-I’m having an open house/yard sale at my studio this Saturday (the 19th) starting at noon. I’ll have damaged books, old posters and t-shirts and all kinds of weird stuff for sale. Find me at the intersection of SE 63rd and Foster in Portland. You’ll know the building when you see it!
-I know some of you enjoy roleplaying games, so this might interest you. My psychic school girl rpg Tokyo Brain Pop is available as part of the current Bundle of Holding. The Bundle includes a bunch of Manga, anime and Japanese horror flavored games, including some of my favorites like Motobushido, Clover, Maid and Mecha. It’s 10 role playing games (in digital form) in total, valued at over $100, but on sale for less than $20. So it’s a great deal. Tokyo Brain Pop was the game I was working on when I started Modest Medusa, so the art, comics and writing all have the same tone. If you’re an RPG fan and you like my work you’ll probably dig the game! You can check out the Bundle of Holding here. The deal ends on the 27th.
There’s a tyop in the second frame – Charles is missing an l…
The irony is sublime XD
Nah, that one was delirebate…
Wow! She’s really clever!
I’m not sure if I ever commented here before, if not: I like your comic, it’s cool and funny. 🙂
And you forgot the “L” in Charles in Charge, in the second panel. 🙂
You can’t escape Ms. Booth superpowers, Modest!
There’s a typo in the second panel (Chares instead of Charles).
She must be psychic
Lol, she’s good.
So they live across the street from the school and Meg is able to guess that it’s Modest because she recognizes Charles. I’m thinking that they live in the creepy house that all the kids make up stories about.
Don’t start digging in the basement, Modest. You won’t like what you find.
Hahahahaha! XD
I loved this strip. Typo in panel 2 though. “Chares”
Ha ha, Modest was caught in the act immediately! Guess that was out of Charles’ character :P.
She’s so innocent! Even when she’s naughty it’s still cute.
Her snakes are worried they’ll be in trouble too, guilt by association! And for failing to stop the naughtiness.
*X-files music plays*
“How did you know? Are you friends with Meg Ekans? I’m skipping homework tonight so I can play Pokemon!” XD
HOW DID SHE KNOW!! She must be psychic.
Hey how did you know that’s what I said are you psychic too?
ROFL. The world is a much scarier place than Modest imagined.
How long are you going to keep your open house, um, open?
Till maybe 5 or 6pm?
Aren’t the adults in this household aware that Modest isn’t mature enough to be trusted at a computer unsupervised?
(Also, panel 2 typo: “Chares”)
Let me guess, Charles just called her and said Modest’s messing around on his computer.
You are poop – and farts will set you free. Sounds like a medical problem.
I’m surprised noone pointed it out, but the header in the small FB chat window has the recepient’s name, not your name. So it’ll be “Ms. Booth”, not “Charles in Charge”
“I know it’s you, Modest.”
That made me laugh out loud!