Posted In: comic
– I’m writing this on Thursday at 1pm. before I leave for Sakuracon. I’ll be back by the time this goes live. Hopefully the show went well? Usually conventions are a lot of fun (and Sakuracon is my favorite), but sometimes they turn out awful and I just want to sleep for a week afterward. Hence this illustration.
Update: Sakuracon was pretty fun. It was great to see everyone!
Why did he take you to the con? To sell lots of merchandise! That’s why.
Convetion goers rarely stop to think that for the people working the con it is a job and not all fun and games.
I can say that this is a very similar sentiment as that which I feel after a busy weekend or week. I work at a hotel, and we fill up pretty fast any time there’s an event in town. Anything that can go wrong typically does during those busy periods.
I used to work at a hotel too!
🙁 Rest well.
by the time I even hearda bout it it was sold out. Medusa, you should’ve given me your ticket! I’d have bought you every chocodile
What happened???? No sales? Rude people? What exactly?
Oh, it was actually fine. I did this drawing before we even left to go to the con. Sometimes conventions can just be a mess of really unpleasant stuff, and even if they aren’t they’re still always exhausting. But this one was a lot of fun.
I would have to agree, I have worked it for many years with my friends comic shop, you are dead tired by Sunday evening 🙁 but it is a lot of fun.
Even when it’s bad I never regret going. And this one was far from bad.
Looks like Medusa was… conned into going.
i was very happy to meet you there i was over whelmed by having 3 groups of comic writers i read there so i felt odd when i was talking to you
It’s weird to meet people, isn’t it? I met Erik Larson awhile back and he looked JUST LIKE an Erik Larson drawing.
Aint hard to disappoint a nine year old girl.
Not enough ponies.
Nice to see you there! Glad you had fun!
– That dork in the Aperture shirt
Oh, hi!
So you drew this comic in preparation for a bad convention, but you got a pretty decent one. Looks like Modest is complaining about nothin’. =P
It was more that I wanted to do a con gag, and this was the most obvious one.
Nothing like the ever pervasive overpowering presence of ‘con-funk’ to dampen the mood.
it was awesome to meet you at sakuracon! i was the one wearing a magikarp on my head!
Oh! It was awesome to meet you too!
My poor Mario costume had a malfunction just after we took our group photo in Elma, WA, it was amazing that the tape held that long, never needed replacing most of the weekend.