-I’ve posted a new 3+ page Asami Loves Korra comic. You can check it out here.
-I’ll be in San Jose for APE on Sept 3rd and 4th. Come see me!
-I’m having an open house/yard sale at my studio this Saturday starting at noon. I’ll have damaged books, old posters and t-shirts and all kinds of weird stuff for sale. Find me at the intersection of SE 63rd and Foster in Portland. You’ll know the building when you see it!
-I know some of you enjoy roleplaying games, so this might interest you. My psychic school girl rpg Tokyo Brain Pop is available as part of the current Bundle of Holding. The Bundle includes a bunch of Manga, anime and Japanese horror flavored games, including some of my favorites like Motobushido, Clover, Maid and Mecha. It’s 10 role playing games (in digital form) in total, valued at over $100, but on sale for less than $20. So it’s a great deal. Tokyo Brain Pop was the game I was working on when I started Modest Medusa, so the art, comics and writing all have the same tone. If you’re an RPG fan and you like my work you’ll probably dig the game! You can check out the Bundle of Holding here. The deal ends on the 27th.
Do you often scowl in your photos, Jake? ^3^
Every photo
i want to be friends with charles. btw how did he become friends with pearl?
Wait until she finds the Snakes’ page and see that they’ve friended Mrs. Booth as well.
And I will unfriend Charles if he doesn’t friend the kangaroo.
Modest: How can she even have friends? Don’t they keep her in a box somewhere, like all the other teachers? Or a tank of green fluid? Or a recharging station? Or a reprogramming station? …Could I reprogram her? To be nice? Let’s see if I can get her location… “current status: recharging after day at work” – great! Now, let’s-
Charles: *ahem* Please don’t use my workstation to hack into your teacher’s brain either.
Modest: Aw! :-{
I guess Jake’s trying to smile in his Facebook picture, but he just looks super surly to me. Like someone woke him up at 3am to take it.
Seeing Pearl in MM made my day
Because Ms. Booth is a teacher and teachers are actually pretty cool. 😀 Modest would make a pretty cool teacher.
I see what you did there, Charles ! 😉
That’s the Jake of this world
is friends with
Will, Mrs. Booth, and Peaaaarl!
And Sarah!
If the snakes have a facebook page then I’ll bet they’re fiends with Ms. Booth.
Yeah, a bunch of teacher’s pets if you ask me! 🙂
This is why I insist upon separate computer logins.