Posted In: comic
– Hi everyone. As some of you know, my mom was diagnosed with cancer late last year. This week she had a major surgery, and it went really well. So that’s good news. We’re all relieved. I’ll be staying with my mom for the next week or so to help with her recovery, since she can’t do much on her own. During that time I won’t be able to do all my normal work (and instead will be working on some writing stuff). I’ve prepared a few Modest Medusa strips ahead of time, and hopefully that will fill the gap. But you may get a “Late Again” sometime in the next two weeks. You’ve been warned!
Please tell me Modest conjured that tree and didn’t burn it.
Jake: Modest! What did I say about burning the house down!?
Modest: Nothing!
(It’s likely that Modest never received proper fire safety training yet)
She’s so good at magic that only a prodigy like Modest can notice! Also, mermaids probably take water for granted but maybe teaching young casters how to put out fires would be a better first move than how to start them. Show and tell’s gonna be eventful!
How well do conjured blue flames work for cooking? Does magic have an aftertaste?
Just read the comment — great to hear everything went well. Best of luck with her recovery and whatever followup treatment she takes.
I’m glad it went well for your Mom, Jake. May things continue to go well. Take what time you need. We’ll still be reading. 🙂
Thank you.