– Sorry for the late update today. I’ve been running late all week!
– The Modest Medusa store has finally been restocked. Get all three Modest Medusa books (including the long out of print Season 2), the coloring book, 24 Hour Medusa and more! Check it out here.
– I’ll be releasing a new issue of Combine at the end of this month. Combine is my science fiction comic magazine, and each 80+ page full color issue features 4 different ongoing sci-fi comics, including Ghost Kiss by me. Subscriptions start at just $5/issue and we’re REALLY looking for new subscribers. If you like science fiction comics, like my work or would just like to support the project please consider subscribing through the Combine Patreon!
Um, it’s a shirt. Duh.
But, that fits your personality so well..
LOL. That was funny,
Thanks for the laugh today.
Haha, the Unikitty!
And Modest will be back next winter to bring sleeping bags for their tails.
When Modest gets home, the snarky Medusa MUST come for a visit.
What? You don’t like unicorns?
Fun fact: Before the modern conception of the beast as a gentle beast, the Unicorn was seen by folklore as a noble, yes, but wild and dangerous creature. It was not something you wanted to tangle with lightly. It’s telling that on the English coat of arms, while it has a lion and a unicorn on it, it’s the UNICORN that is visibly chained, because of how dangerous it is.
So don’t knock the unicorn. Unicorns are Bad Ass.
Particularly the chainsaw variety
Yes, definitely!
Well, Glados, that wasn’t originally intended for you, so… you do not get to complain about what kind of clothes you borrow from someone who didn’t bring them for you.
Adorable is the word you’re looking for.
You know, the unicorn was originally identified as a particular species of Rhino. She should be proud!
Where are the rest of her sisters? She had a tun of them when they all escaped.
Good question. remains to be seen.
Now that I think about it – Unikitty’s RAGE MODE probably fits Glados
I like Glados is she gonna be gothy?