– I think that we’ve managed to fix the posting problem many of you were encountering. You should be able to post comments without encountering an error. please let me know if you continue to have problems. Thank you all for your help!
– Pencil Medusa, since I left my drawing tools somewhere else this weekend.
– MM reader Glucifer and I (I do sometimes hang out with readers) went and saw Your Name tonight. It’s a great film and if you have a chance to see it in the theater I’d recommend it.
– I’m going to be at the Clallam Bay Comic Con in Washington on July 8-9. This is a cool small show hosted by Donna Barr. I’m looking forward to it! If you live in Washington please come check it out!
– Hi everyone. This month I’m trying really hard to boost my Patreon. For those of you who don’t know, Patreon is a platform that allows the people who enjoy Modest Medusa and my other comics to give me financial support (if they are so inclined) and get rewards. My Patreon is absolutely vital to me since it accounts for about 75-100% of my monthly income (depending on the month). I’m very fortunate to have so many of you as patrons, and your generosity has allowed me to focus on making comics and art as my full time job. However, I really need to boost my Patreon income to cover basic living expenses, and I hope that introducing some new Goals and Rewards will encourage some of who can afford it to become patrons. Even a dollar or two every month really helps!
Last month I began offering a new $10 sketch pledge, where patrons will receive an original marker illustration of a Modest Medusa or Ghost Kiss character of their choice a few times a year. The Mario Kart Medusa above is an example of what you’ll get.
Milestone Goals are unlocked when Patreon funding reaches a certain level. Right now my Patreon is at about $910/month (before taxes, which is what I live on). My upcoming goals are a monthly original art giveaway (unlocked at $1000), new monthly updates of my Legend of Korra fan comic (unlocked at $1200) and a new ongoing Modest Medusa side-comic, updated monthly for Patreon patrons only (unlocked at $1500). My short term goal is to reach $1200/month, which would allow me to actually meet my minimum monthly expenses. I really hope I can reach $1500/month later this year. This is important since income from Patreon allows me to spend my time making comics and art for you to read instead of having to take whatever freelance illustration jobs and commissions I can find just to make ends meet.
So if you’re already a patron, thank you so much for your support. You’ve paid for my food and my medicine and literally kept me alive. If you’d like to become a patron I would really appreciate it. As I said before, even $1 to $3 a month really helps! I know a lot of you are in the same boat I am and just can’t afford to become patrons. I also know a lot of you choose to show your support for this comic in other ways, and I totally appreciate your comments, your reblogs, your likes, your book purchases, your kickstarter pledges and your positive word of mouth.
Thank you all so much. You can check out my Patreon page here.
– Jake
Yeah, Your Name was fantastic, I totally recommend seeing it if you have the chance.
Awwwww… you just left your drawing supplies behind. I was sort of hoping for something creepy when I first saw the pencil drawings.
Whoa! Pencil!
Now I want to see Your Name!
Everyone keeps saying how good it is
My heart sank like a rock, was fully expecting some eldritch lvl horror crap to happen or she finally sleeps and has a nightmare.
That’s pretty fantastic for pencil. And it captures the darkness of the night just right. For a moment I thought it was some dark dream Modest was having, till I read down below the current strip.
Pencil was Extra Effective!
wait, can I post now? Yay!
This looks really cool! you’re good at all kinds of rendering apparently.
I actually like the pencil more here than I would the normal art, I think. It adds a certain something to this scene that really helps sell the mood. It really feels like an after dark, mystical setting.
Also your pencil skills are AMAZING. Seriously, the level of detail and use of color here is beyond anything I can imagine. The stars in the sky, the illumination of the fire effects, even the grains of the wood and the panes of glass are artfully done and completely believable as real. I’ve never seen anything like this, and it’s truly a work of art. I tip the fanciest of hats to you, sir.
Thanks. I’d glad you like it!
OMG pencil drawings! I am in love!!!
I like the pencil, particularly for this little bit at night, in the boondocks, when everyone else, except the Shepard, is fast asleep.
If you hadn’t told us why you did it, we would have just thought “gee, Jake is so deep and artistic, with theses symbolic and/or experimental art-style changes, what a bold genius he is.”
Ha. I think almost every “bold artistic” choice I’ve made in this series is a result of my computer not working that day or losing my pens.