No worries guys, I’m sure whatever smoke came from Urano’s finger when he died and poked Marah in the forehead will compell her to continue protecting the ones she loves.
But the Drudge Angel, as far as I’ve been able to find, has only appeared in some secondary materials like the coloring book and Jake’s deviantart page. It’s a bit odd to expect all comic readers to recognize it.
I was actually coming back to correct myself that I think it did appear in the comic already, but I had forgotten because it had been a while, when I found your post.
Marah: (manifests between them) Stop it, Mom! Everyone has to go sometime, and I got to end up in Badass Heaven! I get to spar with Theodore Roosevelt and Bruce Lee! Swordfight with King Arthur and Andrew Jackson! Discuss historical battles with Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great! I watched the defenders of the Alamo do a re-enactment yesterday! I sat next to Sam Houston! Don’t cry or get angry on my behalf – I’m living a dream! And I’ll always be here for you now – if Prince Dragul or any of his cronies try to interfere with any of you, me and the girls will be straight down to kick their asses! I’ve got hundreds of Amazons who all want a piece of him, and Joan of Arc’s going to carve scripture into anything that’s left! We’re safe now, and all it cost me was some years of mortal life. I’d call that a good deal. Anyway… I have to get back or I’ll miss the wrestling. It’s Finn Mac Cuhal versus Cuchulainn – the classic grudge match. See you later! (disappears)
Kate: …horns. On her head. Anything else you forgot to mention, Jake?
also, glad to hear everything’s going better now. My boyfriend’s dad had a pulmonary embolism around christmas. unfortunately it was paired with two other problems, and he’s stuck in the hospital still and when he gets out he’ll be going to a local rehab facility. thankfully, they’ve nearly got him stable enough to leave the hospital though
Ooh! What if that drudge angel is related to the Prince? They do look alike?! He did give up even after being so powerful and a ruler! He must know he’s no match for the angel!
its not clear, if you go back to the begining of the yeld storyline, she has been wearing it almost continuously. my guess is after she noticed the fangs.
So she sliced herself… TOO HARD? If you were planning on making yourself bleed, Marah, so as to win the fight… I woulda gone with more of a nick than a gash…
wow…she was so focused on wounding him she didn´t even notice that she all but gutted herself in the process – talk about something taking guts 😉 *hem* anyway, until the drudge angel appeared (yay for bringing her back!!) i thought she would fall into the ocean and appear later on again, you know the good old ‘nope, despite overwehlming odds i didn´t drown/die’…and it would seem that vargas has a sense of honor – contrary to the prince – however even his codpieceness doesn´t dare to pull such a mean, cheating thing in the presence of a higher power such as the drudge angel. because, even though you can hardly see it in the small pictures, he IS wounded!
It’s hard too see … but Marah DID NOT slice herself … she succeeded in cutting the prince first. If you zoom in (Ctrl + ) you can see that he has a cut across his belly.
It seems that the prince’s attack hit her just afterwards … and … sadly … his cut was deeper than her’s.
You fought well … Marah … sounds the horns a new hero is coming home …
Assuming that the Late Season 3 Summary still provides an outline of events, there is no suggestion of this outcome. Real life Jake doesn’t tell real life Mara “by the way, you’re killed.” This leaves hope that she’ll wake up at home or something like that. Hope so anyway. Drudge is a lovely design, by the way.
Well, at least it wasn’t a cheap shot like cutting herself like a lot of people were guessing.
Still, unless everyone in this world forgets her or her ghost shows up to explain things Jake’s going to have a hard time breaking the news to his sister.
Marah seems too much of a major character for this to be the last we see of her. Now I’m wondering if the Drudge Angel recruits great heroes for some purpose, and uses their deadly injuries as an excuse to pluck them away to some hidden location where they can be healed and grow stronger.
So was the prince willing to unfairly claim victory against an unworthy girl…but willing to accept defeat once she as declared a great warrior by the presence of a drudge angel?
I think weesh is more right actually. He was well aware of it, it’s not like he couldn’t see the blood on her sword, but he still wasn’t willing to acknowledge his defeat until the mythological authority on badasses dropped by to say how awesome she was.
Except there’re two panels of him looking surprised/taken aback before he looks out to see mythological authority’s endorsement. Same as Marah didn’t notice her much larger injury; everyone too busy slicing and declaring victory.
Um, no. There’s one of him getting pissed at Vargas for saying he was beaten, and one of him becoming aware of the Drudge Angel as her light and presumable some manner of sound entered the room. That one could qualify as surprise, but more for the fact that the single cut she gave him qualified her as a great warrior.
Maybe she’s not dead. Maybe this “Drudge Angel” actually takes great warriors to another world completely healed. Maybe she’ll end up back at Jake’s house… Maybe I’m being too hopeful…
I had a similar guess because it’s uncommon for major characters to die off like this. At least in works I tend to frequent. Plus, if the Drudge Angel only shows up when worthy warriors are on Death’s Doorstep and spirits them off to a place that’s hard to return from… then the only way to know the truth is if you’ve been carried off by a Drudge Angel yourself.
