Please welcome special guest Michelle Ho!
Book: A lot of you have been asking how soon you’ll be able to order copies of the Modest Medusa Season 1 book. I’m hoping to have the full order of books in hand within the next two weeks. As soon as I receive a delivery date confirmation from the shipping company I’ll make the books available for pre-order. Once the books arrive I’ll be sending both pre-orders and Kickstarter orders out as soon as possible. Anyway, hopefully I’ll have an announcement soon.
Bonus! Here’s an extra strip by my friend Tyler Tinsely. I’ve promoted Tyler’s Kickstarter in the past, and although it’s already met it’s goal it still needs a bit more money to hit the $1000 mark and unlock the Modest Medusa and Jake gaming pieces for the board game Bluffing Style Chess. I’ve played BSC a few times and really like it, so if you can afford to do so please throw a few bucks at Tyler’s Kickstarter.
Medusa’s gonna use her nose bling
That’s hilarious. The lesson here is: don’t trust Uncle Jake.
Is Michelle victim #3?
I blame the new pennies. Before they started putting those Captain America-ish shields on them people in all sorts of alternate universes, like Canada, took our pennies seriously.
And really? Marah carries change in the little front pocket of her hoodie? Those things are barely functional as a hand warmer.
Pennies! That’d be one way to get rid of them. Shame. Loving the design of Michelle for some reason. Also, I love that mini-comic. Honestly, I expected her to say; “I can’t feel my hair!” instead!
Awww that sucks… wonder how there going to get out of this one heheh
It’s not like Marah can pull gold out of her nose…Maybe Michelle would settle for Medusa’s nose diamonds-jewel-things?
yes you can mine nose gold, but the only one who values it is chris griffin from family guy. lol!
Lol hell yeah
Maybe the snakes can spit gold?
Or she sells the crown of the snake king 😉
Oh wait, now I remember:
Ah I see inflation affects the fantasy realms as well.