So is Johnn Jonz – and Ralph Dibny. How do we know you aren’t one of them?
Medusa, you’re such a dork XD
I know right! 😉
Jake, you never fail to amaze me.
Not a very bright gerbil-man is he?
Color me surprised it worked. This is just the kind of thing that would be pulled off for by rule of funny.
Or possibly by “The player just rolled REALLY WELL on the dice check, but came up with the lamest thing to say..
Look at that JAke you lvled up and became batman well done sir tho Do take it easy witht her gravel voice it harsh ont he vocal cords
Ahh, this brought a smile to my face.
Well…we don’t actually have any proof that Jake ISN’T Batman, do we?
We never do see them side by side in a photo…
I remember this:
Oh I read that comic to
Pfffft HAHAHAHAHA! Yes! Because he’s BATMAN!!
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So is Johnn Jonz – and Ralph Dibny. How do we know you aren’t one of them?
Medusa, you’re such a dork XD
I know right! 😉
Jake, you never fail to amaze me.
Not a very bright gerbil-man is he?
Color me surprised it worked. This is just the kind of thing that would be pulled off for by rule of funny.
Or possibly by “The player just rolled REALLY WELL on the dice check, but came up with the lamest thing to say..
Look at that JAke you lvled up and became batman well done sir tho Do take it easy witht her gravel voice it harsh ont he vocal cords
Ahh, this brought a smile to my face.
Well…we don’t actually have any proof that Jake ISN’T Batman, do we?
We never do see them side by side in a photo…
I remember this:
Oh I read that comic to
Pfffft HAHAHAHAHA! Yes! Because he’s BATMAN!!