– Loys of stuff happening today!
– The Modest Medusa Season 3 Kickstarter is funded! We reached our $12,000 goal yesterday. Thanks so much everyone. The Kickstarter still has 17 days to go, and that’s plenty of time to reach a bunch of our stretch goals! For every extra $1000 the Kickstarter generates I’ll add an extra 3 page comic to the book. We’re only about $500 away from the first 3 page story, featuring Medusa’s Hair! This book could be huge! Visit the kickstarter page here.
– Today’s comic is all about dice, and that’s no coincidence. My friends at Tinderbox Entertainment have just released some special Modest Medusa dice as part of their Dice Empire Kickstarter. These dice are great,and you ca get them for pretty cheap! The Dice Empire Kickstarter ends in less than two days, so hurry up!
– Patreon backers who pledge $25 or more each month get to be part of the Modest Medusa sticker club. This month’s sticker is a Lego Modest Medusa. Hope you dig it!
– And in case you missed it yesterday, here’s the art for the 3rd sticker that Kickstarter backers will receive. Medusa looks pretty sweet as Matt Smith’s Doctor Who! Kickster backers who contribute $5 or more will get this sticker along with the Korra and Cyclops stickers!
– That’s a lot of stuff! I’d also like to remind you to check out Jaymz’s Split Screen Kickstarter and Ben and Elaine’s Licensed Hero’s Kickstarter. My friends are doing great comics and I’m sure they’d appreciate your support!
– I’ll be at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle next month. This will be my first show of the year and I’m pretty excited! I’m also planning on attending Sakuracon in April and Fanime in May. I unfortunately wasn’t accepted to Linework in Portland. Jaymz said she thought it was because I’m not indie enough. She made me this great Valentines day card.
But 6+1=7. Keep them both and go to Vegas.
Maybe she should just throw with her right hand?
Technically, the singular of “dice” is “a die”.
Kids say dice. All the time.
And they are wrong.
So do adults. Sometimes I want to slap them.
Actually it is technically both because dice was used as singular so much that it became official
This die*
Heh. I’ve done that with dice in games, although I usually roll them several times to determine if they have a bias, not rely on just one roll.
I also just push suspect dice to the side, I don’t have a snake that eats everything.
noo thats a good dice no that youve rolled a one thats one less one on its way to a 6 if you roll it again and its a 1 either roll it one more time or set it aside and keep it when you really need to roll a 6. aka i play too much D&D lol
Since the kickstarter won’t be taking money off my card until the ninth i’ll have time to put the money onto it! Whoo! Maybe this year I won’t have any issues.
Not indie enough? How does Linework define that?
oh, you know, I’m not sure if that was actually the reason. It just seemed that way. Maybe not “Underground” enough is more accurate, or maybe it was something else entirely.
Oh my…
OOOOOHH. All the dice on that Kickstarter page look awesome! I’m about to blow my inheritance.