So she is cold-blooded, without the ability to thermoregulate. Somebody better grab her quick and get her back inside before she freezes to death. The colder she gets, the slower she will move. “JAKE!”
Endotherms, like snakes, tend not to shiver (that is warm-blooded activity). Instead they just get slower and slower, moving to get into a warmer area. Those that don’t can easily freeze to death. Science teacher mode off.
*exotherms. Endotherms are the ones who self-regulate body temperature. Endotherms (like humans) often shiver. Endo means from within, exo means from without.
CEC is correct (speaks ex-zoo worker/hobby herpetologist). Also some cold-blooded creatures *can* freeze and survive (some fish, amphibians and young water turtles), but it is rare for it to happen with snakes. That aside, I would bet Modest can do both mammal and reptile things. She is a fictional magical creature that is merged from a reptile and mammal (ex – she has hair that is actually *hair* along with her snake-hair).
Short version: Medusa is ECTOthermic if her circulatory system is mainly based off that of a snake’s.
Long Version: Sorry CEC but Medusa is actually ectothermic, I actually Googlified this to just be extra sure because I am studying Chemistry and thought that exothermic is a chemical process of energy transference, specifically, heat being given off due to the creation of chemical bondings between particles.
Don’t you love Science explaining away the various quarrels that pop up on GREAT webcomics
I tried correcting a bit but gave up. Did a couple of little “Ectothermic is about “cold blooded” where exothermic is about reactions”, but gave up.
I loathe trying to explain ectothermic because I hate the term ‘cold blooded’. XD
If I may toss another theory among all the “Modest is Exothermic” posts…
She’s only in her PJ’s. It’s freezing cold out. And probably icy to boot. And she is completely unfamiliar with snow, thus lacking the instincts of ‘scrunch up self to shield heat’.
She may still be warm-blooded, folks. Just very cold and maybe slipped on a patch of ice.
Well, like our Scientist team is correct about Modest body teamperature.
Anyway, i don’t suffer from snow and etc here. Live in Brazil etc, sometimes it’s hot as Cfuk…
I want know snow…
Need a hug. t.t
Damn, after starting the web series a few days ago it will be tough to actually wait for each comic. I really enjoyed reading from the first comic until now, but I’m also happy to be caught up with everything.
I’m guessing that Medusas are a cold-blooded species, thus ill-suited to the cold.
Cold-blooded? That doesn’t end well…
Eh, not as bad as you mights think. They can usually recovers from cold pretties well, as long as it hasn’t been too longs.
So she is cold-blooded, without the ability to thermoregulate. Somebody better grab her quick and get her back inside before she freezes to death. The colder she gets, the slower she will move. “JAKE!”
Endotherms, like snakes, tend not to shiver (that is warm-blooded activity). Instead they just get slower and slower, moving to get into a warmer area. Those that don’t can easily freeze to death. Science teacher mode off.
*exotherms. Endotherms are the ones who self-regulate body temperature. Endotherms (like humans) often shiver. Endo means from within, exo means from without.
Ectotherm*. Exothermic has to do with chemical process. Ectothermic has to do with the “cold blooded” animals.
CEC is correct (speaks ex-zoo worker/hobby herpetologist). Also some cold-blooded creatures *can* freeze and survive (some fish, amphibians and young water turtles), but it is rare for it to happen with snakes. That aside, I would bet Modest can do both mammal and reptile things. She is a fictional magical creature that is merged from a reptile and mammal (ex – she has hair that is actually *hair* along with her snake-hair).
And she has a belly button, despite having come from an egg.
Except the word is ecto- not exo-
Exothermic is a chemical process. Ectothermic is the “cold-blooded”
Rei woulds guess she’s probablies a mesotherm. >o.o<
I guess she is cold blooded like a snake?
AGH! Reptiles and cold! Modest is exothermic! UGH!
Short version: Medusa is ECTOthermic if her circulatory system is mainly based off that of a snake’s.
Long Version: Sorry CEC but Medusa is actually ectothermic, I actually Googlified this to just be extra sure because I am studying Chemistry and thought that exothermic is a chemical process of energy transference, specifically, heat being given off due to the creation of chemical bondings between particles.
Don’t you love Science explaining away the various quarrels that pop up on GREAT webcomics
Wait, doesn’t ectothermic mean that her body temperature is regulated by poltergeists?
This made me laugh.
That’s what I thought too… who knew (well, besides DrCrazy102 and Whitekatsu) that ecto also meant outside?
I tried correcting a bit but gave up. Did a couple of little “Ectothermic is about “cold blooded” where exothermic is about reactions”, but gave up.
I loathe trying to explain ectothermic because I hate the term ‘cold blooded’. XD
This went from light-hearted to “Oh crap! She’s going to die!”
Oh, right, snakes are cold blooded. I forgot.
If I may toss another theory among all the “Modest is Exothermic” posts…
She’s only in her PJ’s. It’s freezing cold out. And probably icy to boot. And she is completely unfamiliar with snow, thus lacking the instincts of ‘scrunch up self to shield heat’.
She may still be warm-blooded, folks. Just very cold and maybe slipped on a patch of ice.
Someone merely slipping and falling does not usually keep their arms folded as they fall with their eyes glazed over.
Her eyes are *always* glazed over! But the rest, yes, that’s alarming!
Cold-blooded or otherwise, she’s tiny and thin with no insulation. That’s just physics. Poor Medusa. Jake will warm you up with hugs.
Heck, I’m no reptile and I do that sometimes!!
The End
Thanks for watching everybody! Join us next week for a new webcomic where… wait, wait, this one is still going on? Oh, okay. Nevermind!
… I’m a horrible person.
You are. You are a horrible person (and made me laugh horribly loud).
And so they all died. so sad. it was a short series but tune in next week for COWGIRL ED!! Ed is the main character.
Man this was basically my entire winter when I lived in Boston.
Well, like our Scientist team is correct about Modest body teamperature.
Anyway, i don’t suffer from snow and etc here. Live in Brazil etc, sometimes it’s hot as Cfuk…
I want know snow…
Need a hug. t.t
Jake gets to be Kenny now
So, place your bets! Place your bets!
Is Modest
A) Cold blooded like a snake?
B) Warm blooded like a mammal?
C) Something in-between, like the latest theory about dinosaurs?
aww poor cold blooded baby
Damn, after starting the web series a few days ago it will be tough to actually wait for each comic. I really enjoyed reading from the first comic until now, but I’m also happy to be caught up with everything.
Also thank you Jake for such an amazing journey so far!
Welcome to the now!
I was just wondering about whether or not she could produce her own body heat.