yes, canon sucks 🙁
Oh my god! This is my favoritest strip ever! It is so playful and fun and…
I just can’t do this. Hope your stupid scanner fixes itself soon. :-p
I am sooo voting today–this strip rocks (now that I think of it for a bit)
My Cannon worked pretty well until the drive belt stretched and the scanner became a boat anchor.
I replaced it with an Epson I got on sale at Staples . . . so far, so good.
You should work on like 20 diffrent filler strips heres 9 ideas
one for moving
one for new job
one for maras sick and your taking care of her
one for your sick
one for cons have you exhausted
one for broken technology in general
one for powers been knocked out
one for death in the family
one for being abducted through a toilet into an fantasy realm
Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.
Save them to a thumbdrive then all you have to do is plug in and upload even if you needed to go to another pc
I just found this webcomic today! It’s fantastic! I love the art and the storyline! Can’t wait to see more <3
a girl named Fiona with a cat eared hat watch adventure time much Jake lol
I’ve actually never. Is there a characetr like that onthe show?
Well actually no but it’s complicated it involves an alternate universe and fish people it’s an awesome show though you should check it out
Woah, man… is that a Glaceon hat?!
I’m not sure. Fiona was wearing it in the ref photo she sent me, so I included it.
With Fiona’s appearance, I believe I’m starting to see a disturbing trend. It seems that a large proportion of the human(oid?) citizens of Yeld require the aid of corrective lenses. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they must spend a disproportionate amount of time reading webcomics… >_>
Also, yay! Mystery robot! Although I’d keep a close eye on it, if I were you Jake. That thing may be programmed to do evil things while you sleep… Like steal spiffy Modest Medusa merchandise
Alrighty. Found this comic … last night, as it is now morning, and just finished reading through the archives. Must say, I’ve got a new comic to list under my favorites.
On a side note, I suspect Jake’s given up hope of being rescued at the point, that is, if he ever had hope in the first place.
On another side note, I’m kinda jealous of your little robot you got there.
Howdy, Fiona! But I can’t wait to find out what oath Urano broke.
A week! That’s like 7 DS’s they owe for room and board.
a walk by roboting? i guess only in seattle.
m/ Oath Breaker!!! m/
that keychain looks a little big to be a keychain. I still want it of course but i’m just saying you should take a picture of it next to some keys. sketching and shipping out books is going to leave your arms and body more exhausted then going to the gym. The other day i thought it’d be easier to walk home from the grocery store with two bags of powerades 5 bottles in each. 0.67 miles isn’t too long. turns out i was remembering a mapquest i did from the grocery store to another store going to my house was 4.67 miles i felt like donkey kong with novocaine in my arms when i got home. I’m so excited about the book coming. I hoped it’d be here today to make my sucky morning better. I woke up to the sound of what i thought was bombs outside. Turns out it was just transformers exploding when a tree landed on the wires. power was out for 4 hours. I guess the fates want me to get my book on a good day
I got all excited when you said Transformers were exploding, then I realized what you meant.
The keychains are pretty damn big. about the size of a small xbox controller.
if she was asleep for a week she should be hungry, thirsty, and in dire need of a toilet.
Oh yeah a guy knocks on your door gives you a strange object and says “I made this for you” then leaves? Hey guy if your reading these comics next time you decide to do something nice spontaneous and weird maybe say “Hey I love your comic I don’t have much time to talk but i made you something i hope you like it bye.”
and upon rereading the comment i figure i should say that comes off a little creepy “I’m Fiona this is my house, you’ve been sleeping in my house.” It either comes off as robotic, redundant, or she murdered someone and is using the house pretending its hers. Or maybe I just read Junji Ito’s the Enigma of Amigara Fault and it makes me think of “This is my Hole it was made for me”
i was like “oh no!” when i saw urano’s reveal, when he took off the mask, cause me and a buddy who does wear armor for his historical reenactment society are planning a comic of our own, and i had something similar planned…..but picture Urano in a cubicle doing that. ha.
the mystery robot could be a spy robot or a death robot or it has a secret camera and someone sells pictures of you. Never trust a robot it could spell your doom, also never trust a old doll. We need MM stuffed animals. since the keychains are that big maybe turn them into MM xbox controller koozies, MM cellphone cases or hard covers or straps, their is a lot of products you could come up with even clothing besides shirts and hats maybe undergarments (panties,boxers,briefs, or boxer-briefs) or pajamas or bras also.
my friend gave me a MM shirt recently.
I’d love to have a whole bunch of MM stuff. It justa matter of finding manufacturers.
Hey Jake i was going to suggest emailing everyone you’ve already sent the books to so they’ll know its in the mail but your mailing a million books so that is a bad idea.
That was my original plan, but… yeah.
So have miniature greek soldiers jumped out of that robot yet and conquered your studio?
Not yet.