– Here’s a picture of one of the two giant fold out pages from the Season 2 hardcover. You can buy your signed copy for just $17 from my store. For those of you that participated in the Kickstarter, your books are slowly being shipped out. I’m doing a batch every weekend, and my hope is to get them all out the door over the next several weeks.
– Conventions! I’ll be at Wizard World Portland on the 22nd-24th of this month, and Emerald City on the 1st-3rd of March. Please come say hi and check out the new book!
– I’ll be doing a signing for the Season 2 book at Cosmic Monkey Comics in NE Portland on Saturday the 9th of March. I’ll have more news about that as it gets closer.
If you didn’t Kickstart the book, you really should buy it. It goes way beyond the webcomic just as a physical object let alone the story inside.
Man, I thought I was excited to receive this before, but now…
He’s still a monster, just a much cooler monster now.
Oh dear god! He’s become a youtube commenter!!!
birth of chainsaw unicorn?!
Huh, I didn’t realize that guy was human. I thought he was an elf from just how pointy his ears looked in the previous comics.
He just has big ears.
I think Jake’s gonna make us think that this the Chainsaw Unicorn origin, then at the last second…BAM! Pirate Weasel Captain origin! (That’s his name right?)
That was the plan.
“I can save him, and he can save me.”
Aww, those words make me want to mimic the tears of the Gorgon… alas, I haven’t sufficient soul to shed such tears.
Really really good story arc, and the book looks AMAZING. Great work, Jake!
Big Barda model included for scale.
He’s Dragul. I’m calling it right now. This is a past event, relative to the main storyline, and this dude is becoming Dragul. I know the horns are wrong, but I expect them to change on the next page. She IS changing his body.
I’m rather curious what he’d become if she doesn’t change him into… whatever it is she’ll change him into. Some kind of mythical goat-man?
…. “something strange”?
What is stranger than a human?! We are PRETTY damn strange, if you think about it.
I concur
A turtle with butterfly wings instead of feet and a extra lama head.
Only a HUMAN would think to make something like that.
oh, the angst! you can all but feel how scared she is of what SHE is becoming…
Stranger than human? C’est impossible!
The Gorgon is becoming a snake and he is becoming a dragon. The one where the spear came from.
Calling it?
If I can give some constructing criticism, the crying the the first frame looks very strange, It doesn’t really look like it’s coming from the eyes, but rather from behind them, At least the way I see it.
Yeah. The crying I draw in this comic is pretty stylized. Look back at Mother part 3 or The Kingdom strikes back part 11 for other examples. Maybe I should have gone for something more realistic. I don’t know.
Nice flowy hair. 🙂