– I’ll be at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo all weekend. Come by and say hi!
– Spritely Bean, the great SE Portland coffee and comic shop that organized and hosted the amazing Artist Alley Comics Fest last summer and is the best place in Portland to buy indie comics was burglarized and vandalized yesterday morning. Which is incredibly shitty. This is a local small business that goes out of it’s way to improve and invest in the community,and now they could use your support to help repair damages and replace stolen equipment. if you live in the neighborhood please go by this weekend or next week and spend some money! If you’re not from Portland but would still like to help please consider donating some money to their GoFundMe campaign.
I think there might be a pretty obvious typo in that last speech bubble. Ket’s fix it if it is a typo, or ket’s just leave it alone if it isn’t. 😛
Fixed. I thought I had fixed it before I posted, but it looks like I forget to save after I corrected the typo.
There’s still a typo there. “Let’s” needs an apostrophe.
So… The thing where parents were talking about Ms Booth will not come up any more? I was hoping to get to know something interesting about her.
We’ll get there. A bunch of stuff is going to be happening shortly.
Uhhhhh o_O YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! That can’t be good!
So despite being broken, it still has all it’s Portal Power?
After watching this season’s first two episodes of Doctor Who, all I can think of is Hand Mines
Marah possibly?
I’m hoping, but not evil, that would break my heart.
She’s Dead, DeAd, DEad, DeaD, dEAd, DEAD !
Deal with it already.
Actually, she did appear as an angel in one of the followup strips to the Yeld adventure. Still had the horns though.
hey no need to rub it in.
She’s jumped the twig! Bereft of life, she rests in peace! This is an ex-Marah!
(Also, all I could think about when looking at that last panel was, “Meanwhile, in Sam Raimi’s bathroom…”)
Pet Cemetery?
Meg jumped out the window, and was never allowed to come over to play again.
Toilet zombie!
Y’know, you can break up a toilet so easy with a baseball bat. If you grind it to dust, nothing will crawl up out of it. (I had a rat climb out of mine once.)
Was that a rat from Yeld?
See, this is why I love this comic: chainsaw unicorns and toilet hands.
That had better not be a zombie…
Jake: Come away from there, Modest. It’s an icky dead thing. And it’s dead-dead now. Seriously, it’s not going to come back to unlife so you can take it down again. You need to get ready for dinner now, and Meg needs to go home.
Modest: Nuh-uh! Another zombie might come out of the toilet at any time!
Meg: And we’ll kill it ‘cos we’re zombie slayers!
Meg’s Mom: Not like that you’re not! You’re holding the spade wrong for a start. Now come home and have dinner, and we’ll sort you out some proper protective clothing. (to Jake) The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree does it? I was just the same…
Jake: You were!?
Meg’s Mom: I was. All the way back before high school, too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Jake! 😉
Jake: o_O
>:=)> As I said, that had better not be a zombie! >:=D>
Charles arm returns!!!
Wow! YES! Here comes a story arc! 😀
Most of the main characters are real people. Are Meg, her, mom, and Ms. Booth real people too?
Meg isn’t. Her Mom and Ms. Booth are both semi based on several people I know/have known.
Ohh daaammnn..
Yknow it just occurs to me how funny it is that hands rising out of graves and such always do it palm-up. It looks great and works dramatically, but in real life wouldn’t you keep your fingertips upward, so as to dig cleanly through it?
I guess we now know that the otherworldly portal is the toilet fixture, and not the plumbing under it.
The spirit of the stoned mermaid!!!
Last panel. Is this a story? Do I see a story?
Wow, forgot what it feels like to see a story…
I completely relate to the feeling of wanting to be high up. When I was at college, I basically found a bunch of buildings on campus that I could find a way onto their roofs. This led me to finding a few where I knew the way up there, but was too chicken to ever do it (because, imagine that, you’re not supposed to be climbing the access ladders on the side of buildings lol. Didn’t feel like getting arrested). But I would always walk past them on campus and imagine being up on the roof. Dunno. It’s cool to be high up. <3
Ah, by the way, Meg’s question about if the window opens sounds weird, when the window is kinda open already. Enough for them to come through too.
Yeah, I meant to draw a second pane there, but I kind of had a disconnect between the time I was writing the strip and when I was drawing it.
Rise from your grave!
Way to go, Charles! All I’ve ever gotten out of my plants is … well, flowers and fruit. No hands. Is it a new Chinese organ-harvesting variety of marigold?
Wait, does that mean there’s something special about THAT toilet?
I would be so thrilled if I ever visited your house and saw a toilet-planter in your yard for real.
I wish I could say it was there, but it isn’t.