Posted In: comic
– I’ll be at the Portland Indie Authors Bookfair this Saturday from 11-5pm in Portland at the Double Tree Hotel. Come buy some holiday gifts! I’l have deals!
– Today is the LAST day of my short and exciting Kickstarter to produce a collection of my 24 Hour modest Medusa comics. The project is funded and we’re very close to hitting the only stretch goal. My hope is to have the book produced and in the mail before the end of this month! The Kickstarter ends this evening, so if you’d like to get in on the action please check it out today!
Hey, I’ll be in town this Saturday! I’ll swing by to say hello if I have the time!
And with Armed and Not Dangerous there. Sounds like Jake didn’t drown so much as passed out. Once you get into resurrection magic it opens the door to lots of crazy stuff. Heck, you could even bring back Marah.
I’l be at the Portland Indie Authors Bookfair all day Saturday. It’s at the Doubletree by Lloyd Center, so it’s pretty easy to get to.
Sorry I missed you! I got in just as they were tearing down the place 🙁
Oh! yeah, we left about an hour early. It was dead all day. I think we saw maybe 20 attendees the entire day.
Charles shouldn’t get all sciency when he wasn’t there to take Jake’s pulse and vital signs – or when he’s talking to a mythological creature.
Jenny Hill – professional drowner. Her business card could be a sushi coupon with a drowned sheep drawn on it.
I would have though having your arm cut off by a chainsaw-armed Unicorn from an alternate reality/dimension called Yeld would make you believe in something like resurrection magic.
Yes, mermaids are known for their ability to drown people, and any mermaid who can’t get it right is likely to be the subject of derision and ridicule. I expect that Jenny received endless digs about Jake’s state of vitality after being in her custody, even if it were generally known that the Gorgon wanted him alive and had restored him to life… at least until she became known as “the one-eyed mermaid with the stone friend”.
For a guy who lost an arm to a chainsaw unicorn, he’s sure not into believing someone could drown and live again.
A horse with an impractical weapon for a horn is one thing. Actual, legitimate necromancy is another entirely.
she has a hard time perceiving the consequences of her actions doesn’t she? xD
She comes from a strange culture.
This last outburst could be taken as confession to drowning on purpose %)
I’m pretty sure that an hour under water would count as drowned, not unconscious.
Charlie: Yeah, I don’t think that’s something you should put on your resume.
Is Serpent Oracle Magic of a higher calibur than Mermaid Magic? Is there a Chainsaw Unicorn Magic? … Human Magic? … Rock Magic? I dunno, I’m just spitballin’.
It is. Yeld has lots of different classes of magic. Mermaid magic is pretty mundane. Serpent Oracle Magic is capital M magic. It’s serious business.
So she has Super Drowning Skills?
Congrats on Kickstarter!!
She’s the first ever “Drown Ball” champion.
“…I got better.”
I see a Jenny & Charles ship setting sail! Lolz!
One cannot bring everybody back from the dead, that would get silly very fast… just the recent ones, whose spirits haven’t crossed over or something…
He drowned, but… He got better.
In the third panel — what is Jenny trying to say before getting cut off by Jake? I see, “After we captru –” Was that supposed to be “After we captur –” as in “captured”? (the R and U are interchanged)
Really – I’m not trying to invoke the spelling police. I’m just curious if that’s a typo or if I’m reading it wrong. Thanks. 🙂
She was trying to say “captured”, but Jake cut her off so fast she messed up the spelling.
Considering he’s had his arm cut off by a chainsaw unicorn, he’s been living with a gorgon for quite some time, and he’s currently talking to a mermaid, you would think Charles wouldn’t have such difficulty believing that someone could die and be brought back to life. 😉
Why are her eyes yellow in this, but red in the cave?
This was long before I finalized her design and decided she would have red eyes. I think this specific panel is from one of the back up stories in the season 1 book.