– So every month I do a new bit of “Medusa dressed as something I like”. It gets posted here and made into a special sticker for my Patreon backers. It’s fun and gives me a chance to draw things I just don’t really get to draw much. This month’s is probably the most obscure one yet. Here’s Medusa as a samurai. But not just any samurai. This is Medusa as a Crab Clan bushi from Legend of the Five Rings. L5R is a very long running CCG made by the people who did 7th Sea, my all time favorite CCG. I’ve never been super hardcore about L5R, but I’ve played a bit here and there over the years. I am a huge fan of the Crab Clan though, a samurai family of huge, ill tempered warriors and sinister shugenja that dedicate their lives to defending an enormous wall that separates civilization from the demon infested Shadowlands. Pretty cool! The Crabs are sometimes the bad guys of the story and sometimes the good guys, an one of them blew up the moon once and than became god, so that’s pretty great. Anyway, here’s Medusa as a badass Crab Samurai. Some friends and I each bought a deck of cards from teh new set last month and have been playing teh game a little. It’s fun!
Speaking of Patreon, we hit our $500/month Milestone goal earlier this month. Thank you all! So starting this month I’ll be doing a monthly live drawing session that everyone is welcome to check out. I’m still working out the details, but expect the first one to happen late this month. We’re just $300 from the next Milestone goal, which is a regular “Ask Medusa” feature. You’ll be able to send in questions and I’ll draw little strips of Medusa answering them. I’m actually pretty excited about this! This next Milestone goal is also important because once it’s reached the Patreon will be generating enough money to cover both my home and studio rent. That’s big for me. That’ll make a huge difference.
If you’re digging the comic and would like to show support you can check out my Patreon page here. Even small amounts are super appreciated! Thanks!
Nobody has commented on the fact that the cashier has a bulge on her forehead? Which normally is a sign of inhabitants of Yeld?
I see it more as a furrowing of the brow in Jake’s art style… which would probably mean I have one all the time to go along with my constant, but unintentional, scowl.
It’s meant to be a furrowed brow.
I think folks might be confused because the same mark was there last strip. Even when the clerk was smiling.
Because I don’t usually draw the characters with eyebrows I use a small mark there to indicate movement of the brow. It often changes depending on the characters expression, but it’s usually there to indicate the presence of the brow.
I think that is a Bindi
That’s what I thought it was too.
I think it’s much more likely that the store clerk is just hindu.
Actually, everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, has a forehead bulge.
That’s actually a frown crease.
And red/purple eyes as well?
They’re back!
But not chocodiles.
Medussa is gonna get Jake in trouble.
Wait, so she couldn’t sell her a chocodile – because the company was out of business – but instead offered a twinkie… which is made by Hostess, which also went out of business. That’s like insult to injury!
(… Or was that the joke?)
Ha. No. Hostess did go out of business, but another company bought most of teh assets, including Twinkies, and relaunched them. Chocodiles were not purchased.
Sigh. Then I’ll never be able to try them…
Obviously, Modest has no idea what Chocodiles are.
Checkout assistant: *grabs phone* Hello, police?! I’ve got a chocodile-crazed medusa-girl in withdrawal breaking up the place! Send help to-
Police (on phone): Forget it, lady! We’re still clearing up after she sicced Pokémon on us and nearly trashed the station! Not to mention half the officers here have cold turkey- (voice fading up in background: chocodiles…? Chocodiles! Where?! Gimme!) Geddoff me, Parker! No Chocodiles! None!! Look, lady, we can’t deal with this right now – try decoying her away with some Hershey’s or something…
Cut to Prince Dragul’s throne room, now stacked to the ceiling with boxes and pallets…
Prince Dragul: You think you can attack me, thwart me, and then just head off to your new home and not face consequences?? *pats pile of Hostess Brands financial paperwork* My reach is very long, and the debt trade industry is so ridiculously easy to subvert. And as for their order fulfillment system… *rips open box* Every chocodile still in existence is now mine! Muahahaha! BWAAHAHAAAHAHAAAAAA! *opens chocodile, eats* Tastes like vengeance!
Vargas: *reaches for open box*
Prince Dragul: *slaps his hand away* No! Mine!
I bet Prince Dragul doesn’t even like chocodiles. He just takes one bite to spit it out and throw the rest away.
Twinky Cars. Binky Cakes (http://nickyitis.com/welcome-to-nickyitis/)
Any relation?
It must be a coincidence!
Give me Chocodiles, or give me DEATH!
Would you settle for cake?
(Although I must warn you that the cake *may* be a lie…)
I just noticed the magazine rack and checked the last strip. They’re supposed to keep that stuff where kids can’t see it.
IN a Chocodile-free world, that kind of depravity takes hold of society. That’s what Twinkies will get you.
Yeah, it’s kind of funny. when I was a kid the neighborhood store had their rack of magazines right up on the counter like that, where everyone could see them. When I was working on these pages it occurred to me that most places don’t do that (I’ve worked at a few convenience stores), and so I went next door to the market to check. Sure enough, their magazine rack is kind of off behind teh counter (I wan’t 100% sure they even had one, despite going there almost daily). So oh well!
Mantis Clan 4 Life.
Although that is some really nice armour there. Her eyes make the mask even more fearsome.
she kinda looked like her mom in the second-to-last panell…maybe thats why everyone in yeld became a monster, severe chocodile-undernourishment?
If Modest really wants a poo-shaped chocolate, she can always have a Cadbury Picnic.
Why wouldn’t she want a twinkie? She obviously hasn’t seen Iron Giant. She obviously hasn’t filled a twinkie to bursting with cool whip. She obviously doesn’t know the art of snack modification.
Today I realized Patreon is the Artistic man’s answer to whatever deal Youtube has with Youtubers like Markiplier , Pewdiepie, and Jack Septiceye. Except instead of a big company paying artists for how many views they get Patreon lets fans directly support their artists.
Yes! Yes, this is exactly it. It’s pure patronage, and I think it’s really important. Honestly, it’s difficult to create a sellable product to make a living on. I’ve been lucky with Modest Medusa books, but those only bring in so much money (less than what I need to pay rent) and I haven’t had any luck selling t-shirts and other stuff. Plus, lots of projects just aren’t commercial. I have a comic I really, really want to do next year once my schedule settles down a bit, but there’s no way I can sell it as a book, and I probably won’t be able to produce merchandise for it either. But it’s something I really want to do and it’s something I really think you guys will like. I’m telling myelf that if my Patreon reaches $1000/month I can afford to do the project, but there’s still a LONG way to go! But Patreon does make that possible. Artists can do the kind of projects they like without having to worry if they can find a publisher or if anyone will buy a book or a t-shirt,a nd people can support exactly the kind of art they love, knowing that their money helps the artist create more work. It’s amazing and Important.
Never played L5R but a relative gave me a bunch of old cards.