– More evidence that Medusa is a lousy thief! Some of you saw these strips before, as bonus content from the Season 2 book. Since the Season 3 Kickstarter just reached it’s first stretch goal I wanted to post an example of what the bonus strips from the book will look like. For every extra $1000 the Kickstarter generates I’ll be doing a 3 page bonus story like this one for the new book. We’ve already reach $13,000 and a story about Medusa’s Hair. Our next goal , a story about Charles, is less than $900 away! Check out the Kickstarter page here!
– Matt Senecal Made some awesome Modest Medusa / Unikitty fan art, and I encouraged him to turn it into a shirt. You can order the shirt here (in several colors). It’s pretty great!
This time she knows she stole and stealing is wrong.
MM: Um, Jake, do you have 68 dollars?
JR: Yeah, what for?
MM: Well, I sort of took these games but I didn’t have the money for them, so I should give them another 68 dollars to pay for them.
JR: WHAT?! Again? We talked about this. Let me see the games. Okay, you get to keep one. We are going to return the other ones and pay for this one. Let’s go. You really can’t keep doing this.
Police officer [ to clerk ]: Green skin and a long tail? Are you sure?
Clerk: Maybe her skin is more blue instead. Oh, and very thick hair that looks like snakes.
[ The cop starts looking to see if he brought his portable Breathalyzer ]
Jake: Hi, I would like to return these games and pay for this one. I am so sorry.
Store Manager: Sir, from now on, unless you are with her, we are not going to let her in the store.
Jake: I am fine with that. Here is my business card; give me a call if she shows up.
That sounds about right.
Yeah, that would probably be a good policy.
But this time it’s totally okay because OOT is definitely worth all those games put together!
I lol’d at the 3D makes my hair throw up! 🙂
Sooooo cute!
Why would LoZ:OoT for the 3DS only be worth 2$? Seems like a rip-off. Doesn’t it cost like, 30$ to buy?
This is the whole problem behind the trade ins. They put it back up for like 12$ if not more, and we the consumer suffer
To be fair, that ‘trade in’ program always struck me as highway robbery in itself.
“Oh, hey, this game that cost you $50 when you bought it? We’ll only give you two bucks for it. And we won’t even give you two bucks, just knock a couple bucks off the next $50 title you try to buy…”
I have a 3DS, I just keep the 3D off.
Words cannot express my hatred of Gamestop. Bullet points might tho.
– Pay 60 bucks for a game, decided I hate it after a week, return it in perfect condition… 2 bucks.
– Only offer store credit (at least the ones around me do), and only rarely offer cold cash for returns (usually when I get steamed about the price on the returns compounded with the fact that they only give store credit. And I like to think I’m pretty nice, timid even.)
– The stores are more interested in promoting their shlock-of-the-month than giving me something I’m after / something related to what I’m after (ie: suggesting games I may like that are akin to what I say I’m interested in.)
– I don’t blame the clerks for this one, but it is like the life and love of gaming is sucked right out of them. There is NO ENERGY there!! I get more emotion from McDonalds workers.
… Nope, still doesn’t help.
I am going to die from embarrassment, now.
At least no one has bought the shirt. That would be too much for me to bear.
Yeah, Medusa shirts just don’t sell. Sorry.
Modest Medusa – teaching kids to steal since 2011. (or there abouts)
Where is the getaway car?!
I want the shirt! But it will have to wait… 🙁
No legs, remember?
The second comic made me laugh out loud.
I laughed at the last panel not due to the Zoidberg reference but due to the fact those games she stole are just empty cases (with or without manuals).
Game Stop steals, and stealing is wrong.