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– I came home from spending the weekend in Southern Oregon helping my Mom move to find a package from Amazon containing the album. It’s pretty fantastic and I’d totally recommend it.Β I suspect it will be available on Amazon and iTunes soon. Here’s a video for their song Hate.
Awww, those feelings at the end…
Hate: from I I Syndrome album (or Aye Aye? Eye Eye? Or just Ai Ai?)
It’s kinda catchy, but the stuff I listen is a bit more rock. Gargoyle and Sex Machineguns are things I have and do still listen to (they’re still around), and X Japan, Luna Sea, Hide, Tokyo Yankees, ZI: Kill, Kuroyume, Youthquake are the stuff I used to listen to quite a lot back in the heydey of Extasy Records. Add some L’arc en Ciel, Janne D’ark, Fanatic Crisis and we cover most of the stuff I listened to while I was staying in Japan.
I’m sure I have more albums by more artists than that, but that’s just the stuff I remember enjoying and listening to.
Oh, and the easy availability of AC/DC on the jukebox in the bar I hung out in most often was a pleasant surprise. =D
I’ve only heard of about zero of those.
Ha, and also Awwwww. Most of that stuff is Visual Rock. As a kid in Okinawa in the late 80s it was pretty big. Then back in 2001 (the last time I stayed in Japan) it was making somewhat of a resurgence.
I also enjoyed some Ayumi Hamasaki, Kana, I even have a Sentimental Bus album or two around, just because it was catchy. I hope you’ve at least a passing familiarity with Ayumi Hamasaki?
Have you heard of Malice Mizer? Gackt’s band before it wasn’t. Dir En Grey? I remember a fun night where a young woman took me back from the bar to ply me with Shochu and dress me up as Kyo, the lead singer. I have a picture of it somewhere.
Clearly I am getting old. I hear the music of my youth being used to sell cars now.
I am certain you have heard AC/DC as well.
I’m gonna go over there now and listen to some MΓΆtley CrΓΌe and Guns ‘n’ Roses and pretend I’m not old and that my music is still relevant.
Nope, none of those. Well, Lβarc en Ciel. I haven’t really listened to anything new since 20010, and that was Scandal.
Yeah, the year 20010 was a real– Wait, what?
Ha! None of the stuff I have listed is new by any stretch of the imagination… most of it is from the late 80s and 90s with some of being as recent as the 2000s (Gargoyle and Sex Machineguns are stil together, still play, Luna Sea has reformed and I saw them in Los Angeles a few years back).
Meh, we just have different tastes in our Japanese musics, and that’s okay. I’d love to send you a mix tape of stuff I like, not in any weird kind of way or anything, just to share the stuff I like.
Also, one tape wouldn’t be enough since Gargoyle has been around since the 80s and are still putting out music today, and their style evolves.
Send me a tape!
I’ll do that! Well, maybe a DVD with a variety of JRock, Visual Rock bands I enjoy in mp3 format. I’ll try to include compilation albums, like History of Extasy 15th Anniversary, which by coincidence is almost 15 years old now.
I feel old now realizing this. =
Is the Holgate address acceptable?
Yes, it is. I’ll let you know what I think! Thanks!
π I used to miss people and bereave like that.
Every time it looks like life is getting back to normal she is reminded of Marah.
Oddly fitting:
Ha, yeah.
OMG the feels, this just brought back all of the feels of when she was killed
We dont know if she is dead, she was probably saved by that one lady
Do you mean the drudge angel?
Nope. She is dead. Very very dead. That “One lady” was a drudge angel taking Marah is warrior heaven.
Don’t worry Modest. By the five hundreth time realizing that you’ll become dead inside. Like me! Yaay being emotionally empty.
Emotionally empty party! Yay! … Oh wait. I don’t know what happiness is.
Sometimes it can take awhile for one to realize a friend had to go away, and he can’t return. Grief is really not about a friend or lover dying, it’s more about never being able to see them again.
That is so spot on and accurate. = (
Your words of truth, they touch me so.
She’s getting all upset again.
Chill out!
Eat a chocodile!
I’m sort of numb to Medusa’s feels ’cause I lost a friend on the eighth to a motorcycle accident.
I didn’t know him all that well, but we were able to connect when we got together. Most I’ve ever grieved for a death, even compared to when family died.
I still haven’t lost anyone in my immediate family yet, though.
It’s sometimes surprising to me how losing someone you don’t know well can have a more immediate effect on you than losing someone you’ve been close to your whole life. Not always, and not for everyone, but I’ve experienced this.
An ex-lover of mine passed on the 12th. We had a lot of history together and it took years for dust to settle and we eventually became friends again. Then he died in his sleep due to a rare type of liver cancer, and there are moments where I’m fine, and moment that just kind of stop me in my tracks and I’m just blue.
Aw, so sad. Maybe they can release Chocodiles once a year like the McRib?
At least one of those snake heads should be patting her on the head. They may not show emotion but they can still help.
New reader, I just found this comic this weekend, and shared it with my 11 year old daughter. We are both hooked, and so sad about Marah. Overall, we love it to death! If you ever make it to Brisbane, Australia, look us up and we’ll give Medusa some Tim Tams. They aren’t Chocodiles, but what is?
I’d love to come to Australia. Maybe someday? Maybe I can trick a convention into flying me over? And I’ve heard of Tim Tams. I think Medusa would like them. Honestly, I think she likes everything.
Do it. Tim Tams are teh awesome π
On the ice cream side, she should try Choco Tacos. Mmmm.
Even Twinkies? Maybe in another circumstance than the absence of chocodiles?
Yeah, I think even twinkies, under better circumstances.
*hugs Modest*
Finally made it through the archives, right on my birthday too. Monsieur Richmond? thank you so much for this comic. It is spectacular (ghost kiss too)
Thanks! More Ghost Kiss is on the way too.
…. It’s cool. It’s fine. I really wanted to cry tonight anyway.
i felt that one… that was mean, jake… real mean
*sniff* Oh, Medusa . . .
Oh…so sad! π
Sometimes, I grieve for my grandma, even though she died 4 years ago.
Yeah. I get that. Sometime still think about my dad, or my brother. Or either of my grandfathers or my dog. Or, you know, any of other people I’ve been close to who have died. Sometimes it’ll just come at me out of nowhere.
why would you do that