Not sure which would be easier to explane off: Marah is dead, or Marah now has fangs and horns.
Methinks “Story Jake” has more trouble ahead in the real world.
Oh, and happy Birthday and glad you’re feeling better.
Happy birthday and congrats on the milestone. ^^
Now who the heck is that in the last panel, rescuing Mara?! o_o
Drudge Angel, they ferry great heroes to the afterlife.
So drudge angles fill the same pseudo-ecological niche as a Valkyrie, but for this environment instead of thousand-year-old viking mythos.
Mythological niche?
So Marah is … dead? D8
No worries guys, I’m sure whatever smoke came from Urano’s finger when he died and poked Marah in the forehead will compell her to continue protecting the ones she loves.
you may be thinking of Itachi but then again may be watching too much naruto
Out of the few things I was expecting, that was not one of ’em.
I….(…)…….What the potato just happened?!?!?!?
So says Spliced, of the currently broken right hand.
But the Drudge Angel, as far as I’ve been able to find, has only appeared in some secondary materials like the coloring book and Jake’s deviantart page. It’s a bit odd to expect all comic readers to recognize it.
The Drudge Angel first appeared when Urano died in this strip:
I was actually coming back to correct myself that I think it did appear in the comic already, but I had forgotten because it had been a while, when I found your post.
Oh, hey, there’s Pre-split Megan! Rei realizeds she would be here, an’ came backs to comments! >n.n<
Dude, Jake your sister is SO going to kill you
Marah: (manifests between them) Stop it, Mom! Everyone has to go sometime, and I got to end up in Badass Heaven! I get to spar with Theodore Roosevelt and Bruce Lee! Swordfight with King Arthur and Andrew Jackson! Discuss historical battles with Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great! I watched the defenders of the Alamo do a re-enactment yesterday! I sat next to Sam Houston! Don’t cry or get angry on my behalf – I’m living a dream! And I’ll always be here for you now – if Prince Dragul or any of his cronies try to interfere with any of you, me and the girls will be straight down to kick their asses! I’ve got hundreds of Amazons who all want a piece of him, and Joan of Arc’s going to carve scripture into anything that’s left! We’re safe now, and all it cost me was some years of mortal life. I’d call that a good deal. Anyway… I have to get back or I’ll miss the wrestling. It’s Finn Mac Cuhal versus Cuchulainn – the classic grudge match. See you later! (disappears)
Kate: …horns. On her head. Anything else you forgot to mention, Jake?
Win. So full of win.
You can’t imagine how much this made me laugh. Best comment.
There’s the appendix.
damn. poor Marah.
also, glad to hear everything’s going better now. My boyfriend’s dad had a pulmonary embolism around christmas. unfortunately it was paired with two other problems, and he’s stuck in the hospital still and when he gets out he’ll be going to a local rehab facility. thankfully, they’ve nearly got him stable enough to leave the hospital though
What what what what what!? What happened Who or what is that?
Drudge Angel. When a true hero dies, they come to take them to the afterlife.
wait, Marah cant be dead, we like her too much.
“wait, Marah cant be dead, we like her too much.”
I totally agree. This can’t be real.
Whoa. Yeld claims another hero. Poster, Jake…just sayin’
Yeah, definitely a poster! “Marah’s Ascension”
Oh, I just remembered! She picks us the dead Urano.
Ooh! What if that drudge angel is related to the Prince? They do look alike?! He did give up even after being so powerful and a ruler! He must know he’s no match for the angel!
Jake, I’m so glad you’re back! Please take care of yourself. I wish you good health and prosperity in 2014 – especially good health!
This is so awesome. Well I’m not happy that she died but yeah she really deserve the valhalla, she was awesome.
Jake appears to be wigging out in panel… *counts* 20?
Yes, I am apparently going to remark on that over the death of a character.
Well, she did actually manage to cut him, that’s more than most rebellions would accomplish…
When did Mara get horns? Or is that a helmet
its not clear, if you go back to the begining of the yeld storyline, she has been wearing it almost continuously. my guess is after she noticed the fangs.
So she sliced herself… TOO HARD? If you were planning on making yourself bleed, Marah, so as to win the fight… I woulda gone with more of a nick than a gash…
… Just sayin’.
[And happy birthday Modest Medusa!!]
No, she nicked him an instant before he slashed her.
Oup! Missed the finer details. Sorry ’bout that. 😛
As my Klingon friends would say; she died with honor.
Indeed. Klingon death ritual time!
wow…she was so focused on wounding him she didn´t even notice that she all but gutted herself in the process – talk about something taking guts 😉 *hem* anyway, until the drudge angel appeared (yay for bringing her back!!) i thought she would fall into the ocean and appear later on again, you know the good old ‘nope, despite overwehlming odds i didn´t drown/die’…and it would seem that vargas has a sense of honor – contrary to the prince – however even his codpieceness doesn´t dare to pull such a mean, cheating thing in the presence of a higher power such as the drudge angel. because, even though you can hardly see it in the small pictures, he IS wounded!
