The original gag for this strip had Charles asking Marah and the Medusa how they got there, and Marah telling them they borrowed his car, with the last panel showing the car crashed into a tree in the hospital parking lot. But I didn’t want to draw the car again, so…
The Kickstarter is going so well that I’m considering stealing the money and moving to somewhere with a beach. We’re at around $6300 now, which is more than enough to unlock the 4 bonus three page comics! I’ve promised another 3 pager featuring Medusa’s Mom if we make it to $10,000… but seriously, we don’t really need $10,000!
Anyway, there’s still 9 days left in the Kickstarter, so if you want to pre-order a signed book with a sketch, secure a walk on role, get a box of Chocodiles or a cool Medusa hat please go ahead and throw us some money!
Completely unrelated: Chainsaw Unicorn music from KajiMotomiya!
Kumoricon was tons of fun! Ben Hsu and I shared a very cramped booth all weekend, selling t-shirts, stickers, prints and my last few con books. We meta ton of great people, saw a bunch of old friends (some for the very first time in person) and just had way more fun than we expected to! Special thanks to everyone who came to the Dubious Medusa panel, and extra thanks to Lilineko (and friends), Sean, Belinda, Kristy and Audrea for hanging out with us on Saturday night and Sunday!
Here’s my Kumoricon photos!
Ben and I at the booth! yes, I’m dressed as Team Rocket. It was by accident.
Kristy at the booth, helping out on Monday while Ben and I are too tired to talk.
Of course you can’t work the booth without wearing the hat, so…
Me, Lilineko, Alex and Ben at the booth.
Vampire-Yuki and I at the booth. Only one of us is cosplaying.
Squirtle uses Watergun! It’s super effective!
Snorlax uses Heavy Slam! Squirtle has fainted!
The Medusa hat claims another victim!
The Pokemon from Sunday return, fully evolved!
Sean gives the hat a try!
Ever hear of…..Augmentation? 😀
“We’re going to rescue my unlce!” Oops, or intentional? Otherwise, having a ton of fun reading Modest Medusa.
Oops. I’ll fix that with the Friday update. Thanks for spotting it.
good thing it was her left arm, i know people who lose their right arm and they go nuts, then again she might be a left handed i hope they can reattach her arm
They won’t be able to. It grew extra bone when it was cut off, remember?
I think Charles is a he… with a deceptively girly hairstyle.
Unlce is misspelled in the first panel
“it’ll grow back right” adorable
Well, she IS a snake.
Damn Man! I need to go to some cons, there are way too many cute fems in those pics hanging with you.
Let’s see a quest for snake/lizard blood to regrow the arm.
Just so you know, “uncle” is misspelled in the first panel.
Suggestion: set the extra funds from the Kickstarter project aside in a bank account specifically for Modest Medusa related expenses, such as your web-hosting fees or equipment needed for the webcomic–a replacement scanner or tablet in the event of an emergency, or server, router, firewall, and pipeline upgrades, etc. As long as the moneys pledged go to the webcomic, it’s all good, right?
I think maybe you’ve hit upon a good business model for a webcomic. You’ve got, what? A Project Wonderful tower ad, the Fresh Chocodiles sponsored tower ad, and then the rest of it’s links to friends’ sites and MM merchandise. That keeps the site trim and tidy, and lets it load pretty fast. You don’t have a donate button, so doing a Kickstarter for bound Seasons of Modest Medusa makes a lot of sense. And it gives your readers a chance to show their support, *plus* you make that pledge of support worthwhile to them with the pledge gifts and by making their pre-ordered copies of the books special with autographs and sketches. Just make sure you leave yourself enough time to fulfill those pledge gifts; Doc Nickel kept running afoul of that when he’d offer to do custom sketches in pre-ordered bound volumes of The Whiteboard. A signature and quick sketch of one of the characters–a sketch *you* determine in advance instead of buyers’ individual requests–is plenty, and running the pledge for a month in August leaves time to get the gifts to a couple hundred pledgers by Christmas (which, by the way, is in plenty of time for my goodies to arrive; take care of the ones who pledged more than I did, first).
For Season 2, you’ll have money in the bank to start the publishing run when you’re ready to start the Kickstarter, so you can have books in hand ready to sketch and sign as pledges come in, giving you a “leg-up” on the flood of pre-orders you’ll get. That doesn’t work with bonus comics being in the book, but maybe you could do the bonus arcs up in their own magazine to go out with the books?
But, seriously, guy, this looks like a very workable business model. So stop asking people *not* to give you money, already! ;-P
Okay, okay. Good advice. Thanks.
But now you’ve got a cool nick-name, torso boy! So what are you complaining about?
(Actually it just hit me how easily this comic could decide to have his limbs chainsawed off one at a time in each chapter. That would be awesomely terrible.)
Some of the robot prosthetics these days are using the neurons to make it move. Since regeneration isn’t possible yet.
I’m glad you had a great time at Kumoricon! 🙂
Also, I find it funny that one of the ads on your site is Chocodiles XD LOL
But poor Charles! D: Hope they can magically grow his arm back!
sheesh just go with the medusa if they have magic to make a portal to your world through a toilet then there absolutely MUST be a magic something or other that can fix it…
I came over from Questionable Content after seeing the ad for this, came over at the 3rd filler, at the tail end of the first season (no pun intended this time). You had me with the very first comic’s punch line.
I do got a big question, tho, which I’m sure you intend on answering at some point, I’m sure, but if she’s a medusa…. why doesn’t anyone who meets her gaze turn to stone?
Possible theories:
(1) She’s simply too young, over time it develops.
