– Con Schedule: I’ll be at Emerald City this coming weekend and Sakuracon at the end of the March. I’ll also be doing a book signing at Cosmic Monkey here in Portland on the 9th of March.

– Back from Wizard World Portland! The show was pretty good, but the best part was meeting all of you! If you heard about Modest Medusa at the show, thanks for checking out the site! Here’s some pictures.

Here’s Barry, Nick and I. The Hereville and Modest Medusa booths were neighbors.



A Modest Medusa fan (I forgot your name!) who dressed as White Tiger one day and Domino the next!



Long time MM fan Tenzin as Batman, checking out the new book.



The Doctor in a special hat.



Another hat fan.

hat pose


Hanging out with the amazing Diana Terranova!

535629_10151360412209107_281708264_nI wasn’t sure where to put my hands, but Diana helped me out. She bought both books and then came back the next day to hang out and do pictures. I won’t lie, this was my favorite part of the show.
