the good thing is that everyone I’ve shown the comic recognized me right away, despite currently being sans goatee. I mean, you got the sideburns and black tee shirt dead on (I tuck my shirts in), so you get some mad props for the art skills. =D
Well, I did have a goatee until about two weeks ago, though I didn’t have one a month prior to that. I change the style of my facial hair at a whim. I say it’s because of the facial hair of the month club, so you aren’t far off the mark.
I once dressed as a drunken, burned-out British rock star, which compared to how I usually look was actually both a pretty extreme and a fairly good costume.
Ran into an acquaintance in the store, and a friend that was with her who’d never met me wasn’t sure if I was wearing a costume or not. I wasn’t sure whether to take that as a complement on the costume or some kind of insult. Or maybe it just said something about the kind of people she hung out with…
I was dressed up for a play once and ran out between scenes to get some McDonalds. I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in years and we chatted for 10 minutes before I had to take off. She never made any comment on my make up, weird hairstyle, cowboy outfit or fake beard.
We can’t see if the stripe Charles put on her shirt is straight or zig-zag. I’m assuming straight, otherwise someone would have called her Charlie Brown.
That nice man in the third panel looks suspiciously like Vargas. He also specifically says that Modest is the first naga he saw “this Halloween”.
If is he Vargas, was he sent to the real world to spy on Jake and the company, or is he just commuting to the Magic world? If he is not Vargas, is he his long lost twin? Or is he Steven Seagal? Or is he Vargas’ long lost twin, Steven Seagal?
I befuddled many a child at the door by responding “Trick!” Most children didn’t get it.
One girl, however, was smart enough to answer back , “Okay, then trick me!” She got extra candy for being clever.
I always thought that the magic of Yeld mostly* covered up the strangeness/monsterousness of the (Yeldians? Yeldites? Yeldies?) making people 1) Not actually see it (Modest appears like a Girl, not a snake-girl) OR 2)Simply view it as normal like a “Someone Else’s Problem” field (“Oh, there’s that snake girl again”).
*Within the laws of comedy, void where prohibited, offer not available in Virginia
So its one of those days when many people are wrong and you snap on an innocent one.
I was the joker for halloween and i couldnt be scary for work, when i took my purple jacket off some guy thought i was a supposed to be a mime. i put the jacket back on so i didnt have a medusa moment lol
Ah yes! ‘Tis Halloween, when ghosts and monsters come out to play, the boundaries between this world and the next are weakest, and everyone is able to recognise Modest for what she is.
Modest: Marah! You came! And you brought your friends! :-}
Next day…
Sweet old lady: Oh hello! I recognise you now – you’re that cute little girl who came round dressed as a medusa.
Sweet old lady: Oh, so you were a bee-keeping medusa! How novel! And thank you for speaking up – these hearing aids haven’t worked right since I dropped them in the bath…
Though there is an S in my name.
You got the sideburns, that’s the important thing!
Thanks, Jake!
the good thing is that everyone I’ve shown the comic recognized me right away, despite currently being sans goatee. I mean, you got the sideburns and black tee shirt dead on (I tuck my shirts in), so you get some mad props for the art skills. =D
I should have asked for a more recent photo.
Well, I did have a goatee until about two weeks ago, though I didn’t have one a month prior to that. I change the style of my facial hair at a whim. I say it’s because of the facial hair of the month club, so you aren’t far off the mark.
I wonder if people with shaggy hair and sideburns get confused for wolfman costumes
All the time
Or Wolverine from the X-Men. Don’t forget Wolverine from the X-Men. >:=)>
I once dressed as a drunken, burned-out British rock star, which compared to how I usually look was actually both a pretty extreme and a fairly good costume.
Ran into an acquaintance in the store, and a friend that was with her who’d never met me wasn’t sure if I was wearing a costume or not. I wasn’t sure whether to take that as a complement on the costume or some kind of insult. Or maybe it just said something about the kind of people she hung out with…
I was dressed up for a play once and ran out between scenes to get some McDonalds. I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in years and we chatted for 10 minutes before I had to take off. She never made any comment on my make up, weird hairstyle, cowboy outfit or fake beard.
We can’t see if the stripe Charles put on her shirt is straight or zig-zag. I’m assuming straight, otherwise someone would have called her Charlie Brown.
And now you’ve made the bees angry…
She does kind of look like Charlie Brown being attacked by Bees. Good Grief!
Come on people! Yellow and black, wings, antenna, it’s not rocket science. Next person that guesses snake has to give double candy!
Poor Modest, no one gets it. 🙁
Sad thing is, the guy at the end was the one who was going to guess right. 🙂 Or was going to compliment her on her cool Marilith costume. 🙂
She could have put sleeves and gloves on her snakes and been Spinnerette! >:=)>
The Evil one! It would have been easier with her morphology.
That nice man in the third panel looks suspiciously like Vargas. He also specifically says that Modest is the first naga he saw “this Halloween”.
If is he Vargas, was he sent to the real world to spy on Jake and the company, or is he just commuting to the Magic world? If he is not Vargas, is he his long lost twin? Or is he Steven Seagal? Or is he Vargas’ long lost twin, Steven Seagal?
We may never know.
Justin R was the basis for both Vargas and this character. Maybe they’re the same guy? Who knows?
This page made me laugh out loud!
Also the costume is awesome!
Next Halloween go to someone who knows you if you want your costume to be recognized…
I befuddled many a child at the door by responding “Trick!” Most children didn’t get it.
One girl, however, was smart enough to answer back , “Okay, then trick me!” She got extra candy for being clever.
Now I feel silly bringing up the fact that no one freaks out about her existence. Clearly everyone is so blah about it, *I* must be the crazy one!
It’s still unexplained.
It’s Portland.
I always thought that the magic of Yeld mostly* covered up the strangeness/monsterousness of the (Yeldians? Yeldites? Yeldies?) making people 1) Not actually see it (Modest appears like a Girl, not a snake-girl) OR 2)Simply view it as normal like a “Someone Else’s Problem” field (“Oh, there’s that snake girl again”).
*Within the laws of comedy, void where prohibited, offer not available in Virginia
So its one of those days when many people are wrong and you snap on an innocent one.
I was the joker for halloween and i couldnt be scary for work, when i took my purple jacket off some guy thought i was a supposed to be a mime. i put the jacket back on so i didnt have a medusa moment lol
Bees. My God.
Ah yes! ‘Tis Halloween, when ghosts and monsters come out to play, the boundaries between this world and the next are weakest, and everyone is able to recognise Modest for what she is.
Assorted gloriously-deceased badasses: Hiya, Modest!
Modest: Marah! You came! And you brought your friends! :-}
Next day…
Sweet old lady: Oh hello! I recognise you now – you’re that cute little girl who came round dressed as a medusa.
Sweet old lady: Oh, so you were a bee-keeping medusa! How novel! And thank you for speaking up – these hearing aids haven’t worked right since I dropped them in the bath…
That woman would get bitten.
By Modest herself, or by the snakes? 😉
Modest still hasn’t quite assimilated the idea that her kind are extraordinary outside the land of Yeld, has she…? ^^;
Reminds me of Gargoyles, except that everyone at least noticed that they were wearing ‘two’ costumes 😛
I saw chocodiles for sale at the American products store! I just HAD to buy a box, because of Modest Medusa. Hahahaahaha.
They’re not that great actually 🙁
They’re really not. Sorry.
It was worth the experience.
Bees. My God.
Awww ! ♡ Poor child!