(2) She can control when she uses it, flipping it on and off like a switch.
(C) She, with a lack of actual pupils, isn’t actually FOCUSing on anyone’s eyes, thus not casting the petrification.
(4) You didn’t consider this aspect of the Medusa (unlikely)
(5) You didn’t care. (Highly likely, haha)
Sorry for getting the mythology all over the fantasy! ‘.^~*
Welcome. I’ve said this before, but i had a gag in mind related to the stone changing gaze that I just never got around to. It’ll happen eventually.
Medusa is so adorable in panels 1 and 2. I can picture little toy versions peeking over the top of my monitor XD
i am surprised there is no doctor in the hospital that wants to do expreiments on Medusa for scientific discovery also how did she even get into the hospital without being noticed. I am surprised Charles is so accepting about Comic Jake being sucked down the toilet unless he is in more shock about losing his arm. Oh and i think it would be great to put Lilineko some where in season 2.
Oh yeah i wanted to ask a question if we donate more then $350 dollars do we get anything special? Because one of my friends is tempted to donate a 8 digit number with 7 zeros for the amount.
Donate an 8 digit number and you can have pretty much anything you want.
I was playing around with the idea of a $1000 reward, but I really couldn’t think of anything cool enough.
I can think of an high level donation. Become a regular/semi regular character
Neko any tips on how to make friends who can afford to donate 10,000,000 dollars to a kickstarter?
It could have been $ 1.000,000,0.
thats seems un nessecary lets factor an two 0 for pennys
Now thats more likely. But what do you think Jake? if one backer pledges an remarkably high sum they could become an semi regular or maybe you could have a couple of books with an super secret bonus comic that the other readers wouldn’t get. Or Perhaps they can Write a Story Arc [so long as it fits with your canon]
Here’s some ideas:
For $10,000 I’d let you draw and write the strip for a month.
Okay, seriously? If someone wanted to pay me $10,000 to become a semi-regular character…. I don’t know. I’d always be worried I wasn’t featuring them enough. Maybe for that much you could become a major character for a season, featured in about 15-30 strips? Even that seems cheap at the price.
For $10,000 you could get all the original art for season 1, but some of it is pretty messy, so….
For $10,000 you could choose Medusa’s real name.
great page
Jake those glasses are freaking me out.
it would be cool if one of the hair snakes bit his stump and it grew back. hey, i’m tellin ya, cute sells!
Would that be cute? i dunno…
Wow… I can’t even begin to think about things like 10,000 or 1,000,000 but I did want to point out that MM’s poses and expressions in these last two pages have been Disney quality (Ariel, Snow White.. you know “the good stuff”). It’s not just that she is an interesting character or that the plot line is fun to follow. You have really tapped into something that can grow exponentially. Chocodiles should really make you an offer before a major studio realizes how much potential these characters really have and drives a dump truck of money up to your door. I like how indie this all is, but something like MM only comes around rarely. This is seriously good s**** Maynard.
My Chainsaw Unicorn tee finally came in today, so I have a good set. I am hoping for a few more MM variations at some point, but never mind me–I am picky and I tend to like the villains and anti-heroes.
If you do get funded, I hope a short will be in the works. Just a five minute animation story. I think that would spread like a virus.
Okay, that’s mi dos centavos.
Thanks. I’m a pretty indie guy at heart, but I’d cash out in a moment for the right price. I’ve tried contacting hostess a few times, but I’ve never got a response, so I don’t think any Minty Medusa’s are in our immediate future.
or well… i mean… you will….<..>……
and maybe you could use the extra kickstart money to market a medusa shaped chocodile? it could be special edition 😀
thinking of chocodiles, does anybody know if theres a triple chocolate chocodile? you know, a chocolate cream, chocolate fluff, chocolate coated trio of chocolate?
i wonder how much of a sugar high mm would get from one of those o.o;
No Minty Medusas! (Wow 44 comments! I am glad to see the fan interaction climbing so vociferously–NTM the 7200+ …. sooo close now.. Mommyyy! Moooommmmmmmyyyyyy!) REMEMBER TO VOTE TWC!!
Ima vote nao! (TWC)
Thanks. I’m going to make a push again once the kickstarter is over to see if we can get to the top 10.
Imma vote too!
You totally rock ^_^
Aw man! Guess Charles won’t be getting his arm reattached either? This is really gonna crimp his lifestyle of standing around eating cereal.
this kinda just makes medusa even more innocent she does not really get the concept of humans and its really pretty cute
Cat princess…. Hi I’m stupid cat….. How you doin’? 😉
Medusa is a gorgon from a toilet dimension and he just got mauled by a chainsaw unicorn, sure in the REAL world it may not grow back but he’s got a better chance of finding some kind of magically enchanted ointment to make it grow back in Yeld if he goes. If I were him I’d jump at the chance to tag along XD
Hey, how was s/he suppose to know humans don’t act like starfish?
I remember seeing an ad for an anime on one of my hentai movies back when i was 17 those 8 long years ago involving toilet traveling to an fantasy world. heres a link about it.
Surprisingly I’ve never heard of this.
Didn’t they remember to bring her arm when they carted her off?
I’m caught up already? Noooooooooooo- Hey a quarter!
Rissa (reading out loud) “No, it will not grow back!”
Rosie (The beagle) “Woof!”
d’awwwwww she doesnt know limbs dont regenerate
Wait…arms DON’T grow back when they are cut off?! I guess that makes me a lefty for life.
Arms DO grow back after being cut. BTW, don’t ask why I’m replying to a comment posted 2 years ago.