Posted In: comic
– I’m at Sakuracon in Seattle this weekend. Right now! Find me at booth SP 18. I was so overwhelmed with getting stuff prepared this week that I didn’t have time to do a real strip this Friday, or one for Monday. So you’re getting two parts of this instead. Sorry. I’ll make it up to you.
Would you want Medusa working your booth at a con? She’d either be playing he DS and ignoring people or giving out all sorts of false information.
Good luck at the Con! Try to keep an eye on Modest!
“At Sakuracon, Modest and her snakes formed a gang, which she called “The Super Smart Sales Team (yay!)”, and began a sales operation, which she called “The Super Clever Sales Operation.” In it, she would approach passing convention-goers and threaten to kiss them if they bought any of the booth’s merchandise. A few minutes after that, they began another sales operation, which she called “The Superer Cleverer Sales Operation.” In it, she would approach passing convention-goers and threaten not to kiss them if they didn’t buy any merchandise. Finally, about ten minutes in, she hit on “The Supererer Clevererer Guaranteed Sales Operation (for sure!)” In this, she would offer passing convention-goers the option to kiss her if they bought some merchandise, but threaten to have her snakes kiss them if they didn’t. This, for Modest and Jake, was the turning point.”
Monty Python FTW! Or should that be Modest Python… >:=)>
@Greenwood Goat: Oh dear. *chuckles*
I’m going to the con, and look forward to seeing Modest Medusa things and Jake there~!
I think Modest will get side tracked by all the cosplayers. She will be really screwed when all the Pokemon start showing up. I think Jake will be working the booth alone 🙁
I’ll come say hi tomorrow if you’re still there! 😀
I’ll be there.
Cryin on the inside cause I’m never gonna get to see y’all in Seattle or any other con unless ya moved several states over… ='(
I was going to try to do an east coast show this year, but money is just too tight. If I can find a ghost ow that will pay to fly me out I’ll go.
I’m a huge fan, but… ‘are your ready’?
Yeah, lettering is the very last thing I do, and I’m often super tired when I do it. I usually check it before I post, but sometimes I forget, and that seems to be when all the typos happen.