– Okay, so here’s the story. For the first 6 months I lived with them I had no idea that Charles and Sarah were married. I had only met them once or twice before we became housemates, and I guess it just never came up. In hindsight it should have been very obvious. Charles and I were driving to another friend’s wedding months after I had moved in and he mentioned that this was the first wedding he had been to since he had gotten married. I said something like “What? I didn’t know you were ever married. Who did you marry?”

– I’ll be back in Seattle for Sakuracon this weekend. Come find me at the Cel*Style booth (SP18)!

– I just finished Clone Wars this weekend. Wow! I’m disappointed by the abrupt ending that left so much unresolved, but overall I loved the show!Honestly, I’d rather see a few more seasons of this than new movies.

– My Patreon is still a thing that’s happening. You can find out more about it here!

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