I…I don’t wanna play anymore… 🙁
It’s hard too see … but Marah DID NOT slice herself … she succeeded in cutting the prince first. If you zoom in (Ctrl + ) you can see that he has a cut across his belly.
It seems that the prince’s attack hit her just afterwards … and … sadly … his cut was deeper than her’s.
You fought well … Marah … sounds the horns a new hero is coming home …
Assuming that the Late Season 3 Summary still provides an outline of events, there is no suggestion of this outcome. Real life Jake doesn’t tell real life Mara “by the way, you’re killed.” This leaves hope that she’ll wake up at home or something like that. Hope so anyway. Drudge is a lovely design, by the way.
Wait? What? HUH????
But kinda awesome….
Well, at least it wasn’t a cheap shot like cutting herself like a lot of people were guessing.
Still, unless everyone in this world forgets her or her ghost shows up to explain things Jake’s going to have a hard time breaking the news to his sister.
didn’t see that coming.
I love the Drudge angel! 🙂
they cut each other, but marah struck first?
I always thought it was Greedo myself.
Marah seems too much of a major character for this to be the last we see of her. Now I’m wondering if the Drudge Angel recruits great heroes for some purpose, and uses their deadly injuries as an excuse to pluck them away to some hidden location where they can be healed and grow stronger.
…now I’m sad. Thanks, Jake. T_T
Y’know… coming back to the page here. Tie the drudge angel’s hair into twin ponytails and she’d look like Hatsune Miku in a skyrim helmet…. huh.
Yaay! Happy third birthday Modest!
(Oh, and I am officially confused–who’s that lady?)
If you look back at this strip you’ll see the last time she appeared:
“Wait Marah come back! If you die here your mother will murder me! Also your my family so that too ya know!”- Jake
Ahhh… As much as I may appreciate getting so many pages all on one update, you got the size wrong and many of these are a strain to read.
Sorry about that. You can open the image in a separate tab/window to see a larger version. Downloading it will work as well.
So was the prince willing to unfairly claim victory against an unworthy girl…but willing to accept defeat once she as declared a great warrior by the presence of a drudge angel?
No, he didn’t realize he’d been cut either, ’til the panel above the Drudge Angel block.
I think weesh is more right actually. He was well aware of it, it’s not like he couldn’t see the blood on her sword, but he still wasn’t willing to acknowledge his defeat until the mythological authority on badasses dropped by to say how awesome she was.
Except there’re two panels of him looking surprised/taken aback before he looks out to see mythological authority’s endorsement. Same as Marah didn’t notice her much larger injury; everyone too busy slicing and declaring victory.
Um, no. There’s one of him getting pissed at Vargas for saying he was beaten, and one of him becoming aware of the Drudge Angel as her light and presumable some manner of sound entered the room. That one could qualify as surprise, but more for the fact that the single cut she gave him qualified her as a great warrior.
I thought they were going to have a hard time explaining the horns when they got back. It looks like it will be quite a bit worse than that.
Ah, well done, well done indeed!
Hope you’re feeling much better, Jake, and that you enjoy good health in the new year.
Worth the wait! This was like by the most epic ‘next page’ there could be. I’m just worried that this is it… I’d like to see how this plays out.
Maybe she’s not dead. Maybe this “Drudge Angel” actually takes great warriors to another world completely healed. Maybe she’ll end up back at Jake’s house… Maybe I’m being too hopeful…
I had a similar guess because it’s uncommon for major characters to die off like this. At least in works I tend to frequent. Plus, if the Drudge Angel only shows up when worthy warriors are on Death’s Doorstep and spirits them off to a place that’s hard to return from… then the only way to know the truth is if you’ve been carried off by a Drudge Angel yourself.
I think the reason why people arent recgonizing the drudge Angel is that she last appeared 2 years ago
Not sure which would be easier to explane off: Marah is dead, or Marah now has fangs and horns.
Methinks “Story Jake” has more trouble ahead in the real world.
Oh, and happy Birthday and glad you’re feeling better.
And then the drudge angel was like “Excuse me, what were you saying?”
So Jake’ll go back to Earth, find Marah’s Mom, and tell her…
Marah told me to tell you, with her last breath… “Mom.”
Well, that’s one way to cut down on characters based on real people. Marah is based on a real person, right?
Mermaid’s damnation works!
Mermaid cried:
“I hope your friend never gets to go home again!”
Yep. Marah’s fate is foreshadowed a few times.
“What do you suppose happens back home if we die over here?”
He killed Marah, that bastard!
ThankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouThankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for getting back to the storyline… WAITWHAT?!
Well then… dammit Carlos.
Bravo. My head is a big jumble of conflicting emotions right now, so all I can really say on this page is bravo. Bravissimo.